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Image of Zoukai
Title <Ancient River>
Gender Male
Race Pandaren (Humanoid)
Level 60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Status Dormant

Zoukai was a legendary Pandaren Monk who has said to have died a number of times while living on Pandaria and swearing to protect his people from the Sha.


Legend of Pandaria

As one of the most legendary and skillful monks of Pandaria, Zoukai fought to defend his people from the Sha


Shadowlands This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.

For eons since his twelfth death, Zoukai remained asleep within his wildseed, for which the Sylvar would make sure to await his rebirth. Kidnapped by Mawsworn forces, he and the other wild seeds would be rescued during N [60] The Battle of Ardenweald.

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