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Image of Sybille
Gender Female
Race Venthyr (Humanoid)
Level 58-60
Class Rogue
Reaction Alliance Horde
Former occupation(s) Lady
Status Active

Lady Sybille is an ash ghoul located in the Ember Ward in Revendreth.



Lady Sybille was among the first Venthyr that were created by Denathrius, for which their job and purpose was to redeem sinful souls that were brought into Revendreth. When her creator had been going against everything in Revendreth, Sybille supported Prince Renethal's rebellion to remove Denathrius out of power. However, she was recently captured by Denathrius' loyalists, and as punishment, she was sent to the Ember Ward where she became an Ash Ghoul.


While thoroughly insane during her time in the Ember Ward, she is very loyal to Duke Theotar and serves him alongside his retainers, Tubbins and Gubbins. She speaks in bizarre rhyming sentences and is capable of speaking to other ash ghouls. She initially guides players searching for clues to Prince Renathal's location to Theotar.[1] During the adventurer and Theotar's activities in the Ember Ward, she guides them to both Theotar's Hideout and the Sanctuary of the Mad.[2][3] She appears to have once been a part of the venthyr in Sinfall, given the nathrezim express familiarity with her and how she has "returned" to the area. She has history with Sathrovarr the Corruptor in particular.[4]




Main article: Chasing Madness#Notes
Main article: Lost in the Desiccation#Notes
Main article: An Uneventful Stroll#Notes
Main article: Into the Light#Notes

On click

  • Pale is frail, a fairy tale.
  • Don't glum chum, drum and thrum!
  • Easily perceived, hardly sieved!
  • More touch, need crutch, hurt soo much!


  • During N [58-60] Lost in the Desiccation, Sybille refers to Theotar and his two dredger servants as "One befuddle, two from puddle," referencing Thotar's madness and how dredgers come from Revendreth's waters.
  • Her generic name during N [58-60] An Uneventful Stroll is Mumbling Ash Ghoul.
  • Her name is derived from the Ancient Greek sibyls, most famously the Oracle of Delphi which was holy to Apollo, god of light and sun and prophecy (among other things), similar to how Lady Sybille is found in the Ember Ward scorched by Light.

Patch changes


External links

Lost Sybille Generic name