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Main leader IconSmall Renathal.gif Prince Renathal
  Formerly IconSmall Denathrius.gif Denathrius
Race(s) IconSmall Soul.gif Soul
IconSmall Venthyr Male.gifIconSmall Venthyr Female.gif Venthyr
Other major settlements Castle Nathria
Base of operations Darkhaven, Sinfall
Theater of operations Revendreth, Shadowlands
Affiliation Venthyr Covenant
Status Active

The Revenites are souls of former mortals and other beings who were redeemed during their time in Revendreth, one of the ruling infinite planes in the Shadowlands. Rather than leaving Revendreth or becoming venthyr by sire, the Revenites choose to stay and serve as reliable work-horses in providing anima to the Venthyr and its covenant.


Notable members

Name Role Status Location
Neutral  Elisande Former Grand Magistrix of Suramar Active Revendreth
Neutral  Cordana Felsong Former Warden of the Watchers Active Revendreth
Neutral  Vincent Godfrey Former Master of Shadowfang Keep Active Revendreth
Neutral  Kael'thas Sunstrider Former Prince of Silvermoon City Active Revendreth

Patch changes