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Image of Ninadar
Title <Baroness>
Gender Female
Race Lich (Undead)
Class Necromancer
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) House of Rituals
Former affiliation(s) Scourge, Cult of the Damned
Status Active

Ninadar is a draenei necromancer who was a member of the Cult of the Damned. After her death, she became a Lich and served within the House of Rituals led by Margrave Sin'dane.


In Life

During the time of when the Scourge was led by Arthas Menethil, who became the Lich King of Northrend, Ninadar studied so much necromancy as a necromancer and hoped to learn so much more. After the Lich King's defeat, Ninadar and the rest of the cultists fled to the Plaguelands, attempting to spread the plague and creating new undead horrors. However, she was slain in a battle on the island of Caer Darrow.


Shadowlands This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.

Her soul would depart to the Shadowlands and was sent to the infinite realm of Maldraxxus where she joined the House of Rituals. Taking the undead physical form of a Lich, she served under Margrave Sin'dane. During Kel'Thuzad's takeover of the House, Ninadar betrayed Sin'dane. She was destroyed during the attack on the House of Rituals by the Necrolord Covenant when she attempted to absorb more anima than she could withstand, causing her to explode. As punishment for her crimes, her soul was delivered to Revendreth to atone for her mistakes.

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