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This article is a player character biography page for Anhility of Darkspear Europe created by Skitnamn.

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.
Please make sure player character articles are named properly - see the player character articles policy.

Under Construction!!

Reminder to myself: Project:Templates (<-- Delete these later)

Inv misc book 07.png This user has a strong interest in articles on lore.
Inv misc head dragon blue.png This user prefers to raid.
Ability parry.png This user is dedicated, but not hardcore.
Achievement level 80.png This user has reached level 80.
(Prior to the level squish)
IconSmall Human Male.gif
Ui-charactercreate-classes paladin.png
This user plays as a human paladin.
Inv sword 46.png This user plays as a DPS.
Ability parry.png This user spent 1000 gold A LOT for Dual Talent Specialization.
INV Helmet 67.png Anhility has earned the title
Spell Holy AuraMastery.png Anhility has earned the title
Temp.png Anhility has earned the title
The Noble.
INV Cask 04.png Anhility has earned the title
Brewmaster... hic!
Ability Mount NetherdrakePurple.png This user's character has obtained a Nether drake mount.
Ability Mount Charger.png This user's character has obtained their Charger.
Inv helmet 66.png This user is a Bloodsail Buccaneer and has obtained the [Bloodsail Admiral's Hat].
Wrath-Icon.png This user participated in the Wrath of the Lich King beta.
TrollCrest.jpg This user plays on the European Darkspear server.
TBCLogo.png This user joined during The Burning Crusade.
Dark Portal Active.jpg This user's character has ventured through the Dark Portal!
Achievement boss prince malchezaar.png This user's character has cleared Karazhan.
Opera logo.svg This user uses Opera to browse Warcraft Wiki.

Will sort these later.