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World of Warcraft: Nazjatar Rising by Shadowkirby.

Developer(s) Blizzard Entertainment
Publisher(s) Blizzard Entertainment
Platforms Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X
Release TBA
Genre(s) MMORPG

World of Warcraft: Nazjatar Rising is an upcoming expansion.


After the capture of Neptulon during the Cataclysm, Azshara has officially declared war against the surface world of Azeroth, using his elementals as soldiers to attack cities near the continental shores like Stormwind, Echo Isles, Silvermoon City, etc. As her own people betrayed her and set the mighty elemental lord free, she's now on the hunt for the Tidehunter and the heretical Nagas. From among the shadows, a vision of Gul'dan came and offers the Queen aid. With a sinister smile, Azshara has formed a dark alliance with the infamous Darkness Incarnate. Now the maverick Nagas has joined sides with either the Alliance or the Horde to combat two of the most fearsome figures in history. With both land and water under siege, you must answer the call and either take your forces across the South Seas or submerge into the forgotten depths of the Maelstrom.

New Neutral Race: Naga

Story: During Azshara's siege on Azeroth, some of the Nagas are hidden worshipers of the Tidehunter and developed a secret rebellion group known as The Tidehunter Offensive. Led by two of Azshara's lieutenants, Lady Var'ashj and Warlord Zargresh, they work undercover to set Neptulon free and put a stop to their former master's plans. Their rescue mission was a success, but unfortunately Azshara discovered their intentions and attacked the rebelling Nagas. As a handful led Neptulon away to a disclosed location, the rest were seriously outnumbered and forced to retreat. They then stumbled upon the Lost Isles and built their new capital city there in honor of Neptulon. Their newfound freedom was brief as ships of the Zandalari discovered them and attacked, still looking for new lands to rule. Without the rest of the Nagas, they were nearly killed off until Alliance and Horde ships came and fend them away. The Nagas pleaded that they're not here for a fight, but needing aid to combat Azshara and her forces. Though both sides are skeptical about this, they decide to take them in, but not without caution, of course.

The self-proclaimed Tidehunter Naga is the next neutral race for both Alliance and Horde factions. Unlike other races, their reputations with either faction will start with Unfriendly, as every time they earn a new reputation rank, they earn a quest for evaluation by your selected faction. You'll earn bonuses every time you complete the evaluation quests. You'll earn a greater prize once Exalted and earn full respect and trustworthy of either King Varian or Vol'jin.

Racial Leader(s)

Lady Var'ashj of the Mistscale Naga (Alliance)

Warlord Zargresh of the Warspine Naga (Horde)

Racial Traits

Neptulon's Blessing: Summon a water elemental to fight with you for 2 minutes. 20 min. cooldown.

Serpent's Stride: Able the swim 10% faster when underwater.

Nobody Knows Fish Like We Do: Fishing skill increased by 3%

Racial Dances: Uptown Funk (Male) and Amazing Dance to Anaconda video (Female)

Starting Zone(s): Nazjatar, then Nep'tular of The Lost Isles (new capital city), then either Darkshore or Silverpine Forest.

Racial Companion Pet: Mur'gul Servant


Warrior, Mage, Priest, Hunter, Rogue, Shaman

Racial Mount: Couatl (Ground, Flying, and Underwater)

Hunter Starting Pet: Snap Dragons


Unlike the other expansions, you can choose either to take your adventure underwater at the Maelstrom and battle Azshara's nagas, or sail across the South Seas and battle pirates and Gul'dan's minions. No matter which one you choose, you will be taking your Garrison with you as you'll be converting them into either ships or submarines, designing into whatever you want, plus choosing your followers as your personal crew to aid you in missions for supplies.


It was once known as the Well of Eternity, but during the War of the Ancients, it became unstable and caused the great Sundering. Now that Azshara has made herself known to Azeroth, she has risen much of her kingdom to the surface and unleash a full assault against the land dwellers. Champions of the Alliance and the Horde will be able to build their own submarines and dive deep into the depths of the Maelstrom.

Neutral The Boiling Terrace (100-102): An underwater subzone filled with thermal vents, volcanoes, and fissures that has the waters boil with heat. Be cautious when swimming into this area, make a simple mistake and this zone will boil you alive.

Neutral Pillar Deep (100-102) : A terraced area where thermal vents are releasing gas bubbles and hot steam. Azshara's forces control this territory and have tamed the colossal tube wyrms as their Tidal Guardians. Thousands of stone columns are seen across this zone, some have reached to the surface of the ocean.

Neutral The Drowned Reaches (102-104) : A place where all ships were dragged down to the depths by the Maelstrom. Now the restless dead haunts these ghost ships now, and other terrors of the deep claim this place their home.

Neutral Gishan Caverns (102-104): A zone of multiple caverns created by volcanic activity. Recently, a few of these caverns has reached to the surface and both Alliance and Horde are fighting each other for control. Unbeknownst to them is that something gargantuan are lurking within these caverns, and it's hungry.

Neutral Scintal Reef (106-108: A massive coral reef forest inhabited by the lobster-like makrura and their capital, Mak'aru. The makrura are engaged in a desperate battle against Azshara's naga.

Neutral The Rift (108-110) - First as a starting zone for the Tidehunter Nagas in a quest to free the mighty Neptulon, now a massive zone to confront Azshara's forces and her generals. Azshara herself has sealed herself away deep within her palace of Naz'jatar, practicing her dark magic for something terrible to come.

Neutral The Eye (110): The center of the Maelstrom and the most treacherous. Once a location of the first Well of Eternity, now a neverending whirlpool filled with naga, makrura, and other abyssal monstrocities. What's within the Eye lies a being of ancient evil...

The South Seas

Now open for sailing! Champions of the Alliance and the Horde will be able to build their own ships and sail across the oceans to islands that hasn't been visited for years. Unlike the submarine, your ship is a means of transportation to reach other islands like Zandalar, Kul Tiras, Plunder Isle, Broken Isles, the long-lost Darkspear islands, Tel Abim, Jaguero Isle, Hiji, and Kezan.

Alliance Kul Tiras (100-102): The once mighty naval nation of the Alliance until they went silent after the death of Daelin Proudmoore during the Third War. Now the Alliance has returned to aid the merchant nation from the invading Bloodsail Pirates, murlocs, and yes, Azshara's nagas.

Horde Darkspear Islands (100-102)- Thought to be destroyed by the Zar'jira the Sea Witch, the Horde has arrived to retake the Darkspear Trolls' home from the murlocs and remnants of the Spitescale nagas. The reason the islands has arisen again was due to the Cataclysm. Now bigger than originally was before, this'll give the Horde enough supplies to aid them, but not without a fight. Agents of Kul Tiras has returned to claim the island for the Alliance like previously from the Third War, and the Horde will not give this land up without blood being shed.

Neutral Plunder Isle (102-104): The infamous base of the Bloodsail Pirates. Filled with bountiful booty and thieving cutthroats will put anyone into a scurvy mood.

Neutral Hiji (104-108): A mysterious island that has been a rumor for many years. Many say that it was once inhabited by trolls hence the name, however, the architecture symbolizes that an entirely different and unknown species reside here. It's up to you to explore and unlock its secrets.

Neutral Zandalar (108-110): Thought to be destroyed by the Cataclysm, the determined Zandalari tribe has rebuilt their home and are ready to launch another invasion against the world of Azeroth. You must sail there and put a stop to King Rastakhan's plans before things get out of hand. March towards the troll capital of Zuldazar and dethrone the King of Trolls.

Neutral Tel Abim (Level 110 PvP Zone): A Level 110 PvP end-zone that, like Tol Barad and Wintergrasp, it's both an Outdoor PvP and a daily quest hub. You must fight for the island's supplies and its sweet bananas.

Returning Zones

Alliance Gilneas (Level 110 PvE Zone): The long abandoned country of Gilneas has now been reclaimed by Greymane and his fellow worgen denizens, but work is still left to be done. Azshara's naga are at their shores, destroying their precious homes and slaughtering innocents in cold blood. It's up to the Worgens to reclaim their broken home and rebuild their civilization.

Horde Kezan (Level 110 PvE Zone): After years since the Cataclysm, the Goblins of the Horde has decided to return to their home and start rebuilding, but something is amiss here. Trade Prince Gallywix, now claiming the island his own, has taken some of his followers down to the depths of The Undermine and are now experimenting... "something." It's up to the Horde to discover what Gallywix is up to this time.

AllianceHorde The Lost Isles (6-12): After the events of the Cataclysm, life has gradually returned to the Lost Isles. This makes a wonderful home for the maverick Tidehunter Nagas after their battle with Azshara's army. They build a new capital to thrive in, naming it Neptular after the elemental lord they've rescued.



Horde Undermine Depths (100-102) - Located within The Undermine. The reclusive Trade Prince Gallywix is up to something, and it's time to find out what. He has hidden himself deep within the depths of the capital along with some of his followers and are planning something sinister. You must confront the corrupted Trade Prince and stop whatever he's planning.

Alliance Kul Tiras Prison (100-102) - Located in Kul Tiras. After the Cataclysm, the prisoners of Kul Tiras's prison facility has been freed. Now seizing control, they're preparing to launch an attack against the Alliance and claim the islands for themselves.

The Resting Sails (103-105) - Located in The Drowned Reaches. Ozumat has been collecting sunken ships from both Alliance and Horde and retrieving their lost supplies to further their Naga invasion. What lies here is nothing but a ship graveyard within a haunting trench. One ship, however, has brought the restless spirits from the dead and are now filled with vengeance against the living. Destroy the source of the reanimation before the undead reach the surface.

Den of the Cold Eye (103-105): Located within Plunder Isle. There's no place to get smashed than the Den of the Cold Eye. You know what's better than that? A good old-fashioned bar fight! You and your friends all came to have a drink until things turned ugly when one drunk pirate start picking a fight with another drunk pirate. The result? Shenanigans. And deadly drunken pirates. Be wary of flying ale mugs and kegs, chairs, and anything sharp!

Temple of Hiji'Ma (106-108) - Portal located within Hiji. All while the mystery of Hiji is still mind-boggling, the remains of its inhabitants' culture has some of the greatest archaeologists scratching their heads. It's up to you and fellow explorer Brann Bronzebeard reveal its most darkest secrets, but be wary. Expect heavy resistance from whatever inhabits there, or worse.

Mount Mugamba (106-108) - Located near Mount Mugamba in Zandalar. The legendary mountain of Zandalar holds many secrets, but sometimes these secrets are made to stay secret. A witch doctor named Aza'ju has entered the cave of the sacred mountain to resurrect an ancient Loa of untold evil. If successful, the world of Azeroth will be in greater risk of destruction.

Nazjagul (110) - Located in The Eye. Once a Highborne temple to praise Elune, now a shrine to Azshara and Ozumat's nest, hosting countless eggs of its offspring. Now the Old God, N'Zoth, has sent its Faceless to kidnap and corrupt the eggs and hatch them prematurely to become aberrations of nature. If not stopped, more of these mutant krakens will rampage Azeroth.

Candlewick Cavern (Special dungeon) (110) - Located anywhere; a portal will appear in Booty Bay, Ratchet, Kul Tiras, Kezan, and somewhere in Plunder Isle and will disappear in 20 minutes. Tales has been told throughout taverns about the mythical Candle Cavern, a place of mystery and wonder. Some say it was once a naval base. Some say it was a hidden cave in Stranglethorn. Whatever's the case, it's no longer on Azeroth, but now exists on a different plane of existence, and an evil force they call the Flesh Stealer now claims domain. They don't know what is the Flesh Stealer. Many have speculated that it was once a criminal that has murdered and taken flesh from his victims and wear their skin and bones for clothing. Whatever it is, it's presence has been made known within pirate residence and it's now haunting them. This dungeon is based on the creepypasta, Candle Cove.

The Red Blade (Garrison Exclusive Only) (110) - Located within your garrison warship. One of the Bloodsail Pirates' greatest ships, The Red Blade, has sailed near you and are ready to shoot you down! Take four of your best followers, hop on to their ship and slay their captain!

Azshara's Phalanx (Garrison Exclusive Only) (110) - Location within your garrison submarine. Some of Azshara's elite forces has spotted you and attempts to destroy your sub! Take your four best followers to shoot down her henchmen before you sink to the bottom of the ocean!


Tower of Vashj'abel: Located in Pillar Deep. A colossal tower has emerged from the depths, containing a Krakken Azshara and her kin has been raising over the millennium. Unlike the other Krakken, this one has been blessed by the Old God, N'Zoth, giving the beast multiple arms and other deformities that will strike terror to Azeroth's denizens once it's been released. You must kill it before it breaks out of its prison.

"This is not a tower... it's a cage."

Zuldazar: Located in Zandalar. The ancient temple and capital city of Zandalar. To stop incoming forces of the Zandalari, you must get past through its gates and Rastakhan's guards. Dethroning the King will stop their invasion forevermore, but the King himself won't go down without a gruesome fight. He's bringing back a "very old enemy."

Temple of Tel Abim: Located in Tel Abim. Within the center of the Tel Abim jungle lies an ancient Troll temple long forgotten. What lies within it contains a beast larger than life.

Bloodsail Hold (patch X.1.0): The main capital of the infamous Bloodsail Pirates. They're launching a naval invasion across Azeroth and it's up to you to put an end to their piracy.

Naz'jatar (Patch X.2.0): Located in The Rift. The capital city of the nefarious Naga. It's time to enter Azshara's domain and put an end to her global onslaught before she floods the entirety of Azeroth, but wait... you sure she's in her palace?

Abyssal Maw (Patch X.3.0): Located in Abyssal Depths, Vashj'ir. The Elemental Plane of Water has been taken by Azshara herself. Still harnessing some of Neptulon's power, she has grown into a being of epic proportions.

The Eye (Patch X.4.0) - A whisper is calling you, luring you into the blackest depths of the ocean. It's so dark that not even light can escape it. You grow cold, its whispers are growing louder in your head. Then... a voice.

"Welcome... to Nya'lotha..."

World Bosses

Ghya'dorah: Located in The Rift. A multiple-headed hydra that rules the abyss of The Rift.

Eye of N'Zoth: A horrific giant jellyfish that resembles much of an abominable Faceless Ones.

The Cackling Cannon: A massive Bloodsail battleship known for its multiple cannons and other stolen arsenals.

Uabu: An ancient loa corrupted by Rastakhan's magic.

Key Characters


Alliance King Varian Wrynn: King of Stormwind and Leader of the Alliance.

Alliance Jaina Proudmoore: Leader of the Kirin Tor.

Alliance Tyrande Whisperwind: Leader of the Night Elves.

Alliance Lady Var'ashj: Leader of the Mistscale Nagas.

Alliance Lord Admiral Alverold: Leader and Admiral of Kul Tiras.

Alliance Jarod Shadowsong: Leading the Night Elf Sentinels to claim the ruins of Suramar.


Horde Vol'jin: Warchief of the Horde and leader of the Darkspear Trolls.

Horde Vanira: Secondary leader of the Darkspear trolls to reclaim the lost Darkspear Isles.

Horde Trade Prince Gallywix: Trade Prince of the Bilgewater Cartel and he's being very suspicious after returning to Kezan.

Horde Warlord Zargresh: Leader of the Warspine Nagas.

Horde Lilian Voss: Most valued rogue of the Forsaken leading the Wrathful Blade to claim the ruins of Suramar.

Horde Boss Mida: Leader of the Goblin Slums of the Bilgewater Cartel. She sees something fishy from Gallywix and wish to stop him from doing something nasty.


Neutral Neptulon: Elemental Lord of Water

Neutral Shell-King Makralak: Unofficial Ruler of the Makrura

Neutral Baron Revilgaz: Ruler of the Blackwater Raiders

Neutral Surkhan: One of the two leaders of the Zandalarian Assault. He'll be accompanying the Horde.

Neutral Ghalili: One of the two leaders of the Zandalarian Assault. He'll be accompanying the Alliance.


Mob N'Zoth: An Old God and main antagonist.

Mob Queen Azshara: Queen of the Naga and primary antagonist.

Mob King Rastakhan: King of the Trolls and Leader of the Zandalari Tribe.

Mob Duke Falrevere: Ruler of the Bloodsail Buccaneers.



  • Alliance Mistscale Naga
    • Leader: Alliance Lady Var'ashj
    • A group of Tidehunter Nagas led by Lady Varashj that has decided to join the Alliance.
  • Alliance Kul Tiras
    • Leader: Alliance Lord Admiral Alverold
    • The great city-state that has been the Alliance's greatest ally and main export for goods and services.
  • Alliance Suramar Sentinels
    • Leader: Alliance Jarod Shadowsong
    • A group of Night Elves sent by led by Jarod Shadowsong to reclaim the ruins of Suramar from Gul'dan's Fel Iron Horde and Azshara's naga.
  • Alliance Tinbeard Expedition
    • Leader: Alliance Prospector Margun Tinbeard
    • Alliance faction on Tel Abim fighting the Horde's Sparkbulb Exploration for control of the island.


  • Horde Warspine Naga
    • Leader: Horde Warlord Zargresh
    • A group of Tidehunter Nagas led by Warlord Zargresh that has decided to join the Horde.
  • Horde Sen'jin's Rest
    • Leader: Horde Vanira
    • A team of Darkspear trolls sent by Vol'jin to reclaim the Darkspear Islands from the Naga and murlocs.
  • Horde Wrathful Blade
    • Leader: Horde Lilian Voss
    • A group of Undead led by Lilian Voss to secure the ruins of Suramar and claim the Broken Isles for the Horde.
  • Horde Sparkbulb Exploration
    • Leader: Horde Jahxik Sparkbulb
    • Horde faction on Tel Abim fighting the Alliance's Tinbeard Expedition for control of the island.


  • Neutral Neptulon
    • Leader: Neptulon
    • With the aid of the Tidehunter Nagas, the Elemental Lord of Water is now waiting for worthy adventurers to aid him in taking back Abyssal Maw, but in order for that to work, he must first earn your trust. He'll be the next Therazane of this expansion.
  • Neutral Mak'aru Guardians
    • Leader: Shell-King Makralak
    • The defenders of Mak'aru are in great peril against Nazjatar forces. Constantly battling the naga for their coral home, the mighty makrura are in desperate need of assistance.
  • Neutral Blackwater Raiders
    • Leader: Baron Revilgaz
    • A loose pirate organization that are constantly fighting against their archrival, the Bloodsail Pirates, and are close allies and traders to the Steamwheedle Cartel.
  • Neutral Zandalarian Assault
    • Leader: Surkhan and Ghaliri
    • A band of Zandalari trolls that have decided to fight back against Rastahkan's desperate conquest and dethrone him.


After the events of Warlords of Draenor, you can now take your loyal followers with you via either ship or submarine. Customize your ship/submarine in your own unique way, create your own crew out of your chosen followers and set sail through the South Seas or down to the depths of the Maelstrom! While you can still send followers to do missions, you can now assign them into jobs depending on their unique traits. One will be great with cannons, one will be the chef, one will be the lookout on the crow's nest, one will be excellent in reading sea charts, and so on! Not only will this be your hub, but will be used as your transportation to get to other places. Once landed, you can take a follower that has the Salvager trait to collect natural resources for your garrison.

More to come.