User:SannaSK49884/Daughters OfThe Alliance (Bronzebeard US)

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This article is a guild information page.

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. Guild pages must comply with the personal article policy.

Page last modified: 2018-04-28

AllianceDaughters OfThe Alliance
Server Bronzebeard US
Levels 80
Type PvE
Accounts 50 +
Armory Daughters OfThe Alliance Armory

Daughters ofthe Alliance is a serious/casual PvE-raiding/social guild on US-Bronzebeard Alliance that only accepts players who are female in real life. Our brother-guild is Cake or Death, a 'co-ed' PvE-raiding guild on US-Bronzebeard Alliance. Several members of Dota have husbands or boyfriends who are in COD or other guilds, and some Dota members also have alts in COD. We are also sister-guild with the Daughters Of The Horde guild, US-Bronzebeard Horde.

Dota is not a raiding-only guild; many of our members are casual players of all level ranges. Before the 1k-members hardcap was implemented, Dota frequently pushed the 500 character soft-cap; many of our members are altoholics, and while it's not required that all one's characters be in Dota, we certainly accept as many of your alts as we can fit. On an average non-raid night, we have about 15 to 25 members online.

To read more about us, please visit Our page on how to apply and join Dota is here: Joining the Guild.


Daughters OfThe Alliance is by no means the first real-life-females-only guild in the history of World of Warcraft.

In the early days of Vanilla Wowcraft, a Livejournal community called Wow_Ladies was created for women to get together and talk about World of Warcraft, the newest MMO in a genre of online games (stereo)typically dominated by males. According to a post in Wow_Ladies from January of 2005 (is the post still around?), there seem to have been at least two all female guilds already in existence: one, called The Amazons, was on a PvP server called The Burning Legion; another was called The Girls, which was on the RP server Cenarion Circle (Alliance-side).

While the create-date on the Wow_Ladies community is January 25, 2005, the idea for this women's-only Guild was not started until April 19th, 2005. (citation?) After much discussion in the Wow_Ladies about the basic structure of the Guild -- name, server, leadership structure, tabard, and whether to go Alliance or Horde -- the Guild Daughters of the Horde was created first, also on US-Bronzebeard. Its initial membership is estimated to be around 50 people, although whether these were all separate accounts is no longer able to be verified.

Daughters OfThe Alliance was created soon after as a separate entity from Daughters of the Horde; although the initial membership (specifically the leadership) shared some common players with DotH, DotA was not initially intended to be a direct copy of 'DotH, but Alliance'. Queries were sent out through the Wow_Ladies community to determine if women wanted to create an Alliance all-women's Guild, and then the specifics of server and name were decided; it was voted to create the Alliance Guild on Bronzebeard as well.

The charter for DotA was signed on May 11, 2005. The original tabard was created by a character named Hixxy, and remains the tabard to this day. Ignote, the initial poster in WoW Ladies for the idea behind the Daughters OfThe Alliance, was elected the first Guild Master/Sister Mistress. The election for the initial group of officers lasted for over the first week. The ranking system incorporated the Sister Mistress, Elder Sisters (officers), then Sisters (regular members).

On September 6th, 2005, Ignote stepped down from her position as Sister Mistress, and the new Sister Mistress became an officer known as Marz/Azraim. Marz stepped down on October 27th, 2005. An officer named Wolffetracks succeeded her, and with her the title became GM (which was often interpreted not as "Guild Master" but "Guild Mama"). She remained GM until stepping down on November 6th, 2006. After this point, the Guild did not elect a new GM but instead retained the coalition of officers.

In early 2010, the rank 'Big Sister' was added in a 'junior officer' format. Big Sisters have the ability to invite new characters and current players' alts into the guild, but have no other officerly responsibilities. Thus, the ranking system of DotA consists of the Elder Sisters, Big Sisters, Sisters, and Little Sisters (the term used for recent initiates into the Guild).

Guild progress

Wrath of the Lich King

Dota killed Arthas/the Lich King on August 21, 2010! There was much rejoicing. We were making some progress on Ruby Sanctum, but 4.0.1 has brought an interesting new learning curve to that raid zone. To see more of our previous Wrath raiding milestones, please check out our site.

Burning Crusade

(This information may be removed if we decide to fold it into the raiding history on the main site. Leaving it for now.)

  • Karazhan - Fully cleared
  • Gruul's Lair - Fully cleared
  • Magtheridon - Fully cleared
  • Zul'Aman - Fully cleared... usually.
  • The Eye - Void Reaver downed repeatedly; Solarian downed once before the 3.0 patch; multiple attempts made on Kael'Thas in concert with the guild Cake or Death.
  • Post Patch 3.0, Dota and CoD took many shots at content previously just out of reach; SSC was attempted twice (went very well up to Vashj), and Hyjal was done three times (as far as Kaz'rogal and Azgalor). We ventured into Black Temple once and got about halfway through before just plain running out of time.

(future edit: need to place ourselves into the Guild Progression page...?)

Overview of raid info

During Wrath, most weeks we have 2 nights of progression raiding; which nights exactly vary from week to week. Every 3rd or 4th week is usually an off-week, and non-officers often put together older-content raids for those weeks. Dota uses a SuicideKings loot list that is maintained by the system in our raid sign-up site. For more information, please check out's Raiding Info page.

Guild rules

  • Must be female in real life!
  • You must have a Livejournal account, as all of our out-of-game communication takes place at the LJ community Wow_Dota.
  • For more guild rules, please see's Guild Rules page.


DotA has no single guildleader. The officers, called Elder Sisters, act in council to make any major decision.

Airre, Elder Sister
Jordynna, Elder Sister
Kahlina, Elder Sister
Kelry, Elder Sister
Labu, Elder Sister
Shaeldre, Officer