User:Ryan Kroupa/Gu-Wush the Swordmaster

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Gu-wush is the first boss of the Gurubashi Arena Dungeon

BossGu-wush The Swordmaster
No image available
Gender Male
Race Darkspear Troll (Humanoid)
Level Gurubashi Arena Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Gurubashi]]
Location Gurubashi Arena
Status Killable Mists of Pandaria
Gurubashi Arena

Template:Gurubashi Arena


Adventure Guide

Known for his mastery of swordfighting by the numerous Troll groups in Stranglethorn Vale, Gu-wush the Swordmaster was sought after by the New Troll Empire in order to train vicious and capable gladiators. Having been freed from an Alliance prison camp by NTE assassins, Gu-wush gladly offered his service in training new warriors. Given control over the Gurubashi Arena, Gu-wush runs a ferocious training course in the ancient arena.

Spells and Abilities

Ability warrior bladestorm.png Whirlwind - Gu-wush begins spinning in a circle of blade slashes and stabs, slicing at the heros in a close range for 5 seconds. He is unable to be stunned or interrupted during this attack.

Slam - Gu-wush jumps slams his sword's pommel into a targeted player stunning them for 3 seconds and doing a small amount of physical damage.

Axe Throw - Gu-wush chucks a poisoned stone axe at the targeted player doing a small amount of damage and afflicting them with a poison dot for 10 seconds.

Blood Lust - Gu-wush becomes enraged increasing his attack speed and attack damage greatly.