User:Ritikuli76048/Divine Retribution (Arathor EU)

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This article is a guild information page.

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. Guild pages must comply with the personal article policy.

Page last modified: 2018-04-28

AllianceDivine Retribution
Server Arathor Europe
Guild Leader Ellz
Levels 25
Type PvE
Accounts 100 +
Armory Divine Retribution Armory

Divine Retribution

Founded in late August 2010 as a casual raiding Guild.

We are a small but friendly guild and our ages range between 13 and 50+ and we have a good mix of female and male players. Our younger players are mature for their age, and our old timers can still shake their stuff!

What do we do?

We enjoy WoW mainly! We have lots going on, Raiding, HCs, BH Runs, and some Old Content stuff to get achievements. We also like to help new players and accept Social Members as well as Raiders.

Our approach to running a Guild in WoW is that we much prefer to create a team of people who become friends through the game, rather than have hundreds of anonymous members. We aren't interested in simply providing a home for levelers to benefit from the XP boost. We are pretty relaxed however, and there is no requirement to raid, if you want to just level and do your own thing, then that is fine - as long as you contribute to chat, register on the website and visit it regularly.

Our website is key to our Guild. It is where we get to know each other, share ideas, arrange events and generally keep everyone updated. We are pretty strict about registering on the site and require every member to post a little introduction about themselves. While we accept new players into the Guild, this is on a 2 week initiate basis. To become a member registration and intro is obligatory.

We also have a 25 slot Mumble Server. Mumble is way better than Vent, and easy to download. Members can use the server for general chit-chat, or to play in instances or PvP together. Mumble is obligatory for raids, though a mic isn't! As long as you can listen - that is just fine :)

We like a relaxed attitude within the Guild, however we do have pretty strict rules for raiding. We don't accept PvP gear, or missing enchants etc from anyone wanting to raid. We have an active Raid forum where tactics are discussed to save us time in chat once we get into a raid. Our loot system is based on team work where players will pass loot to someone who would get more benefit from it, and take turns so that everyone gears equally where possible. However, we do expect raiders to gear themselves and grind rep and valor - not just turn up to a raid and 'need' on everything.

Are you recruiting?

At the moment we are specifically looking to fill a few spots in our second 10 man Raid Team, raiding Monday and Thursday evenings 7.45 - 11.30 and ultimately working towards a 25 man team. Our two teams are currently 2/7 HC (Team Divine) and 7/7 normal (Team Retribution) in Firelands. We are changing our raiding from when Dragon Soul hits to the following:

Team Divine: Wed/Sun Dragon Soul (this team is full)

Team Retribution: Mon/Thurs Dragon Soul (spots available)

Team Divine Retribution: Tues - FL clear (Raiders from either team or alts can attend on rotation basis)

As Team Retribution is currently populated mainly by alts who cannot extend to raiding 5 nights a week, we are now looking for the following:

Tanks: Warrior/Pally/DK Melee: Frost DK Ranged: Hunter/Boomkin

We started raiding in Cata and our main theme in raids is to have fun and not get stressed out. We do want progression though, so we try and take our raids, and not ourselves, seriously. We are looking to fill these spots with raiders who can commit to Mon/Thurs raiding on a regular basis.

Our main requirement is that you are active and contribute to the friendly, fun atmosphere - we don't whine when we wipe but we do dance when we down! We aren't looking for arrogant elitists who have done it all before and like to brag about it. Frankly - we would annoy you as much as you would us.

So, having read everything above, if you think you are ideal...then please either whisper Ellz. Roppen, Jàde, Faredis or Wobbel in game, or visit the website: You will not be able to register on the site as that is restricted to Guild Members only, so please post in the Visitors forum with your application and someone will contact you. We don't require some strict official application, just post a little about yourself and what you can offer a raid team and guild, and what you are looking for from a Guild. Attitude and personality are far more important to us than ilvl and long lists of achievements.


GM: Ellz [email protected] Assistant GM: Roppen [email protected]


Faredis: [email protected] Jàde: [email protected] Wobbel: [email protected]