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Givon TCG.jpg

Shapeshifting is the act of physically changing into another form. It is often used by druids to take the forms of beasts.


Shapeshifting is gradual.[1][2] Arvell had to buy Ralaar time to shapeshift.[1]

Partial shapeshifting can occur. Even in their humanoid forms, some druids possess bestial features. Some Druids of the Pack presented inhuman muscle mass and bestial fur on their arms. Even in their animal forms, some aspects of a druid's true form may remain, such as a troll's tusks, a tauren's horns, a night elf's ears, or a worgen's mane.

Some druids or druid-blessed objects can transform others into animals as well. Ysiel Windsinger uses the  [Stormcrow Amulet] to temporarily give adventurers the form of a storm crow. The vrykul Vydhar was turned into a tree by Highmountain tauren druids. Malfurion Stormrage turned Xavius into a tree. Druids are responsible for the magic behind noblegarden eggs, which may turn the finder into a rabbit. Runestones could be found in Val'sharah that could turn


After shapeshifting, druids are meant to maintain control of the animal form. Some druids can speak in their animal forms.[3]

Taking the form of an animal has psychological effects, including the instincts of the animal. No druid was meant to live in a form permanently. The Pack Form was that of a wolf and drew upon the unending fury of Goldrinn, which proved difficult to control, and was thus banned by the Cenarion Circle. Similarly, druids have lost themselves to other forms, such as the Druids of the Claw to bear form, or druids of the Verdant Wilds to their animal forms.

Pack form.png

Known forms

Druids shapeshift to take the forms of various wild beasts. Many correspond with and are drawn from a specific wild god, such as an ancient guardian or loa. Others exist, but may not be common practice among the Cenarion Circle, may be a corrupt version of an existing form, or may even be banned from use. Appearance of an animal form may vary based on the race and gender of the shapeshifter.


Aquatic forms such as the sea lion, orca, and dolphin are used for underwater travel and scouting.

Bear token TCG.jpg


Ursine forms such have been used for combat and subterfuge.


Avian forms such as stormcrow, owl, and raven are used for flight travel and scouting.


Feline forms such as panther, lion, tiger, and cheeta are used for travel, combat, and agility.


Cervine forms such as deer, moose, elk, and doe are often used for travel. Druids of the Antler worship Malorne and take the form of a stag. Arthur Tradewind took the form of an elk.[3] Others take the forms of a moose or doe.


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Serpentine forms such as (???) have been used for combat.


Vegetal forms such as the treant and ancient are often used for healing. Vydhar became a tree entirely, thanks to Highmountain tauren druids. Malfurion Stormrage turned Xavius into a tree.

Bestial Wrath TCG.jpg


Lupine forms such as wolf, dire wolf, and worg have been used for combat and subterfuge.

Other forms

Other forms have been used in shapeshifting, but may not be possible to the average uncorrupted druid.


  1. ^ a b Curse of the Worgen, issue 1
  2. ^ Wolfheart
  3. ^ a b A [10-70] Shapeshifters!