User:Rankinat0r/Raving Sushi (Medivh US)

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This article is a guild information page.

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. Guild pages must comply with the personal article policy.

Page last modified: 2018-04-28

AllianceRaving Sushi
Raving Sushi Tabard.png
Server Medivh US
Guild Leader Borjette
Levels 80
Type PvE
Accounts 80 +
Armory Raving Sushi Armory

Raving Sushi is a casual PvE guild with mature members and a lot of good times. We are very LGBT friendly. As such, our main rule is absolutely no discrimination towards anyone.

This guild was formed on Medivh. It is a casual guild, for mature adults. Most of our users are 18+, and many have children, and full-time jobs. We know what responsibility is like, and not being able to make raiding everyday due to RL responsibilities. To fill out an application go to or get in touch with one of our officers. For more information you can contact Duderamma, Grandmofft, Yofi or Ressie in game.

Our guild mostly does 10 man instance raiding as a guild. Most 25 man is pugged due to lack of members for a full 25man run.

10 man Guild progress

Starts January 14th. Schedule TBD.


This guild was originally formed by Borjette and a group of friends who transferred from Shu'Halo. After growing tired of poor raiding conditions on Shu'Halo, the gang transferred to Medivh, and hasn't looked back.

Weekly raid schedule

Note: There are no set groups, and we don't class our runs as A or B. They're different groups based on guild members' schedules.

  • Tuesday, 9:15 PM Server
  • Tuesday, 11:15 PM Server
  • Wednesday, 9:00 PM Server
  • Thursday, 9:00 PM Server
  • Friday, 9:00 PM Server
  • Saturday, 9:15 PM Server

Guild rules

  • NO DISCRIMINATION. If you can't seem to abide by this one rule, you will be summarily kicked, and will not be given another chance to rejoin.
  • This is a casual guild. As such we don't expect you to raid.
    • If you do sign up for a guild raid, we ask that you show up on time, with flasks/pots/etc ready to go.
  • We use a MS/OS roll for loot. You're limited to 2 drops per instance, unless an item isn't wanted by any others.


Borjette, Wasabi
Guild leader
Grandmofft, Nori
Raid Leader
Apressa, Nori
Duderamma, Nori
Raid organizer/Recruiting officer
Ressie, Nori
Guild bank officer / Website & forums admin
Rupp, Nori
Shaktii, Nori
Yofi, Nori
Recruiting officer