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AllianceNelline Traenis
No image available
Title None
Gender Female
Race Worgen (Humanoid)
Class Warlock
Location Stormwind
Status Alive
Cavarus (father)
Maria (mother)
Granfer (Brother),
Aldric (Brother)
Alignment Neutral Good


Nelline Traenis was the sister to anti-war protester Granfer Traenis. She perished when Lordaeron was attacked alongside her older brother Aldric Traenis and her mother Maria Traenis.


Nelline was thought to look more like her eldest brother Granfer rather Aldric, the middle child out of the trio. They both had light chestnut coloured hair that was inherited from their mother. They also had the same eye colour - a rich hazelnut that seemed to always shine with interest. Her hair, as Granfer recalls, was curly but tamed and used to fall to her ears - never kept longer. She liked to collect bows and hairbands as she took pride in her hair and would always try to keep it well maintained.

She and Granfer also shared the same interests. They both enjoyed books and playing music rather than swordplay and fighting - things that their other sibling Aldric was passionate about. There would be many afternoons where the two would sit at their grandmother's old grand piano and sing together, creating a wonderful harmony. Granfer would also often show the young Nelline on how to correctly play the flute.