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AllianceKedeissa Robyn
No image available
Gender Female
Race Human (Humanoid)
Class Rogue
Affiliation(s) (Formerly) The Defias Brotherhood
Location Stormwind
Status Alive
Alignment Neutral

Kedeissa Robyn (birth unknown) is a human rogue and a former member of the Defias Brotherhood and smaller mercenary groups. Not much is known about this mysterious woman; in fact she is hardly seen and she intends to keep it that way.


Kedeissa has long dirty blonde hair that reaches her skinny shoulders and looks as though she has taken no real care for it. She has sunken cheekbones and very pale skin and her eyes seem to have a dead look to them, their olive-green colour gone.

She wears mostly leather clothing and masks. She also carries a large crossbow and a couple of daggers, however she avoids contact including conflict so she doesn't have much use for these. She speaks in a very quiet voice that almost seems to have a lost tone to them.


Kedeissa was born alone barring her mother and a medic. She grew up a small and skinny mute girl (her parents never taught her to speak, she learnt how to in later life), her weight and size resulted in many cases of bullying from the other children. She grew up in Moonbrook in the golden plains of Westfall and was taught to be like her parents, to be a full member of the Defias Brotherhood.

Her parents never showed any love for her, no affection and she was often discarded as "just another piece of dirt". No traders who passed through, even the decent ones, paid any attention to the young girl and she grew up to be what she is today: a loveless, emotionless woman.

She was finally taught how to speak by one of the other children, one who at least showed something for her. It took months, possibly even a year or so until she could grip the art of speech and even when she did begin to, she never showed any cases of wanting to speak to others: preferring to keep her head down and get along with life.

When she was old enough she was soon appointed to do a few minor assassinations: mainly lost travelers or nobles who had come to visit the village on business.

On one particular job she was appointed to murder a traitor of the brotherhood. This turned out to be a failure and she was heavily beaten: leaving her with three mangled fingers and permanent scars all over her body. She soon left Westfall in secret, however her disappearance had never arisen any alarm or even suspicion - to this day, no one that she had known through her childhood knows what happened to the girl.

Kedeissa moved towards Elwynn then through to Stormwind - the main hub of the Alliance. Here she met a few members of a mercenary league, but after a few years being paid as hired spies and blades, the mercenaries split up and Kedeissa was left to roam the city with no motivation and nowhere to go. Hardly anyone knows she is there, you may catch a glimpse of her - but she seldom lingers, she prefers the shadows of life.