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AllianceAldric Traenis
No image available
Title None
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Class Warlock
Location Unknown
Status Unknown
Cavarus (father)
Maria (mother)
Granfer (Brother),
Nelline (Sister)
Alignment Chaotic Neutral


He holds pair of ice-blue orbs for eyes, and his ivory-white skin both give away an important fact: this man is unmistakably dead. His face could have once been considered handsome; now it is gaunt and twisted into a grimace. His raven black hair is untidy and reaches down to his shoulders. An equally untidy beard covers the lower half of his face.

Standing at 6’ tall, Aldric does not have an intimidating figure when compared to his comrades. However, this occasionally works to his advantage, as his enemies frequently underestimate his abilities. He often boasts of the countless foes he has defeated in this manner.

He is almost always found wielding his two signature weapons, two twin Cobalt blades. Obtained from an experienced blacksmith, he has modified the two swords for his own needs, carving many runes upon them as is common with death knights. They carry the scratches and dents of countless battles, but still look extremely strong, as though they have been toughened by magic.

It is also a rare sight to see him without some variation of plate armour on. Although he owns many different suits, his chosen armour is a suit of Saronite obtained from the attack on Icecrown Citadel, fashioned by the Ashen Verdict. He also wears various items of magic, such as a necklace that sits around his neck, a small ice crystal as its pendant.


Granfor has a personality that is common for a Death Knight- he is not overly sociable, feeling more at home in the battlefield than in a city; he is quick to anger and is prone to violence; he is incredibly brave, rarely showing any signs of fear; a cruel disregard for others; and a determination to finish whatever he has set as a goal, never retreating or fleeing. He has a severe dislike of taking orders, and will often disobey them, instead electing to use his own unorthodox methods.

While his extreme disregard for rules often lands him in trouble with his superiors or local authorities, he is begrudgingly accepted for his penchant for always getting the job done, no matter how messily.