User:Nincaro/Binder Molg

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BossBinder Molg
Image of Binder Molg
Title <the Elite Smith>
Gender Male
Race Forsaken (Humanoid)
Level X1 or current maximum
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Metalflame Foundry

The Encounter

Binder Molg's Abilities

  • Spell nature eyeofthestorm.png Wall of Embers — Molg uses his enchanted shield to create a wall of deadly flames for 10 seconds, reducing the damage of attacks from the front by 80% and dealing fire damage every second to enemies that make contact with it.
  • Spell fire soulburn.png Forge Bolt — Molg sends a missile of solid fire toward a target, dealing heavy fire damage and stunning them for 5 seconds when it hits them.
  • Spell fire ragnaros lavabolt.png Inferno Rain — Molg launches three orbs of solid fire toward three different locations, dealing fire damage to enemies within 30 yards of them and silencing enemies within 10 yards of them for 10 seconds.
  • Inv misc firedancer 01.png Mind's Fire — Molg fills a targets head with fire, reducing them to 20% health and making them untargetable by neither friend nor foe for 30 seconds.


  • And We Danced By Fire's Light - Defeat Binder Molg without attacking him from the front while Wall of Embers is active.


  • Molg yells: Crodfil would simply zap you like common pests, but I will turn you in to unidentifiable husks!
Casting Mind's Fire
  • Molg yells: You will be smothered in the blaze of your own mind!
  • Molg yells: How can you possibly stop the Dark Lady when you can't even contain the flames within yourself?
  • Molg yells: Ash falls in your mind and clouds your thoughts!
Killing a Player
  • Molg yells: I see it now! Your skull is not empty, just filled with ash!
  • Molg yells: When they find you, they won't even know who you are!
  • Molg yells: is what lead ward off...the darkness...