User:Neutralion/Demon hunter starting experience

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Overview of Demon hunter starting experience.

Ruins of Shatihan

Demon hunter wakes up from unconciusness in crumbling temple floating directly east of Island (connected with bridge), surrounded by massacred bodies of other apprentices.

1. First quest is offered automatically, as demon hunter is contacted in mind by Cracius Darksorrow, who is surprised then someone surprised the massacre, inform player about some traitor and tells him to check which bodies where massacrated, to discover who survived and betrayed the New Illidari. Players find bodies of three master demon hunters and Annihilan Pawn that fought against them, and then body of trainer on Illidari Altar.
2. Then, demon hunters are tasked to find demon that Cracius feel in Temple, and kill him, so they won't anymore defile it. This is also first battle, and so it is sort of intro to Demon hinter battle mechanic, as during fight, Cracius whispers to player which abilities to use. Demon is felguard Rikar the Mutilator.
3. After killing Rikar, players are tasked to leave Temple and meet Altruis the Sufferer in small camp overlooking the Gray Vale.
4. Altruis gives player the Felprison Chalcedone, and ask him to use it on one of Scavenging Grells in Vale.
X. Then, Altruis summons the grell and ask him questions about his master. Grell won't tell until Altruis use Doom Word: Suffering on him. Then he says that he don't know, who was the cldemon hunter that enslaved them, but it was female blood elf. After hearing this, Altruis nods and blast him off the Island.
Side quest. Altruis tell player to cleanse Vale of Grells, and even give them Nethrandamus to do this. 1 fires the Nether Bolt, which one shot Grell and everybody around him, 2 creates Nether Cyclone, that kill as many Grells as possible by going over them and last 6 seconds, 3 creates Crackling Shield which absorb damage from Fel cannons that fire at him. After killing 200 grells, Nethrandamus flies back.
5. Altruis tells player about Kwana, blood elf which recruited from Scryers to join demon hunters after fall of Illidan, and that she had no reason for betraying the order. Then, he open portal to Illidari Hold and send players to find Cracius Flameseeker, who may know her current whereabouts.
6. Cracius Flameseeker sends player directly to head of order, night elf Frallia Shadowblade.

Nethersun Ruins

1. First of all, Frallia welcomes you to the order, wishes you all good and gives you ability to [Sense Demons]. Later, you will be able to train tracking for elementals and mana users. Then, she tells you that althought your burning lust for vengeance is cute, first of all, you must grow in strenght - Kwana would shred you to pieces. Tahari Slaymane, tauren female and N'tropis, highborne male are already on hunt for her. She sends you with orders to ally of New Illidari, fel orc Karhum Blackblade in Nethersun Ruins, to battle blood elfs taking residence here and threatening the New Illidari.
Side quest. Imprisoned succubus Lithriel sends you to bring her heart of her former lover Halendor Burnkin, located in Nethersun Ruins.
2. Karhun is not very happy to see you there, but he follow the orders and gives strict task - to cut the Nethersun blood elf supply lines by destroying three mana crystals located in ruins.

in work