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This article is a player character biography page for Chanchi of Zul'jin Europe created by Nearthel.

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.
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Image of Chanchi
Title <Countess>
Gender Female
Race(s) Night elf, half-demon (Humanoid / Demon)
Class Demon hunter, sorceress (formerly)
Affiliation(s) Illidari, Venthyr
Former affiliation(s) Kaldorei Empire, Highborne, Burning Legion (briefly), Shen'dralar
Status Alive


War of the Ancients

Chanchi was born in the city of Zin-Azshari, during the reign of Queen Azshara. As a member of the Highborne, she was trained as a sorcerer from a very young age.

When the Burning Legion invaded, she joined her Queen's side on the conflict, however, after a few months of conflict, she started to have doubts about if the side she joined was the right or the wrong one, so she defected. Despite this, she still had some degree of loyalty towards Queen Azshara, so instead of joining the Kaldorei Resistance in their fight against the Legion, she went into hiding. She wasn't seen again in the years to come, and was presumed dead after the Great Sundering.


She survived, and after years of wandering she found the Shen'dralar. With them she learned that, as a sorcerer, show would be no longer welcome in Darnassus, so she decided to join them.

Chanchi stayed with them for thousands of years, siphoning the power of Immol'thar, a demon captured by Prince Tortheldrin for this purpose. That was, until they could not longer siphon enough energy from Immol'thar to sustain themselves, when Tortheldrin betrayed them: he and his closest allies among the Shen'dralar began murdering the rest, so they could draw the demon's energy indefinitely. Some of the Shen'dralar, including Chanchi, managed to escape.

The Third War and Illidan

WC3RoC-logo.png This section concerns content related to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos or its expansion The Frozen Throne.

Years passed, and the Legion invaded again. Tired of escaping, Chanchi decided that it was over, and that it was the time to fight. She heard that Tyrande Whisperwind had released the infamous demon hunter Illidan Stormrage from his prison to help them fight the Legion. Chanchi decided to track him, and ultimately found him in Outland. She swore allegiance to the Illidari and she started her training as a demon hunter.

She joined her master, Lady Vashj and Kael'thas when they marched towards Northrend to confront the Lich King. After Illidan's defeat against Arthas Menethil, they retreated to the Black Temple. Chanchi survived her training and kept fighting the Legion with the Illidari.

Invasion of Mardum

Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Under the orders of Illidan, Chanchi joined a elite team of demon hunters on a suicide mission to the Legion prison world of Mardum to retrieve the  [Sargerite Keystone]. The mission was a success, as they managed to kill Brood Queen Tyranna, the ruler of Mardum, and take the keystone from her. But, as they returned to the Black Temple they found that Maiev Shadowsong and her Wardens had defeated Illidan, and they were subsequently captured and taken to the Vault of the Wardens.

Third invasion of the Burning Legion

Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Fourth War

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.


Shadowlands This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.