User:Nakabeast/Avatar of N'Zoth

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MobAvatar of N'Zoth
Image of Avatar of N'Zoth
Title <The Black Goat with Seven Eyes>
Race Old God (Unspecified)
Level ?? Boss
Location Chamber of Many Eyes, Ny'alotha
Status Killable

Currently Under Construction; Part of the Abyssal Maw Raid Concept

The Avatar of N'Zoth is a heroic-only boss in the Abyssal Maw and the true final boss of the raid. This manifestation of the Old God N'Zoth can be found in the depths of Ny'alotha after the corruption plaguing Neptulon escapes through the floor of the Throne of the Tides.


Dungeon Journal




Phase 3 Ending
  • Avatar of N'Zoth yells: Hyeh, heh, make it bleed. Don't you realize my blood was the source of this corruption to begin with? You mortals will be consumed by the black waters. The blood of N'Zoth!
  • *N'Zoth's blood spills over the party.*
  • General Nazgrim/Admiral Taylor yells:, we cannot!
  • Avatar of N'Zoth yells: Ha ha ha ha! Fools! If I can bind the will of an elemental lord, if I can consume the soul of the Aspect of Earth, then what makes you believe that you tiny, pathetic insects can fight me?
  • Neptulon the Tidehunter yells: Because they are not alone, Old God!
  • *Neptulon appears, washing away the black blood.*
  • Avatar of N'Zoth yells: Tide...hunter...
  • Neptulon the Tidehunter yells: There's a flaw in your argument, N'Zoth. Your power could not keep me, and that is because of heroes like these. These "insects" will tear you down, like they have C'thun and Yogg-Saron!
  • Avatar of N'Zoth yells: Yia a'a a ruuft nalsiaftun c'shian ang yugg sa'un tsuftft ftu'a!
  • *Neptulon begins to cast a spell.*
  • Neptulon the Tidehunter yells: You forced me to drink your waters before, N'Zoth. Now allow me to give you a taste of mine!
  • *Neptulon casts Pure Water upon the players and the Avatar of N'Zoth*
  • Neptulon the Tidehunter yells: BEHOLD! THE POWER OF PURE WATER!