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About Me

Hello all! I'm Mojoworkn, a frequent poster and fan of the Lore and Roleplaying forums on Wowhead. All five of my characters are on the Draka US realm. You'll mostly find me on my main, a level 85 draenei hunter named Gonara (no, it has nothing to do with the STD). I answer to Mojo, Gonara, Gman, or Hunter, so feel free to call me whatever.

While I don't play on a roleplaying server, I do have decent knowledge of WoW lore. My details are a bit bleary, but I can tell you a lot about large ideas in certain areas, despite the fact that I haven't read any of the novels. I am most interested in the draenei lore, or anything having to do with Outland or Draenor (so lets just say the Burning Crusade in general).

Believe it or not, I do have a life outside of the game. I live on the west coast of the United States, in a state no one seems to remember, Oregon. I currently attend high school, and am working hard to graduate top in my class. I enjoy to read, write, ski, philosophize on Facebook, and of course, play WoW.

Have a nice day . . . or else.

-My Wowhead Page

Alliance This user plays as a member of the Alliance.
Ui-charactercreate-classes hunter.png This user plays as a Hunter.
IconSmall Draenei Male.gifIconSmall Draenei Female.gif This user plays as a draenei.
Draka.JPG This user plays on the US Draka server.

Fan FIction

A Broken Dream {Prologue}

A Broken Dream {Part I}

Roleplaying Characters

Name Class RP(s) Affiliation
IconSmall Human Male.gif Richard Price Hunter The Killing Games Alliance
IconSmall Human Female.gif Isabel Holy Priest The Killing Games Alliance
IconSmall Human Male.gif Gregor Killian Sharpshooter The Killing Games Alliance
IconSmall Gryphon.gif Talon Gryphon The Killing Games Independent
IconSmall Cultist Male.gif Locke Weinhart Warlock The Killing Games Independent
IconSmall Troll Male.gif Uzeri Shaman N/A Neutral