User:Kunzite1/Useful macros/Hunter

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Pet Management

Autocast Management

#showtooltip [nogroup] Growl; Dismiss Pet
/stopmacro [group]
/petautocaston Charge
/petautocaston Froststorm Breath
/petautocaston Growl
/petautocaston Pin
/petautocaston Ravage
/petautocaston Sonic Blast
/petautocaston Stampede
/petautocaston Taunt
/petautocaston Tendon Rip
/petautocaston Thunderstomp
/petautocaston Venom Web Spray
/petautocaston Web
#showtooltip [group] Cower; Dismiss Pet
/stopmacro [nogroup]
/petautocastoff Charge
/petautocastoff Froststorm Breath
/petautocastoff Growl
/petautocastoff Pin
/petautocastoff Ravage
/petautocastoff Sonic Blast
/petautocastoff Stampede
/petautocastoff Taunt
/petautocastoff Tendon Rip
/petautocastoff Thunderstomp
/petautocastoff Venom Web Spray
/petautocastoff Web
/run DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(GetMouseFocus():GetName());