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This article is a player character biography page for Grak'thar Splinterblade of Wyrmrest Accord US created by KnifeFightJackieChan.

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HordeGrak'thar Splinterblade
No image available
Title <The Mighty>
Gender Male
Race Ghost
Level 90-120 Rare Elite
Class Warrior Blademaster Paladin
Affiliation(s) Horde, Ironworg Clan
Former affiliation(s) Old Horde, Valarjar
Location Varies
Status Deceased, Killable
Relative(s) Grom'kosh (Son), Lo'grom (Brother), Drantor (Father, Deceased), Tsaka (Deceased, Mother), Kur'gosh (Deceased, Nephew)

War. War is brutal. War is Nessecary. War is Grak'thar.

The Mighty Grak’thar Splinterblade

Grak’thar Splinterblade was born in Nagrand, Draenor. His parents were Dran’tor and Tsaka Splinterblade. His father was a blademaster of little renown. His Mother died in childbirth. His father died during the First War. His sister, Greya, was an old shaman… she died of the plague in Undercity. Her son, Kor’gosh, or Son of the Wolf in Orcish, was a half human warrior. He left with Grak’thar’s son, Grom’kosh, to search for him in the Undercity ruins… and was slain by the skeletons not long after.

Physical Traits:

Grak'thar puts bodybuilder's to shame with his thick, rock hard muscle. His arms and legs are nearly as big as logs, and are more muscular than a tauren's. The rest of him follows suit, and to add to it he stands at roughly eight feet, making him a true pillar of strength. He was stormforged by Odyn, but it no longer matters. He was inflicted with the curse of flesh by the Twilight's Hammer, and has reverted to an orcish form. He is now light brown skinned, bearing Warsong tattoos, along with those of the Ironworg and Horde symbols. His hair is black, and long, but well kept. He sports a fair sized beard, well kept and braided at the sides. He has three tusks, resembling a Dire Orc, or a Bleeding Hollow monstrosity. A forth hangs on a necklace, gifted to a brother. He stands tall, straight-backed, defiant even in death. That's right, in death. Grak'thar is, in fact, an orcish ancestor, a spirit.This is what you see before you... beware.

Military Record

He began training as a blademaster at age 18, and excelled in his class. He finished ahead of the rest of his fellows, and began excelling in rank with the formation of the Horde. After achieving great victories in the War on the Arakkoa and in the Genocide of the Draenei, he had been promoted to a Sergeant. He did, however, drink of demon blood, and was mad with rage for a long time. He was always a bit wary of warlocks, and hence usually avoided even the ones in his clan. He still aided in the Horde conquest of Azeroth during the first war, but began to see corruption within the Horde, and left. He was a First Sergeant by this point, and was temporarily suspended. When Thrall reformed the Horde, Grak’thar was restored to his rank. He was also an important presence in the Battle of Mount Hyjal, and was promoted to Stone Guard just before the battle. He slew more demons and undead than even the warchief, it is said, but he was ultimately slain, saving his fellow retreating Hordesmen. He was raised by the Scourge as a death knight, and served the Ebon Blade for several years, finally rejoining the Horde after his mind was freed. He led many small attacks to victory in Northrend, even helping in the Storming of Icecrown Citadel. He saved Garrosh from a small undead attack during the battle, which led to get him promoted to Blood Guard… he regrets it to this day. He was dispatched to Pandaria with General Nazgrim, and was lost for several weeks after the airship crashed. Next he was seen, he was aiding several pandaren fight the sha… right after Hellscream plunged the Heart of Y’saarj into the Valley of Four Winds. He declared Hellscream ‘an honorless pawn’ of the old gods, and renounced his loyalties to the warchief. He was restored to his status after helping raid Orgrimmar, and promoted to Legionnaire by Vol’jin. When the dark portal reopened he was part of the charging vanguard. He was left to hold off the Iron Horde as the others escaped. Left for dead, full of arrows as he fell from the portal, he later rejoined the Horde’s offensive in Tanaan Jungle after several weeks of being on the run. He freed several groups of prisoners, and was given the esteemed rank of Centurion for his actions. He was present during the first assault on the Broken Shore, and during most major battles through the legion campaign. Warchief Sylvanas honored him with the rank of Champion after his assistance against Genn Greymane’s fleet in Stormheim. Wanted dead for treason, 'deserting' the Battle for Undercity, and slander of Warchief Sylvanas' good name. Well, was. I suppose, that with his death, he would no longer be wanted.


Odyn had been watching him since his actions in Northrend, and was quite pleased when he saw him fighting the legion on the Broken Isles. After the legion’s defeat, Grak’thar was on a diplomatic mission in Highmountain, when the Old Gods struck. He was swarmed by void manesfatations and the necrodark drogbar, killing them all, but was ultimately slain by a c’thrax leading them. After falling from the head of a drogbar worm, he was mutilated by the c’thrax, and finally was slipping away from his undead body… and a val’kyr came down, taking his broken spirit to the Halls of Valor, where he was stormforged by Odyn! He was named a minor Battlelord, second only to the first Battlelord. However, he had left the Valarjar, returning once more to fight for the Horde, despite the Dark Rangers greatest attempts at slaying him. Alas, what the dark rangers did not accomplish, the void did. A shame.


The blade Grak'thar forged and carried even after death, Grom'karosh, or 'Giant's Death', was made of the hardest adamantium, and enchanted with the fury of earth, storm, and fire. It was strengthened with runes of the light after his becoming a paladin... and was shattered by Azerite elementals. Instead of reforging it for the third time, however, he wore the shards on his belt, until a final encounter with his nemesis, Voidmonger. He reforged the blade, and was at full strength as he clashed with the void-empowered fiend.

Alternate Draenor

Grak’thar Splinterblade of the alternate draenor is a blademaster of high esteem. The two finally met just before the legion invasion, and clashed for nearly an hour to see who was more skilled. They eventually came to a draw, and were now good friends. Both were very proud and happy that the Mag'har have joined the Horde. The alternate Grak'thar, however, is very distressed with the fall of his twin. He has been missing ever since.


Grak’thar was sent on a journey to find himself by his ancestors. He traveled all over Outlands and Draenor, finally finding himself in the light. In the journey, however, he was ambushed by void worshipping ethereals. He slew them all, but a final spell from their leader broke his legendary blade in two, and sent him searching for the means to repair it.

Return from Exile

After the events at Teldrassil and Undercity, Grak'thar left the Horde. Partially due to the fact he was left in Undercity during Sylvanas' bombing of the place. Now, he is hunted by Dark Rangers for his slander against the Dark Lady. However, all was not lost for this former champion of the Horde. He went on many journeys to find his true purpose in life, including laying the dead to rest in Tirisfal, and traveling all accross Outland to find the light. However, after his becoming a paladin, the elements abandoned him. They saw him as a usurper and a traitor. He reforged his blade, and went on a journey to honor the elements of Outlands, Azeroth... and Draenor. The first two were simple, and he gained their favor fast, but on the Alternate Draenor, he and his twin eventually ended up captured by Draenei, despite killing at least a hundred of them. They called Grak'thar a false user of the light, and accused him of using the void. They broke his back, his leg, and both arms. They seared his flesh and tore his skin. The Ironworgs same to his rescue, however, and afterwards, he realized... that no matter what, no matter who stood in his way, he would do whatever it took to protect those he cared for. The Ironworgs, the elements, his family... and the Horde.

Curse of Flesh

He was Stormforged, the peak a warrior could reach. But, it would not last. He angered a lot of people in his time, and, that involved twilight cultists and such. They kidnapped him... and he ended up exposed to so much void energy he reverted back to an orc. He was aged about 31, despite being over 70, and would continue to fight... even if it meant losing more that is dear to him.


Grak'thar Splinterblade danced with death for many years, tasting her sweet kiss many a time. However, no man lives forever. Grak'thar was, for a few years, a part of the Ironworg Clan. However, he had never imagined that his past would come to haunt them. A man he had once called brother, Darthok Earthmonger, had become corrupted by the Void in the Broken Isles. After revealing that he had been behind Grak'thar's second death, he proceeded to kidnap the blademaster, and launch several small-scale attacks on the Ironworg Clan. After finally being defeated, it was revealed he had inflicted the Stormforged Orc with the curse of flesh-- and the orc reverted to mortality. He was not bothered by this, but he -was- disturbed when void-related disturbances began to haunt Ashenvale once more. And sure enough, he had reuturned-- Darthok, now called 'Voidmonger'. He nearly destroyed the Ironworg clan, driving several members mad, and killing many more. To stop the destruction, Grak'thar left into the forest, after reforging his legendary blade, Grom'karosh, to clash once more with his arch-enemy and, for many years, brother-in-arms. The battle was long, and although Grak'thar was no longer any match in a one-on-one battle, the other clansmen who had come to aid him had the respect to give him his warrior's death. As the Alternate Grak'thar had stated... Splinterblade had come here to die. He injured Voidmonger, forcing him to use enough of his power there to stop corrupting the forest, and plaguing the dreams of the Ironworg Soldiers. For the first time in weeks, they would have a good night's rest. After Grak'thar was beheaded, Voidmonger left the Ironworg to mourn... the next day they led a renewed charge, and slew Darthok Voidmonger, once and for all... and so Splinterblade was laid to rest, at last. Though it is rumored he still wanders sometimes, bound to his sword, to right the wrongs he had committed in life...

"The Horde ravaged accross this world after we'd depleted our own, only to go back again to a new world. We shattered the chains of our demonic heritage, and reformed the Horde based on these values: Honor, valor, glory and freedom. Four values, easy to uphold, easy to live by. And it seems we have forsaken them. I write to you, Grom'kosh, my son, to tell you this, my final act of service, before I leave the Horde..."

"Honor. Without it, we are nothing."

Early Life (You're still reading? Then have some more!)

In his childhood and teenage years, Grak'thar lived and trained in Hallvalor. He was young, strong, and excelled in his training. This was especially notable during his trial to forge his blade, which he called Grom'karosh. How the blade earned it's name is quite a tale, however...

In the frozen dunes of Frostfire Ridge, Grak'thar wandered alone. Careful to avoid gronn and goren, he made his way to the Breaker's gate. It was there that he would find his adamantium, made fomic from the constant melting and cooling of the lava. So strong it could only be mined with a pick of goren teeth, and melted only in the burning magma of the place it called home. Splinterblade tolled, four days and four nights, fending off goren and beast, perfecting every detail, so that he might pour every ounce of his very being into the blade. On the damn of the fifth day, he knew the blade was ready. Alas, it had no name as of yet. On his journey back, he tolled and worked himself to retrieve a name, what the blade meant to him. After all, a creation that had no meaning was not a worthy creation at all. It had been not an hour, when he was beset by gronnlings. Four of the beasts came down apon him, yet his blade struck true. It pierced the heart of every giant that dare challenge him, and as long as he held the sword, they would not touch him. For that service, he named it Grom'karosh-- The Giant's Doom. His very soul, his holy protection, blessed in the flame and doused in blood. A worthy challenge, to all who dared to face Grak'thar Splinterblade.

To be Continued! (WIP)