User:K1tty/Fire in the Stars

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Author's notes: This piece of work is fan-fiction set in the official Warcraft universe.

This story follows the draenei death knight, Toravaax Bloodsoul, and his army of dead minions as they fight against the infinite onslaught of the Burning Legion.

Chapter One

Toravaax Bloodsoul hated demons.

The draenei didn't simply despise the chaotic monsters -- he personally felt the need to individually squash their heads between his palms, one by one. He yearned to rain fire and brimstone down upon the wretched, irreconcilable things until their charred corpses reached higher than any mountain on Kaarinos.

Demons had been the source of all agonizing heartache in Toravaax's life. Demons had indiscriminately slaughtered his people, driving them into near extinction. It was demons that gave rise to the first of the death knights,, horrific monstrosities that bent the very rules of life and death. Anywhere you looked throughout Azeroth's bitter and turbulent past, you could be sure to blame those vile, pitiful, hedonistic demons for anything and everything.

Toravaax wanted to kill them all. But he couldn't. Not yet, at least.

At the moment, Toravaax's biggest hurdle was just getting to the demons in the first place. The pockets of Legion resistance still populating Azeroth

This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.