User:Joshmaul/Saavedro of Stratholme/Saavedro Speaks

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Saavedro of Stratholme

This is a select series of quotations and dialogue involving Saavedro of Stratholme.

The Quotes

Saavedro: Something about him bugs me. Not sure what...
Sekhesmet: The ears, probably; they're long enough to be pennants on a Thalassian cruiser.
Saavedro: Master, I was being serious.
Sekhesmet: *grins* I know...I was trying to lighten the mood. Did it work?
Saavedro: *pauses for a minute to think on that* Kind of.

Saavedro: You don't honestly think you have a chance in hell of obtaining Medivh's staff, do you, warlock?
Joshmaul: I'll always have a chance in hell, human. Where do you think I get my powers? Thin air?
Saavedro: Hmm, point taken...

Wildhammer Gryphon Rider: Ye know how ta handle one of these beasties, lad?
Saavedro: Not really, but I'm a lethally quick study.
Wildhammer Gryphon Rider: Och, first time ridin' a gryphon that'll actually move with ye, eh? Ye must be crazy or somethin'.
Saavedro: A distinct possibility...would I be here otherwise?

Danath: Ah, young Saavedro...I see it's Lord Saavedro these days. How things have changed.
Saavedro: One of the benefits of exhausting training, Commander. I'm sure you can sympathize.
Danath: I can indeed, m'lad...what do you think of the Hold?
Saavedro: Reminds me of Durnholde before it crumbled faster than a rock crushed by a hammer. Armed guards, orcs, tense political situation...this sky is something else though.
Danath: Odd stuff, isn't it? This sky used to be as red as blood - now it's practically exposed to the heavens themselves.
Saavedro: If this is Heaven, I dread to think of what Hell looks like.
Danath: Some Wildhammer dwarves from Kurdran's camp say it's Shadowmoon Valley. Smoky sky, raining fire, burning lava, demons, the works.
Saavedro: Oh. Well, put that way, I think I like this place just fine, Commander.
Danath: You and me both, lad.

"It happened just after I left,'s one of those things when you ask yourself, 'How the hell am I still here when everyone I ever knew is dead?'" -When informed of the fall of Lordaeron

"The gateway to Draenor – Outland – is now reopened. And we must investigate, find out exactly what is going on...and if possible, see if we can locate Khadgar’s expedition." -Council of war shortly before the sending of the Second Alliance Expedition (Closed beta test)

"Desecration! Those damn pretenders - and that bastard Ordevaas particularly. Masters of the Light, indeed! Whoever came up with this idea should be taken out into the street and shot!" -Returning to Stratholme to see the Alonsus Chapel in flames

"It's somewhat difficult to be the caretaker of the throne of Lordaeron when technically there's no throne to caretake. Oh, the physical chair is still there, but where are the people who are supposed to be sitting in it? Terenas is dead, his son is the Lich King, Calia is Light-knows-where, and the Capital City is held by abominations. Not exactly a stress-free working environment." -referring to his duties as Regent

"My name is Saavedro of Stratholme, and I am a Knight of the Silver Hand. I am a survivor of Lordaeron, a soldier of the Alliance, an explorer, a teacher, a documentarist...I have stood face to face with pit lords, eredar, ogres and their gronn overlords, giants, orcs, dragons, ethereals, blood elves, naga, trolls, and the reincarnation of a lost god. I have confronted the forces of the Horde, the undead tide of the Scourge, the once mighty troll empires of Zul'Gurub and Zul'Aman, the blind zealotry of the Scarlet Crusade, the inhuman hatred of the Black Dragonflight, and the innumerable Legion of the Lower Planes and their various slave races.

And all that time, I have trusted in the power of the Light as my guardian and companion, and I hope that some day you will too."

- addressing new paladins in Stormwind

"You ask for my impressions of him, Prophet? I suppose I could give you a look into the human you've come to know, as one who knows him best. At times, he is the gentlest soul you could ever meet, a shoulder to cry on, a friendly ear to hear your troubles, a calm voice to give you counsel. Other times, he is a wise leader and explorer, seeking knowledge for knowledge's sake, rather than for the glory and wealth. Then there is the vindictive side, the side that craved retribution - for his King, for his city, for his homeland...for all who died at Arthas' hands. The Scourge even has a name for him: The Oncoming Storm, a harbinger of holy fury. Naxxramas is the beginning, the first conquest of many. There will be more."

- Ambassador Ordevaas Portalseeker, to the Prophet Velen

"You have been a persistent thorn in my side for many a year. You have destroyed my legions in Naxxramas. You have derailed my operations in Zul'Drak. You have slain my commanders on the coasts...and you have begun to unravel the defenses at my very doorstep. You are clever, I will give you that...but my gaze is now upon you, and my legions will chase you until the very earth is a smoking ball of blight. And when you are in my grasp, Saavedro of Stratholme, you will beg me to let you live...and then you will beg me to let you die!"

- The Lich King threatening Saavedro