User:Joshmaul/Saavedro of Stratholme/List of In-Game Information (old)

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Various Residences

Saavedro outside his home in Goldshire, wearing the colors of the Eternal Order during the war in Outland
Saavedro within the conquered Scarlet Bastion in Stratholme, after the conclusion of the Shattered Sun Offensive
Saavedro accompanied by Ordevaas and Korogh in the hunt for Artimus Devaneaux during the Shattered Sun Offensive
Saavedro with Lady Liadrin, the Blood Knight matriarch, as she makes her case to A'dal during the Shattered Sun Offensive

Saavedro was born in the residence of the Magistrate in Corin's Crossing, across the road from the town hall. When he became a priest of Lordaeron, he lived primarily in Cathedral Square (now Crusaders' Square) in western Stratholme, close to the church that is now the Scarlet Bastion. When he was sent to Stormwind, he lived at first in a small house in the Canal District. Seeking a place that provided somewhat more solace than the bustling streets of Stormwind, Saavedro moved into the house now inhabited by Adele Fielder and Helene Peltskinner (the leatherworking and skinning trainer, respectively) outside Goldshire. He still maintained this as a residence whenever he was in Elwynn Forest, and both Adele and Helene kept his room open for him in the event he ever required it. After his death, the house was given to General Tanis.

In Outland, Saavedro lived for a time at Honor Hold in Hellfire Peninsula, taking shelter from the oppressive heat and the infernals in the fortress' inn. After joining the cause of the Sha'tar, he made his home in the Aldor Rise in Shattrath City, using it as a base to connect with the rest of Outland and the other capital cities (and eventually Quel'Danas during the Offensive). After the Offensive defeated Kael'thas Sunstrider, Saavedro often spent time in the inn at Sun's Reach, and would be seen on the beach at night, staring to the northwest - towards Northrend.

Once the war in Northrend began, Saavedro resided at the inn at Valiance Keep in the Borean Tundra, the headquarters of King Varian's expedition. After a time - and with the aid of magi trained in all of their portal spells - he journeyed to Dalaran, where he made his home in the Silver Enclave. He was most often found there throughout the war, except for the days he spent at the tournament.

In addition to settling wherever the current war is being fought, Saavedro also had a small house kept for him in Theramore, at the behest of Lady Jaina Proudmoore. Saavedro's draenei lieutenant, Jaeden'laek, often made use of the house as he conducted his business in Kalimdor. After Saavedro's death, the house remained in Jaeden'laek's care. The house in Goldshire went to Artimus Devaneaux, who resided here in seclusion following the death of the Lich King.

Political Beliefs

Warlocks and Necromancy

Saavedro was adamantly opposed to the use of warlock magic and necromancy, and had spoken against allowing the continued presence of the warlock guilds in Stormwind and Ironforge. He believed that warlock magic was the domain of the Horde, which he described as "Light-forsaken and immoral", and had no place within the Alliance. He had attempted to use his influence as Regent Lord of Lordaeron to reverse the acceptance of warlocks in councils of the Alliance leadership, to no avail; despite their own opposition to it, the leaders of the Alliance - with the possible exception of the night elves and the draenei - reluctantly believed that warlock magic is a necessary evil, for the warlocks have proven their worth to the Alliance.

But he did have support: Tyrande Whisperwind, High Priestess of Elune and leader of the night elves, is of the belief that warlock magics are responsible for the corruption that has plagued Kalimdor, including the creation of the Felwood. The Prophet Velen, leader of the draenei and one of Saavedro's staunch supporters, believes as Saavedro does, that warlocks are an abomination to the Light - more so because a good number of his people took up this mantle eons in the past, when Sargeras called to them.

Saavedro had also been vehement in his opposition to the acceptance of the Knights of the Ebon Blade, a position he shared with his friend Ordevaas Portalseeker. "Liberated" or not, Saavedro argued, death knights were abominations to the Light and to all life as a whole, using their cruel tactics and black magic. Saavedro was a witness to the Battle of Light's Hope Chapel, though he did not participate himself. After the battle was over, Saavedro and Ordevaas visited the ruined towns in the shadow of the Ebon Hold - the fortress from which the Lich King had commanded the final annihilation of the Scarlet Crusade. Though the Crusade was as much an enemy of the Alliance as the Scourge, Saavedro pointed to the actions of the Ebon Blade here - as well as the killing of Argent Dawn soldiers during the brief battle at Light's Hope (to which Saavedro expressed his surprise at the result) - as reason enough to oppose them.

During his time in Northrend, however, Saavedro learned to work well with the Ebon Blade in their aims to disrupt the Scourge leadership in Zul'Drak as well as the capture of the Shadow Vault and the battles at Scourgeholme and the Cathedral of Darkness in Icecrown. At first this was chalked up to the "darkening of his soul" after the death of his friend Bolvar Fordragon; later, it was believed that Saavedro (albeit grudgingly) acknowledged that the Ebon Blade fought for the same end that he did, and honored Tirion Fordring's alliance with them.

The Horde

Saavedro was a staunch enemy of the Horde, knighted by King Anduin Wrynn of Stormwind (via his regent, Highlord Bolvar Fordragon) for his services in battle against them, particularly in Alterac Valley. Of the five main races of the Horde, the tauren are the least reviled - Saavedro has had many meaningful interactions with tauren over the years - and considered by him to be more loyal to the preservation of nature than even the night elves. However, Saavedro had a much lower opinion of their orcish allies (though he made a friend in the form of Noggra, a Frostwolf shaman, during a trip to Lordaeron). He believes that neither extermination nor internment has proven to work, so he believes that all orcs should be shipped across the Dark Portal and made to resettle in "their own world", or rather what remains of it.

As for the trolls of the Darkspear, Saavedro feels only hatred; having fought against the legions of Hakkar the Soulflayer across the world, Saavedro sees all trolls, particularly the jungle ones, as evil abominations who must be destroyed by the power of the Light. He also remembers - from his days as a young man in Stratholme, under Sekhesmet's tutelage - the time that the Amani forest trolls allied with the Horde as they burned their way through Lordaeron and Quel'Thalas; with Zul'Aman preparing to reopen itself to the world, Saavedro believes that, like Zul'Gurub and the sunken Temple of Atal'Hakkar, the Amani capital must be purged. Critics of his adamant hatred of trolls point out the services he did to the Zandalar clan of trolls who battled the Soulflayer, but Saavedro points out that they seem to place the preservation of the world above their own selfish interests, unlike their Gurubashi and Amani cousins.

The Forsaken remain something of a grey area. Like most paladins, Saavedro loathed any form of undeath, and at first lumped the Forsaken into the same grouping as the Scourge - abominations requiring destruction (ironically, this same mindset dominates the Scarlet Crusade, which Saavedro denounced as twisted and blind). However, like with the tauren and the blood elves, he had some meaningful relations with them in his service to the Alliance. Despite early unsettled feelings - which sometimes boiled down to outright hatred - Saavedro reconnected with his former master, Sekhesmet of Stratholme. He also became acquainted with Leonid Barthalomew the Revered, a Forsaken who had joined the Argent Dawn feeling his undeath a malady that simply required treatment - and that treatment was destroying the Scourge responsible for his undeath. Though Saavedro has reunited with Sekhesmet and Ordevaas in a common cause - despite their being part of the Horde - he remains suspicious of the Forsaken as a whole because of the actions of Grand Apothecary Putress during the Battle of Angrathar the Wrath Gate. Though Ordevaas had attempted to convince him otherwise, Saavedro believed that Sylvanas has an ulterior motive, and may have had some stake in the plague that Putress unleashed at Angrathar.

The Blood Elves

Saavedro's opinion of the blood elves was slightly mixed. On the one hand, he considers them kindred spirits, having lost their land, family, friends and King to the treachery of Prince Arthas. On the other, the methods that some blood elves use - particularly the Blood Knights - are reprehensible. He was especially horrified to learn of the capture and apparent torture of the naaru M'uru, his powers harvested by the blood elves to give power to their Blood Knights. When Kael'thas' treachery became clear and M'uru was kidnapped by the felblood elves, Lady Liadrin - the leader of the Blood Knight order - travelled to Shattrath along with Ordevaas Portalseeker and two Blood Knight Honor Guards to beseech A'dal for forgiveness and was granted a natural source of power for her knights - the power that Saavedro himself wielded without effort. The fact that the naaru were inclined to redeem Liadrin despite her crimes - and that the events were in fact prophesied by Velen, whom Saavedro considered a mentor - made Saavedro rethink his opinion of their practices.

Saavedro was particularly appalled to learn what had driven them to this course in the first place after the Scourge invasion - the racist policies of "Grand Marshal" Garithos, the self-declared leader of the Alliance remnant following the fall of Lordaeron. Garithos was an ethnocentric snob who did not seem to care anything about his non-human troops; even if they were superior to humans in their efforts, they were still considered nothing more than cannon fodder to Garithos. While Saavedro could sympathize somewhat with how they were treated in the Alliance, he continues to point out the fact that Kael'thas gave himself freely first to Illidan (who was nothing more than a pawn) and then to Kil'jaeden, and a good deal of his people followed him.

Restoration of Lordaeron

Saavedro at the controls of his hand-built aircraft, the Legacy of Lordaeron

Saavedro, as Regent Lord of Lordaeron, was a staunch supporter of reconstructing the Kingdom, or at least retaking as much of it that remains intact. The major obstacle is the infestation of undead - Scourge and Forsaken - that controls northern Lordaeron. Though publicly claiming to hold the throne until an uncorrupted (and still living) member of the Menethil Dynasty can be found, Saavedro privately believes that Princess Calia - the last known member of the dynasty - is likely dead and gone, which would precipitate the crowning of a new King of Lordaeron. When that is done, Saavedro says, he will stand aside.

Because of the blood elves' connection to the Forsaken, however, Saavedro was aware that taking Lordaeron from Sylvanas may result in a war with Quel'Thalas, one that the blood elves are more prepared for than the humans are. While Saavedro himself would have welcomed the blood elves (despite their less-than-ideal methods) back to the Alliance, others - particularly the draenei - would not have been so willing. The blood elves tortured a naaru for their dark powers, which they claimed to be true mastery of the Light, but which the draenei saw as an abomination to all who call themselves paladins.


Of all of Saavedro's many enemies, his greatest without a doubt was Joshmaul the Warlock, a megalomaniacal human who possessed the body of an orcish shaman and warped it to his own purposes. Wielding immense power over demons and shadow magic, Joshmaul's one goal is to dominate the world, and he seeks to do so by conquering the Scourge.

The final conflict between the two was decided in Northrend (see "The Strands of Fate" above).

Old In-Game Information

Argent Champion Saavedro with his friend Tirion Fordring


List of quotations