User:Joshmaul/Kitrik the Assassin/Beyond the Lost Isles

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This is a list of Kitrik the Assassin's in-game activities after the Lost Isles.

In the Pay of the Dark Lady

Kitrik is hired by Sylvanas to aid her efforts in Lordaeron

After serving in Azshara to solidify the Bilgewater's hold on the land, Kitrik wandered Kalimdor for several weeks before he journeyed by zeppelin across the sea to Lordaeron. Though some among his Grand Army were Forsaken disgusted by Sylvanas' unscrupulous conduct in recent days, Kitrik was intrigued by the no-qualms approach to conquest she held, and met with the Dark Lady in her throne room in the Undercity, in his capacity as an independent mercenary.

Sylvanas explained that she intended to stake claim to all of Lordaeron, as many of her Forsaken were former servants of that nation. Tirisfal, Silverpine and Hillsbrad were largely under Forsaken dominance, with weakening resistance movements in the latter two regions. The Western Plaguelands, particularly Andorhal, were an area of great value - whoever controlled Andorhal would eventually hold the whole region, even though the Argent Crusade had swooped in to take control of Hearthglen to the north. Sylvanas explained that the fight for Andorhal was on two fronts - against the remnants of Arthas' Scourge, and the Alliance forces commanded by the human death knight Thassarian. Promising a substantial reward for his service, Sylvanas wanted Kitrik to travel to Andorhal and aid her commander in the field, the sin'dorei death knight Koltira Deathweaver, in his campaign to claim Andorhal. Kitrik cautiously agreed, though he suspected there was more to this than the Dark Lady was letting on.

Though he admired the Dark Lady as a leader and agreed with her desire to ensure the survival of the Forsaken, Kitrik was less than enthusiastic about the means she used to do so. Though he was not opposed to necromancy on the basic level - he had many death knights and Forsaken defectors in his own army - the Assassin was sickened at the indiscriminate slaughter of innocent farmers in Lordaeron, who had only come to settle in the revitalized land. Plus, throughout the battle in Andorhal, he had the feeling that the reason Sylvanas had wanted him to work with Koltira was to spy on him; the blood elf still appeared to maintain his links of unholy brotherhood with Thassarian, as they had both served together fighting for, then against, the Lich King. Sure enough, Sylvanas herself confirmed this when she appeared in person on the battlefield. Directing her val'kyr and her soldiers to carry out her commands, the Banshee Queen and her Forsaken managed to win the day in Andorhal. Displeased with what she perceived as weakness on Koltira's part, Sylvanas had the death knight taken into the bowels of the Undercity, where she and her loyal followers would "reform" him.

Thoroughly disgusted by the Banshee Queen's methods, Kitrik departed Lordaeron for Kalimdor, hoping never to return.

Death to the Shadow Council!

Kitrik prepares to spring on Lord Banehollow, the dreadlord ruling the Shadow Council in Felwood

After working for a time in Thousand Needles and Tanaris to advance the Bilgewater's interests, Kitrik returned to northern Kalimdor, to the forests of Felwood, where he was hired by the Emerald Circle to weaken the efforts of the Shadow Council in the region. A decade before, shortly before the Battle of Mount Hyjal, the Burning Legion had used the power of the skull of Gul'dan to corrupt the forest, the land and even the waters within, until Illidan had absorbed the power of the skull for himself, transforming him into a demon-night elf hybrid.

Slaying their satyr allies in the Ruins of Constellas, Kitrik went further afield, into the ruined barrow dens that were now known as Jaedenar, the last bastion of the Council in Kalimdor. Descending into one of the dens, designated "Shadow Hold", Kitrik was tasked to slay five major members of the Inner Circle of the Council: The satyr Prince Xavalis, the twin succubi Moora and Salia, the orc warlock Fel'dan, and finally - at the center of the Circle - the dreadlord Lord Banehollow. Using his skills of stealth and poison, Kitrik managed to best them all with quick ambushes, mutilating them with quick dagger strikes, and finally eviscerating them to death. After escaping Jaedenar and making his way through the slime-coated remnants of Bloodvenom Post, Kitrik arrived in Whisperwind Grove to continue his service to the Emerald Circle. His new task was to hunt down and assassinate a demon hunter who had been slaughtering druids in Jadefire Run.

The Secrets of Jadefire Run

Kitrik dons Feronas Sindweller's demon-charged bandana to detect the demons of Jadefire Run

Kitrik defeated the demon hunter, Feronas Sindweller, in single combat, but before delivering the killing blow, the night elf bade the Assassin stay his hand, for he knew of a terrible secret that threatened the Emerald Circle. He showed the goblin exactly what had happened to Felwood - Illidan's duel with Arthas, his claiming of the skull of Gul'dan and the slaying of the dreadlord king Tichondrius. When that was done, Feronas revealed that the "druids" of Jadefire Run were in fact disguised demons, and gave Kitrik a bandana soaked in demon blood - which would allow him to see demons in their true form - as proof. Sure enough, Kitrik entered Jadefire Run while wearing the demon-charged cloth, and saw the hidden demons behind the druids. He slew many before he was pulled back by Feronas, who revealed that the Arch Druid Navarax, the leader of the Emerald Circle, was in fact a demon himself.

Returning to Whisperwind Grove and entering the chamber at the summit of the great tree there, Kitrik confronted the "Arch Druid", who revealed himself to be the satyr Xaravan (his disguised name was his own name backwards, a fact Kitrik found highly unoriginal). Despite the satyr's warlock powers, he proved no match for the Assassin's poisons and fell in short order. A druid ran in upon hearing the sounds of battle, and found the satyr lying dead on the floor, and Kitrik with daggers drawn. Realizing what had happened, the Whisperwind druid sent word back to the leaders on the ground, ensuring how close they had come to being Legion puppets...