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Ability parry.png This user is dedicated, but not hardcore.
Inv misc head dragon black.png This user prefers to PvE.
Inv misc head dragon blue.png This user prefers to raid.
Icon OnlyAlliance.gif Death to the Horde!
This user only plays as a member of the Alliance.
Scryers Tabard.jpg This user's character joined the Scryers.
Inv jewelry talisman 07.png This user is exalted with the 
Argent Dawn.
Achievement PVP A 16.png This player has earned the title
Ambassador (title).
IconSmall NightElf Female.gif
Ui-charactercreate-classes druid.png
This user plays as a night elf druid.
Enchanting This user plays as a Enchanter / Scribe. Inscription
Spell holy renew.png This user plays as a Healer.
Ability parry.png This user spent 1000 gold A LOT for Dual Talent Specialization.
IconSmall Human Female.gif
Ui-charactercreate-classes paladin.png
This user plays as a human paladin.
Mining This user plays as a Miner / Engineer. Engineering
Inv shield 31.png This user plays as a Tank.
Achievement dungeon naxxramas.png This user's character has cleared 10-man Naxxramas in Northrend.
Achievement dungeon coablackdragonflight.png This user's character has cleared the 10-man Obsidian Sanctum.
Spell frost frostbrand.png This user's character has cleared the 10-man Vault of Archavon.
Achievement dungeon nexusraid.png This user's character has cleared the 10-man Eye of Eternity.
Achievement boss onyxia.png This user's character has cleared the revamped Onyxia.
Achievement reputation argentchampion.png This user's character has cleared 10-man Trial of the Crusader.
Spell holy proclaimchampion.png This character managed to loot 100 Emblems of Heroism before being discontinued.
TBCLogo.png This user joined during The Burning Crusade.
Firefox Logo.svg This user uses Mozilla Firefox to browse Warcraft Wiki.
Icebreaker model.png This user misses the boat by a few seconds every damn time.
Ability Mount CockatriceMountElite.png This user refers to the blood elf racial mount as chocobos, wark!
DruidHunterRogueWarrior This user thinks that WoW needs more classes, not races!
Blazeedge.jpg This user plays on the European Blade's Edge server.