User:Jaberwaki/The Prison Brothers (Tactics)

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MobThe Prison Brothers
No image available
Race Human
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) None
Location The Frontal Cell Block
Status Killable


Phase One


  • Spell holy holybolt.png Smite — Smites the target for 13,000 to 22,000 holy damage, making the target incorruptible
  • Spell shadow shadowworddominate.png Mind Control — Takes control of the target for 30 Seconds
  • Spell holy divinespirit.png Resurrect —  Resurrects the target with 25% health
Mind Controlled
  • Spell holy powerinfusion.png Drain Allies — Decreases damage done by all Allies by 10%
  • Spell arcane arcane04.png Mana Explosion — Explodes for 50,000 splash damage


  • Spell shadow abominationexplosion.png Corrupt —  Infects the target, dealing 1,500 to 2000 Shadow damage a second for 2 minutes
  • Spell shadow deadofnight.png Call of the Master — Summons two Skeletal Guards to defend the summoner
Skeletal Guards
  • Ability warrior bladestorm.png Whirlwind — The caster spins wildly around dealing 15,000 to 30,000 damage to all targets within a 10 foot radius
  • Spell shadow unholystrength.png Strangling Grasp — Deals 5,000 to 10,000 shadow damage, and the target takes 15% more damage for the next 30 seconds


  • Spell frost chainsofice.png Chains of Ice — Freezes the target in place, dealing 3,000 to 7,000 frost damage a second for 15 seconds
  • Spell frost freezingbreath.png Frost Nova — Freezes everyone within a 10 foot radius of the caster in place for 20 seconds
  • Spell frost frostbolt02.png Frost Bolt —  Deals 14,000 to 17,000 frost damage to the target, and increases all frost damage the target takes by 25%


  • Ability warrior bloodbath.png Charge —  Charges the target, hitting for 25,000 to 32,000 damage
  • Ability warrior battleshout.png Roar of Brutality — Increases all damage done by 30%

Phase Two


  • Spell shadow contagion.png Plague —  Reduces all damage and healing done by 90%
  • Spell shadow animatedead.png Skeletonize Ally —  Revives an Ally as a Skeleton Rampager
  • Spell deathknight armyofthedead.png Army of the Dead — Summons an army of rampaging ghouls
Skeleton Rampager
  • Spell shadow cripple.png Plague Bolt —  Throws 2 plague bolts at random targets, dealing 14,000 to 18,000 shadow damage and infecting them with Susceptibility
    • Spell shadow deathcoil.png Susceptibility —  Deals 4,000 to 9,000 shadow damage a second for 5 seconds
Rampaging Ghoul
  • Ability creature poison 01.png Gnaw —  Channels over 5 seconds, infecting the target with Plague


  • Spell fire immolation.png Living Bomb — The target becomes a living bomb, the target will explode for 500,000 splash damage after 20 seconds


  • Ability warrior endlessrage.png Frightening Shout — Shouts intimidatingly causing all targets within 20 yards to flee
  • Ability warrior warbringer.png Hamstring — Reduces the targets movement speed by 75%

Phase Three


  • Spell arcane arcane02.png Mana Syphon — Chanelled over 20 Seconds, for ever 5000 mana the target has, the caster gains 1 stack of Mana Rage
    • Spell arcane focusedpower.png Mana Rage — Increases damage done by all spells by 5%
  • Spell arcane arcaneresilience.png Arcane Shield — Redirects 50% of all damage done to the caster at the target
  • Spell arcane blast.png Celestial Shock — Deals 20,000 to 25,000 damage to the target and reduces the targets movement speed by 50%
  • Spell arcane arcane03.png Energized Mana — Sprays Energized Mana in a cone infront of the caster, dealing 9,000 to 15,000 damage

Mana Constructs
  • Spell arcane rune.png  Empowered Arcana — Increases all spell damage done by you and your allies by 25%


  • Ability warrior safeguard.png Ultimate Resistance — Reduces all damage done to the target by 95%

Phase Four


  • Ability warrior shieldbreak.png Shatter Armor — Decreases the targets armor by 35%
  • Ability warrior rampage.png Desperate Rage — Increases all damage done by 25%
  • Ability warrior shockwave.png Impale — Deals 18,000 to 22,000 damage and causes the target to bleed for 40% of the damage done
  • Ability warrior bladestorm.png Bladestorm — Spins in a madened frenzy, doing 12,000 to 15,000 damamge to everyone in a 10 yard radius and applies Bloody Weakness
    • Ability warrior bloodnova.png Bloodied Weakness — The target takes 10% more damage for one minute
  • Ability warrior unrelentingassault.png Execute — Slashes the target for 60,000 damage, can only be used on a target with less than 15%
  • Ability warrior bullrush.png Lust for Death — If a person dies within 50 yards of the caster the caster does 10% more damage


Phase One

The timer for Phase One is essentially two minutes, after two minutes Charge will instantly kill anyone hit by it, and the debuff from the mind controlled targets will make Chains of Ice unkillable. The essence of Phase One is to kill Hinan while making sure that as few targets as possible are infected by corruption.


Hinan has two main abilities during this phase, the first, mind control, is cast ever 45 seconds and the targeted person will apply a debuff, decreasing damage done by 10%. The second, is smite, which will only be cast on targets who escape Corin's Chains of Ice


Jazir's main ability is Corrupt which is only cast on targets that do not escape Corin's Chains of Ice. He also summons guards which whirlwind and should simply be avoided.


Corin, besides casting random frostbolts, also freezes people within Chains of Ice, Chains of Ice needs to have 400,000 damage done to it or otherwise the target will be charged by Aldar.


Aldar will charge any target who is caught in Chains of Ice after 15 seconds, he will also cast Roar of Brutality every minute.

Phase Two

Phase two simply requires that plague be kept of as many people as possible, losing too many dps or healers will make the fight undoable, this stage of the fight can last as long as it takes to kill Jazir. The only pertenent thing to do is kill the Rampaging Ghouls.


Jazir will summon one skeletal rampager at the beggining of the fight; along with afflicting everyone who was inflicted with corruption, with plague. The skeletal corruptors will shoot plague bolts that after five seconds of a ticking debuff will infect the target with plague, the debuff needs to be despelled imediately. Jazir will also summon an Army of the Dead every 30 seconds, these adds are unkillable except by the splash damage from Living Bomb. The Rampaging Ghouls need to be kited by a person infected with Plague. The Rampaging Ghouls will also infect people within plague unless interupted, no matter what they need to be killed by the time Aldar casts Frightening Shout.


Corin only casts living bomb and random targets throughout the fight. The target infected needs to run toward the group of Rampaging Ghouls to kill them.


Aldar will attempt to impede the movement of the target of Living Bomb, and so it is pertenent that he be tanked as far away from the main group as possible. He will also cast Frightening Shout which will cause all members of the raid to flee

Phase Three



Phase Four