User:Igiarmpr/Azshara's Rise/Tomb of Sargeras

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The Tomb of Sargeras is one of the high-end instances in my expansion set idea and besides the Grim Batol Towers the only one not located in Nazjatar, it has 3 bosses to fight, the last one being the weakened Avatar of Sargeras.

Inside the instance you will find many members of the Burning Legion, especially from the Shadow Council.

Lord Banehollow.jpg

Lord Banehollow

The first boss you encounter is the Nathrezim Lord Banehollow (you might remember him from the quest for a Xorothian Dreadsteed). He is very powerful and may be the thoughest encounter in the instance.

Banehollow has different spells, first of all he has an ability that puts his target to sleep temporarily, the he has a shadowbolt salve, sometimes he casts a Vampiric Aura on himself making any melee attack he suffers to heal him instead.

He also regulary summons Imps and Satyrs wich will deal a lot of damage to the group.


On heroic mode there is an achievement that requires you to kill 50 of Lord Banehollow's minions (imps/satyrs) within 30 seconds after his death, if completed you will get a Felhunter mount.

Priestess Eresria

Mother Shahraz.jpg

Eventhough Sargeras' avatar isn't nearly as powerful as the real Lord of the Bruning Legion, this Shivarra was sent to ressurect the Dark Titan's incarnation.

As the battle goes on Eresria's casts tak less ans less to be casted, this is especially a problem if she heals herself (soemthing she will do if she has less than 30% of her hp), if the fight is "fresh" the casttime is long and can easily be interupted, but in the case that the group doesn't do enough damage and the fight goes on for a long time, the cast will be nearly instant and impossible to interrupt.

Besides healing herself she also created circles under a player wich you have to get out of.


Avatar of Sargeras
