Xorothian Dreadsteed

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MobXorothian Dreadsteed
Image of Xorothian Dreadsteed
Race [Dreadsteed] (Demon)
Level 62 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Burning Legion
Location Prison of Immol'thar, Dire Maul

A Xorothian Dreadsteed was an elite [Dreadsteed] that was summoned in Dire Maul. Only warlocks could call forth this demon for the purpose of binding it to the warlock's will.

Objective of


Once killed, a Dreadsteed Spirit appeared standing over the Xorothian Dreadsteed's corpse. The spirit would complete the warlock quest, earning the warlock their summonable mount.

Patch changes

External links