User:Igiarmpr/Azshara's Rise/Tel'Abim Vale

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Tel'Abim Vale is an instance for my expansion idea Azshara's Rise.

It's a deep valley on Tel'Abim being a jungle microcosmos on the desertic island similar to Un'Goro Crater or Sholazar Basin. Just like these two zones it's a Titan sanctuary.

War Golem.jpg

The instance doesn't have a order in the bosses or a route to follow, the 4 bosses simply wander around the crater waiting to be killed.

The Guardian

The Guardian is a hughe Golem, he creates a cloud over the group wich strikes lightnings, he also makes an earthquake wich stuns the group an causes a signifcant amount of damage.

He walks following a circular route through the vale.



Sarrten a basilisk living at the bottom of a pond. His main abilities are stunning the group and summoning 5 basilisc that attack each groupmember and fearing a random player wich is particulary dangerous if you haven't cleared the area wich is infected by Crocolisk.

In the heroic mode there is an achievement wich requires you not to kill any of the surrounding crocilsk group in wich you could be feared into before you kill Sarrten.

Sanguinar, the Petal

Deviate Lasher.jpg

Sanguinar is a giant Bloodpetal, it as two special abilities which are stuning a player with its roots, wich does periodic damage and kicking a player up and back wich causes falldamage and get him out of range.

Aaron Nesingwary

This hunter, a cousin of the legendary Hemet Nesingwary, has lost his mind and will attack you group if he crosses you. If in range he will attack anyone with his crossbow, his pet Devilsaur Jack randomly attacks a member of the group, he also gives his master an improved [Spirit Bond], healing eachother for 5% every 5 seconds.