User:Hv3drungr/Rada and Petwo loa

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Rada and Petwo are families of loa, worshipped by the trolls.

The Zandalari worship "loa," powerful spirits who have been a part of the world predating even the titans. Countless loa exist, most weak, but some very powerful. Most are shapeless, whereas others have animal or creature forms.

Zandalari families often worship their own family loas, cities usually have their own civic deities, and the greatest loa are worshiped by the nation as a whole. Powerful, enlightened Zandalari can become loas upon their death - or so it is believed.

These spirits are central to the Zandalari worldview: so say the loa, so go the Zandalari. [1]

There are three greater loa that rule over each of these families, and each loa of one of the families are mirrored by a counterpart in the other.

The Rada Loa

The Rada loa are positive, light hearted loa, but they also represent the traditional, old fashioned values of troll society, such as more stereotypical gender roles.

Papa Legba

Papa Legba is a loa of crossroads and keeper of gates and gateways. This wise old man, known by his hat and occasionally his cane, opens up communication between mortals and spirits.

Papa Agwe

Papa Agwe is Papa Legba's brother, and captain of the ship that brings the spirits of the dead to Bwonsamdi. Agwe is a loa of guidance, be it in the physical world or on a more spiritual plane. Papa Agwe does, together with his brother, encourage typical masculine qualities, such as strength and courage. When Agwe cries, his salt water tears run for trolls who live under oppression, or for trolls who have lost their way.


Papa Agwe's wife, Zul'freda is a protector of women who are wives and mothers. She is a loa of love and beauty, of flowers and marriage, but also of jealousy.

The Petwo Loa

The Petwo loa represent more sinister aspects of the loa, and also freer, individualistic and more chaotic values.


Kalfou guards the crossroads, but unlike his Rada counterpart, his watch is over misfortune and dark voodoo, which he lets into the world as he pleases.


Che'gow of the Torch is, like Papa Agwe, a captain, but his domain is boiling and turmoiled waters. He is sometimes asked to curse other sailors, and if you are in his favour, he will crash violent waves into the ships you want cursed.


Zul'danto is a loa for the strong women, those who enter fearlessly into battle, who aren't afraid of having their faces scarred, but who proudly sees herself as equal, or even superior, to any man.


Papa Legba could be the same as IconSmall Unknown.gif Legba, Loa of Speed, Icon-RPG.png but their qualities differ.


The names of these loa and the families were taken from the true Haitian Vodoun Lwa. Most of their attributes are correct too, but others are pure creative license.

External sources
