User:Hilda Farchild

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The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. Please make sure player character articles are in user namespaces - see the personal article policy.

Name Faction Server Race Class Level Guild Rank
Hildaldith Alliance Moon Guard File:IconSmall Human.gif Hunter Hunter 78 None None
Name Faction Server Race Class Level Guild Rank
  • Name: Hildaldith Farhild
  • Race: Human
  • Age: 17 and a Half
  • Height: 5'6"
  • Weight: 127
  • Title: Ranger and Student of the Light
  • Birthplace: Area once known as Theramore
  • Religious Affiliation: Light
  • Occupation: Ranger
  • Additional Skills: Skinning, Herbalism, Cooking, First Aid, Fishing
  • Guild: None
  • Nicknames: Hilda, Hildy
  • Server: Moonguard


UPDATE: It seems young Hilda is doing what teenagers with independence and money do! Dye their hair, get a hair cut and get piercings. Long blond hair has been cut short and dyed deepest black. She is also the shy owner of a freshly pierced brow, nose as well and ears. However with time the desire for such things faded, as all fads do with teens. She is once again back to her long locks of golden hair.

A young, pretty, wide-eyed girl who stands a mere 5'4 inches in height, weighs no more than 120 pounds and looks to be in her mid-teens. She fair of form; athletic, lean, slim waisted and slender with the only indication of strength shown in sturdy legs that seem built for bursts of speed.

No longer a young runaway of meager means, the child ranger can now either be seen in well tailored ranger leathers of varying colors or a suit of well crafted light mail armor, fitted and formed for heavier combat situations. Though it does make her somewhat shy when wearing it, she does so with the pride of a girl coming into her own. Her now finer weapons still consist of a spear, bow and two well crafted blades. Upon her hip rests a thick leather bound book within a simple weathered and beaten satchel.

Around her neck hangs a semi precious stone, dangling from a silver chain. It seems to be of Wildhammer origins. A second necklace hangs as well. This is of Kal'dorei design. Suspended from it is an imbued crystal. A set of rusted keys hangs from a belt loop and another loop upon her belt is home to a Gnomish Army Knife. She also wears around her neck, tucked within her armor a set of Stormwind military dog tags bearing the name Sidonek Redrain.


A massive canine who has a demeanor of courage, confidence tirelessness. He stands by his master watching all with keen alert and mistrustful eyes. Her loyal companion, Greywind is a wolf fix mix who has been with her for years. he has fought by her side through all her adventures, sadly, those adventures have taken their toll. The young pup has been replaced by a ferocious combat hardened dog of war. The loss of his innocence saddens her.

He has undergone a change since their time in Outland and he is prone to times of extreme aggression towards others. Hilda believes that he was somehow infected by the Fel energies of Outland. However she has been seeking treatment for him from her dear friends Lady Connorath and Lady Annaryn. Even Her best friend, Sharalee has tried to aid him in his recovery.


A bit Hero Worship never hurt anyone

Hilda has a bit of a fascination with what she tends to call True Heroes. She has an idealized and romanticized view of all those who by appearance alone, seem to be accomplished veterans. She tends to be quite naive to the truth behind many and as a result she can be overly trusting. This has put her in both, preferable and dangerous positions and has lead her to become confused about a great many things. Things she constantly struggles with. She has spent many moments simply standing silently and staring in wonder at heroic passers by, imagining the sights they must have seen and adversities they must have overcome. However, slowly, she is beginning to privately count herself among them. her confidence is growing.

A Gift for all things of the Wild

Despite her naivete around people she is a virtual prodigy when it comes to the wilderness and the beasts of the world. Able to identify and tame animals, run with great speed, identify plants and even see through the eyes of beasts. These gifts have always been with her, it is only through finding proper training that she has been able to hone them and pursue the path of the Ranger that she now has.

My Path

A Stow Away No More

I stole aboard the Seaspray. They found me but we were deep mid sea. They kept me on board and I worked my way over and now I am here. Caravans and weeks of walking. The fascinating tram and a dwarven kingdom. I pray mother (Amanda) and Father (Jeddith) will forgive me. One less mouth to feed.

Questioning my Path

In separate conversations, one with Reyco and one with Ceylin, I was left to think hard on what lay ahead for me. To choose carefully, the path I walk. Ceylin seemed to believe that the Light isn't for everyone. While Reyco believed that the path of the squire was not something he felt fitting for me. Maybe I should speak to more friends and seek their opinions.

Learning the Way of the Ranger

Shortly after befriending the Worgen Warmistress Keiloria, I journeyed over to Darkshire to find Mitriad Warcannon the ranger responsible for patrolling those haunted forests. A striking woman with armor much like mine only black, and she wore a hood. I soon came to find that she too was a worgen. She took me under her wing to teach me the fundamentals of being a ranger. She seems quite accomplished and serves the "pack" called the Heartsong Guardians. They guard a Dream Leyline that runs through Duskwood. I hope to learn much from her!

My Ranger Trials

One week. Alone. No food. No weapons. No armor. No clothing. Not even Greywind bu my side. Just me and the dark forests of Duskwood. I though Mitriad Warcannon was mad when she told me that this was going to be my Trial. How could I survive? But I did. Cold and alone, I did. Well not fully alone. I was to live off the land and avoid all travelers that I saw. I found a place to camp and on the third day went out in search of a companion. I found one in a black owl that had been watching me. I lured him and soon tamed him. We became allies and without him things could have gone very differently. But it was allowed. I was to live off the land and he was of the land.

On the last day of the trials, I never thought I would wind up fighting for my life. A Worgen who wanted to put an end to all that I was and held dear. The details of my struggle on that day are not for these pages. I just want to forget them and not be reminded of them. But I doubt I ever will.

In the end, I emerged and was greeted by Mitriad and welcomed into the ranks of the Rangers.

A Home Granted by the Magistrate

The magistrate of Darkshire has given me a small cabin in the outskirts of the town. He's realized that sometimes I can be a little overwhelmed by the crowds that gather in the inn and so he kindly offered me this simple place to stay he also thought it was the least he could do for my services to the town and surrounding wilderness.

A Return Home

Quite some time has passed and I've been saving and sending earnings to Ma and Da for months since I left home. But I decided to return. I was nervous. So so nervous but I was welcomed with open arms and tears. My three brothers and both my parents couldnt' believe how much I'd changed and how much Greywind had grown. We remained together for several days and had a tear filled goodbye. They were doing so much better with the goods and coin I had been sending. I know that I have to continue now but I'll always return home to Theramore and my family.

A Visit to Darnassus

I cannot believe what happened. I received an invitation to visit Darnassus. I had spent time, much time indeed, exploring and aiding others in the name of the Kaldorei Kingdom and Capitol city. Never did I think I would be allowed to soar to the peaks of the World Tree on the back of a Hippogriff! When I arrived, Sentinels saw me and were surprised that I was so young. They tested my skill with bow and beast. They tested my knowledge of the flora and fauna as well and found me to be more skilled than they imagined. Then the unthinkable happened. Two Sentinels were tasked with showing me the great city and soon took me to visit the trainer of their great steeds. I was amazed. It's what happened next that truly shocked me. They said that they would be proud to allow me the right to own and ride one. They asked me to choose and shaking, I chose whats called a Mistsaber. They taught me to ride and said I was one of the youngest humans to be given the privilege.

In search of a Sentinels Companion

Days have passed and the two Sentinel guides have taught me so much. My time here is coming to a close and they let me know that a true sentinel travels with her Saber. Now I know I am not a Sentinel and they do as well, but they believe that were I born of Kal'dorei Blood that I would have made a great Sentinel! So to be one in spirit, I should see a saber and that I will know the Saber I am to bond when when I see it.

Expanding my knowledge of the Land

In northern Kalimdor is the cold land known as Winterspring. I had never been there but the Elves said that I would learn much by traveling there and studying the plants and animals of the region so off I went and while there it happened. It began to snow and as I climbed to the nearby peak I saw him. A ghost white male saber that I knew was the one. I stepped around and calmly approached. He was tense but we locked eyes and soon after a silent sort of battle of wills he accepted me. I've named him Snowfall. I wonder how he'll get along with Greywind. We'll see when I return to Azeroth since I left him with Shara for my trip.

Joining the Army

When Rose Connorath told me that Theramore was going to be attacked by the Horde, I was first afraid. Afraid for my family, friends, and my home. But then, slowly I became angry. Angry at my fear. Angry at myself. I'd faced so many things. Met so many heroes and though I'm no hero myself, I felt that fear had ho place in a heroes heart. So after I got my mother and brothers settled in in Rose's home in Stormwind I decided that I would not let my father face the Horde without any family at his side. I'm joining the army to learn to fight the Horde. To learn military tactics. I only hope that they accept someone as young as me.

My First Deployment

I was accepted. Against all my thoughts and assumptions, I was accepted into the ranks. The commanders in Stormwind's command center sized me up and down and apparently had information about me. My assistance in Darkshire, my journey into Outland, my reputation. Gilneas, Darnassus and Stormwind... It wasnt long before I was assigned to aid in a battle. The Strand of the Ancients.

Hilda's Troubles

I am 15 going on 16. War is coming. Heartbreak. Chosen of Goldrinn. Bound to a tragic Worgen, sought after by an officer in one of the most reputable guilds in the realm and I need to protect my father. I have no time for foolishness.

A Mother's Confession

Much has happened. War has come to Theramore. Shara and I are no longer friends. Whatever she is I want nothing to do with her. I have oddly enough found a new friend in Lady Eillien and in doing so, in the aftermath of the fallout between that woman and I, I retold the tale my mother told me long ago. That time has greater power to know the truth and to heal than the Light itself. If anything is to be healed .. if anything is worth being healed. Only time itself will reveal it. I went on to tell her how my father left my mother long ago and that the pain of that betrayal has not yet left her heart. She since met another man and had children, but she seldom speaks of him ever. This man was named Theodanyll Farsinger and he was of Queldorei birth.

People of Importance

Lady Rose Connorath

Of all the people I have met, its been Rose Connorath, the knight I serve, that has had perhaps the greatest impact on my life since arriving in Stormwind. She has been a teacher, a friend, somewhat of a disciplinarian and has always sought to take the very best care of me.

Introduction to the League

Lady Connorath Introduced me to many members of her order (The League of Lordaeron). All were extremely kind. The Huntress Lilithia was of particular interest, a Worgen. But kind unlike so many.

Rose's Proposition

Rose sat me down today in Cathedral Square. She said that I had a decision to make. That I could join some army of the king and travel to Light knows where, or join her order and aide her as the squire she wants me to be and aid in cleansing the land of the remaining scattered undead. She seems against the army and promised that she could aid me in harnessing the Light to compliment my growing skill with the bow. I have much to think about.

Rose and Annaryn nearly come to blows

Annie and I were talking today in the home that Rose allows me to stay in, in Stormwind. I was surprised to hear Rose enter. Things seemed tense right away. In time they began to have a heated debate about the paths they each follow. What confused and saddened me though was that they both follow the Light. But Rose uses it as a weapon while Annie uses it to heal. All I wanted was for it to stop. Eventually Annie stormed out, angry. I asked permission from Rose to go and make sure she was alright only after first speaking to Rose. I wasn't happy to see two friends fight. At all.

Confusion About the Knight She Serves

Rose seems so strict at times. Perhaps its just her way. Maybe I'm just over thinking things. I don't know.

Lady Connorath has gone off to War

Rose and I had another talk today in Cathedral Square. She asked again if I was ready to join the League. I still couldn't say that I was. I have too many things to do and see and learn before I feel that I can be of any use to such a collection of Heroes. She wanted me to accompany them on a campaign to the North to aid in the pushing back of the remaining undead. A crusade. Though I am afraid for her, she assures me that she will return. One day I will join the League of Lordaeron, but for now I just can't.

New Orders

I returned to Stormwind to meet again with Lady Connorath. She has requested that I travel the North with a Paladin named Alverdo Blackmoore. She was concerned for my safety when she heard I had traveled to Northrend. He apparently has had a rough life and like most Lordaeronians, suffered when the Scourge attached. Rose met him through her old Paladin trainer who happened to be his master, who was taking care of him since his parents went missing in the Scourge attack. But her master was old and of fading health. The masters dying wish was for Rose to take him in and teach him the ways of the Light. Rose believe he is incredibly smart and nearly ready for his final test. I've agreed to meet him and do as she commands. I trust her completely.

Dire Warnings

I had been traveling for some time with Alverdo. A kind man and skilled paladin. I could see why Rose wanted me to travel with him. We made a great team. The trip from Stormwind to Ironforge to Menethil finally setting sail had taken a lot out of us and though we got to work right away, helping as we could with tasks, fatigue got the best of us both. We had settled down in the Howling Fjord taking two bunks up in the inn. I woke earlier than he did and so left to fly out to Grizzly Hills and allowed him to rest a bit longer. It was there that Rose found me and told me that with her recent promotion to Sergeant in the League of Lordaeron, she had gained news of an impending attack on Theramore. She told me that I should return home at once and get my mother, father and brothers out of there right away before the Horde begin their march. I can't believe Theramore is going to be attacked. Once I get them out and back to Stormwind as she instructed, I'm going back to help defend the city. I won't let it fall without a fight.

Near Death Experience

"There was a time .. somewhere in Shadowmoon Valley .. some Light forsaken place called the Deathforge ... orcs were descending .. rushing in from around me .. I .. I thought I was going to die .. I fought as hard as I could. Doing everything I could to keep them at bay .. my arrows struck eyes and throats, ears and hearts .. they died and gurgled but kept coming. I found myself crying .. saying goodbye to everyone I knew. But I lived .. since then .. I've .. I've just been angry. angry at myself .. angry at those monsters .. afraid to push on and wanting nothing more but to do so." Hilda speaking to Lady Rose Connorath on a near death experience.

Lady Connorath would hold the young Ranger as they spoke deep in Elwynn Forest and let her know that she would be there for her always and that she has nothing to be angry about any more. She would also tell her that Hilda had a great destiny and that great things lay in wait for her. Hilda would take some comfort in her Knight's words. But from this point on it would become clear that Hilda's childhood has clearly been stolen. Despite her age, she has simply seen too much and the adjustment is traumatic.

Stubborn Parents

Father is being stubborn, mother is worried but skeptical of the attack. I'm angry at them both for not wishing to listen. We all got into a fight. This isn't going as planned. I need to convince them to leave Theramore but i think that father would rather fight than up and leave his home. But at the very least i hope mother leaves with my brothers.

Sharalee the Highborn

Sharalee. What can I say about what has literally become my best friend? The times we have shared, the trust we have have of one another. There are moments that will never be entered into these pages. Moments only for She and I to know. But we are as close as human and highborn can be. Here are my entries about this special person.

Shara the Magi

By far the kindest person I have ever met! A mage! An Elf! So smart and knows so much. And she has a water elemental as her friend! I hope we can become great friends. She's a True Hero but keeps it secret. But Its safe with me! She gave me a magical crystal!

The Truth About Shara

Shara has had such a tragic past. I've learned many things about her and her story saddens me greatly. I swear that if I ever meet that cruel "Protector" of hers. I'll give the villain a piece of my mind. I learned much as we talked in my cabin last night. And I hope that what I did at least helped her forget the pains of her past, even if only for a short time. She's been so kind to me it was the very least I could do.

Memories Lost

Shara told me today that she lost her memories. That she cannot remember her past. That that is the truth behind why she found herself without anything and in the clutches of that horrible worgen.

A Darker Side

So strange. I was speaking with shara one day in stormwind .. when something strange happened. Darkness. Fel flames. a different voice. So strange. More than strange it was scary. it didn't last long. Thank goodness...

Into Outland

So I've done it. But I couldn't do it alone. I went through the Dark Portal but I have to say that if it wasn't for Sharalee, I wouldn't of had the courage. Things have been good too. No sign of that darker side. Thank the light. Anyway, it's a terrible place. So desolate and desperate but her words gave me courage and soon after entering, we parted ways. Since entering I've tried to do my part. It just feel so .. strange being so far from home. Is this really another world?! (( doing great thanks : ) I'm surviving out here and doing my part. I feel that I am a little on more seasoned for sure. Lots of odd looks from the alliance forces out here though. I'm thinking that it's my young age. But I'll prove to them that I am skilled enough to face whatever happens out here. I've heard many whispering "What's a little girl doing out here?" I hate that. I'll show them. They'll see what I'm capable of.

Growing Bond and Growing Concerns

Shara and I have grown closer over time. She's truly become my best friend. Though that side of her has returned. That scary side. The side that wields magics that she can barely control. I worry for her. There are times now when she just, blanks out and then returns. I've seen visions when this happens. Horrible places. Magics of terrible power unleashed. Images of Shara's .. earlier days. Whatever memories are returning to her .. I am afraid of them.

A Deal with a Sorcoress

Coming soon...

Lost in Darkness

Coming soon...

Awakening and Vengeance Against Riven

Coming soon...

Cleansing Riven's Taint - Eillien Blaires

Coming soon...

Mistrust Breeds Cruel Words

The End of a Friendship

The Closing of a Chapter

Lady Annaryn Steadyfist

First met in the Cathedral District of Stormwind, Lady Annaryn Steadyfist or Annie as I've come to call her since our friendship blossomed, has become one of my dearest friends. Its is through Annie's blessings that I first felt the Light's presence. She is kind, noble, proud and has earned a place in my heart as a most trusted friend.

Annaryn's Counsel

I spoke to Knight-Healer Annaryn. I trust her as much as I trust Lady Connorath. I let her know the trouble I was having in deciding what to do ... deciding what to join, Order or Army. She said I should follow my heart and make the decision on my own. That I should pray on it. Thought she did feel that the way the question was posed was somewhat ... odd. I hope this will all work out.

Lady Keiloria Bloodmane Stormblade

Warrior. Mother. Leader. Hero. Virtually a giant! Touched by Goldrinn himself. This is Keiloria Bloodmane Stormblade. Worgen are usually frightening, rage filled, unpredictable people. Bearly holding on to their rage filled minds but somehow, Lady Keiloria has managed to master it fully. Never have I seen a warrior as decorated as she. Or as big and strong! She would in time become a like a mother to me and teach me much about myself and my connection to spirits greater than I ever could imagine.

An Impressive Sight

A massive Worgen warrior maiden who I met in Stormwind's Cathedral District. Massive twin blades. War axes that she says were granted to her by a wolf spirit. She took kindly to me and we sat and talked for hours. She told me a tale of her husband who had recently left her despite her being with child. Terrible what dark hearts will do to the honorable. As we spoke I let her know of my hopes to become a Ranger one day and she mentioned that she knew of one by the name if Mitriad who resides in Darkshire.

An Unlikely Bond

I ran into Warmistress Keiloria today in Stormwind. She asked how my parents were and I told her of the difficulties I'm having with getting them to leave Theramore. She also asked me how I was and seemed particularly caring and tender towards me. After a time she told me that she had grown fond of me and that my presence calmed the rageful side of her. I've always known her to be matronly, caring and warm despite the warrior within. She told me that I could consider her a mother in these lands, so far from home. I didn't know what to say but thank you and I accepted her kindness. She means a lot to me, like so many of my good friends. But that gesture. It helps so much to know that she is there. That such a hero would feel such a thing for someone so simple as I.

Increasing My Knowledge of Goldrinn

Accepted as Bloodkin by the Warmistress

Ceylin Twinblades

Ceylin Twinblades is dutiful, kind, loyal. I have only had the pleasure of running into him a few times but each time he's proven to be someone who I admire. More so than I would ever openly admit.

First Encounter

I met them all in the Cathedral of Light. Amy and I had met only moments earlier. We were standing in the cathedral entrance when we heard a chattering. The words spoken brought pain to my ears. A worgen rushed past and disappeared into the crypts beneath the church. Amy and I followed. Soon I found myself standing with now drawn alongside the warrior Ceylin, the dark robed priest Shane and my new shaman friend, Amy. Father Shane and Ceylin recognized the painful chattering to be a language called Eredun, the tongue of Demons. However, they would not be easily shaken and soon a prayer from Father Shane struck the worgen down. Apparently releasing him from the apparent hold of what they described as The Legion. I've not seen that worgen since.

Ceylin's Kindness

I met Ceylin again in the Cathedral of Light. We spoke for some time. He is an honorable man who I believe has seen countless battles. He is a man of station in his order and mentioned that the Kings army could use skilled archers and rangers. He gave me a pamphlet with information on how to enlist. So much to think about...

Ceylin Twinblade's Wife

I've learned from Ceylin that his beloved wife is ill. I've told my good friend, Knight-Healer Annaryn Steadyfist and she hopes to meet Ceylin and his wife to offer assistance.

Sidonek Redrain

Sidonek...For some reason, this Worgen has a place and purpose in my life. What began as a horrific encounter has evolved into an intricate multilayered series of events that seem to have fate and ancient spirits binding he and I together. Here are my entries about this tragic and cursed man.

The Worgen of Duskwood Ranger Trials. Cold alone and on the last day, fighting for my life .. for more than my life. I never did return to where I was attacked. When I think of it I have a responsibility to Darkshire. He shouldn't be allowed to roam freely. There's no telling what he would do to another girl in those woods. After what he tried to do to me. When I am through here, I'll return and find him and if necessary, capture him and arrest him. A monster like that belongs in the Stockades.

Greater Understanding

So I found him. I tracked him down. The monster that attacked me. He was in bad shape. Still injured form our fight that night, weeks ago. Attacked by other worgen in the area too. Left for dead it seems. He had dog tags. They had the name Sidonek on them. I tied him up and with a bit of a struggle, got his body up on to Lady Janie. After a long walk, I got him to Stormwind, determined to have him locked up in the Stockade. Then I learned that his full name is Sidonek Redrain, based upon his records at SI:7. Things got complicated from then on. He was the son of a family that was butchered in a bandit raid in Westfall. After his family's death he joined the Stormwind Army and was deployed to Duskwood. But he was pronounced dead after disappearing on duty. MIA, they say.

I asked the men at SI:7 to nurse him back to health and let me know when he's healthy enough to serve time in the Stocks. To me a crime was a crime. What he tried to do to me was unthinkable. But still, he did have a family. So I plan to go to Westfall and try to find any family that may still be around. It seems he was 15 when his family was killed and that he went MIA, 5 years ago. That puts him in his twenties. It's a sad, terrible story. SI:7 tells me that he's only fit for a cage and too dangerous for even the prisoners of the Stockade. They say he's too far gone for help. Looks like a cage will be his home unless I can find some way to help him. He's too feral. Damn his story. As for his dog tags. They will stay with me.

Bound by Ancient Spirits?

Warmistress Keiloria Stormblade and I met in Stormwind. She came to learn of my connection with Sidonek. She came across him caged in SI:7 and inquired and learned that I was connected. She told me more about him and confirmed all that I had learned as well. Then she told me something strange. That there was actually hope for him. She thought that it was strange that one who had been feral for 5 years still had the strength to not simply kill and devour me like so many feral worgen. She felt that there was something about me that calmed him as well. She told me that she believed that he could be made docile. Completely calm. When I pushed to ask how I was stunned by her response. I have .. much to think about. I don't know if I can do this.

Acceptance of the Burden or Blessing

If it's the will of the Light and of Goldrinn who is a white wolf / worg .. an symbol that I happen to have an affinity with in Greywind, I believes something is there that I can't refuse. Light ... Goldrinn .. help me.

Encountered Travelers and Heroes

A magical treasure

I met a magi by the name of Violet. She greeted me with great kindness and gave me a sphere of both fire and ice.

A frightening encounter

Not all Heroes are kind. What began as curiosity ended with me fleeing from a woman with fangs and apparently demonic nature.

A Narrow Escape

A foolish man assaulted me today. Tried to have his way with me. Dragged me to his room and tried to undress me. Well after what I did before I got away, I'm sure he regrets that.

Lady Dragonswan

A kind soft spoken woman I met when performing tasks for the local magistrate in the farmlands of Elwynn.

Conesha Snowsong

I met an elf, amazing in size. The first time I had ever heard the language spoken. She asked if I would like to learn the ways of the hunt from her! Ma and Da will be so proud but ... events have made me question if I should.

Sister Kirisae

Kind gentle hearted noble Paladin. I like her. I hope we can be friends. We spoke in the forest for quite some time. She opened my mind to many paths I could follow.

Reyco DeSantiago

I met a worgen in the wilderness today. His name was Reyco DeSantiago. Fearsome fellow so well spoken but something about him...unnerved me.

The Nightstalker: William Oakleaf

While serving the local magistrate of Darkshire, I think I may have seen The Night Stalker. I wanted to say something. But I was too nervous.

Lord Clemont Drakksus and Lady Florreta Dunnrough

Stern one eyed man met in Cathedral Square and a skilled and deadly looking rogue saved me from being robbed at knifepoint. Both of them looked as if they could kill a man in the blink of an eye.

Warrior In Black

A strange encounter. It was a downpour in Elwynn as I came back towards Stormwind. I saw a warrior walking along the road. Dressed in elaborate black armor from head to toe. A shield half her height and an elaborate blade. She was friendly enough and we began chatting, despite the rain. She asked where I was coming from and I mentioned that I was returning from Westfall, seeking information about someone. I showed her the dog tags of Sidonek Redrain. Then oddly enough she mentioned that she knew of him. Then began sprouting lies it seems. Mentioned that the family had been avenged. That the boy was 8 and off in Ironforge. That the mother was known to her. The father was dead. I know for a fact that Sidonek was locked up in SI:7 and caged. Did he have a brother? She said that I should turn in the dog tags to officials in Stormwind. Odd indeed.((Kyndoria Swiftcrest))

Lady Syrannia, Sister of the Bow

While exploring the skies over Northrend i landed in a beautiful green area, cold and shivering. I battled tall living plants and walked through this mystical forest. Cold rain fell and I was chilled to the bone, but then on a hill I noticed a silent figure watching me. A tall, regal elf. Dark armor. Violet in color. A beautiful spear and a beast by her side but not just an ordinary beast but .. a fabled spirit beast. An Olw Spirit. I approached and she was kind. She barely spoke common and I, not a shred of Kal'Dorei. But we communicated well enough. She called us .. "Bow Sisters" and stated that both she and I were Sisters of the Bow. I was honored and humbled. She noticed that I was cold and offered me a cloak. Amazingly it kept me completely warm. It must be magical or enchanted.She seemed to radiate nobility, poise, power and skill. I could sit and talk to her for hours. She said Guardian of Ysera .. it was then that she pointed out the massive sleeping etheral form of the Aspect herself. Sleeping. I fell back into her arms in shock. She taught me of Ysera the Dreamer. We became friends. This is someone I'll not soon, if ever, forget.

Caislin Greyson

I made my way through Hellfire Penninsula, assisting Honor Hold against the remnants of crumbling forces of demonic orcs, trying to reassemble an army. Many close calls but I made it through alright. I've now come to Zangarmarsh and the place called the Cenarion Refuge. When I arrived I noticed a slender worgen looking at me. She stared for some time and needless to say it was unsettling. That is until she .. changed. As it turns out, she is my age. I blinked in surprise and found the courage to say hello. I admitted to not trusting Worgen and let her know that I havent had many good experiences with them. Funny thing is she said she hasn't had many good experiences with them either. We both laughed. Her name is Caislin Greyson. Perhaps, she will be like Reyco DeSantiago of the one named Keiloria and Mitriad. The fourth of dozens of Worgen to actually be kind. I hope to meet her again.

Character Experiment: OOC Message

I'm looking to mold this character by the whim of my fellow players. Are you a noble paladin of the light looking for willing squire? A warlock of the dark arts seeking to use fear and intimidation to subjugate the innocent? Or maybe you are a finatic warrior bent on slaughtering the horde and wish to have another brought into the fold of your rising army? You may be a nefarious rogue looking to lure an innocent towards a life of crime or you may even be a shadow priest looking to warp a mind into service.

Good, Neutral, Evil, whatever, it doesn't matter. I'm looking for an interesting Role-Playing experience with as many characters as possible. And I'm leaving it to fellow players to define. Nothing is off limits. No plot too noble. No pursuit too nefarious. Feel free to talk to me ooc with any questions or just step up and begin in character.

BTW, feel free to check out the wiki page for the character User:Jurisca_Ulryf. They caught on to the idea and gave this character dev exp a shot too.