User:GoldenYak/Stone Giant Brothers

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Image of Bolgavon
Race Stone giant
Level ?? Boss
Location Nidhogg's Lair
Status Killable
Image of Caggaron
Race Stone giant
Level ?? Boss
Location Nidhogg's Lair
Status Killable
Nidhogg's Lair

Two stone giants with a talent for hunting proto-dragons.

Dungeon Journal

These two stone giant brothers are the most skilled dragon hunters in their clan. They have come to Nidhogg's Lair to hunt the greatest prey of their life, and aren't about to let a lot of tiny folk get in their way.


Shared Abilities

  • Ability golemthunderclap.png Strength of Stone  —  Boosts the stone giant's damage by 5%. Stacks up to 99 times. The stone giant will begin casting this upon himself if he is within 20 yards of his brother.
  • Spell nature earthquake.png Unstoppable Charge  —  The giant selects a random target, and then several seconds later charges them, trampling anyone in his path and dealing them massive damage. If nothing interrupts his charge, he will select another random target and charge again. He will repeat this for a total of 5 charges before halting and returning to normal. If the giant runs into his brother, they will both stop charging and become stunned for several seconds, taking increased damage while stunned.
  • Warrior talent icon singlemindedfury.png Brother Berserk  —  If the health of his brother drops more than 3% below the stone giant's current health, the stone giant will gain Brother Berserk. This increases his damage and attack speed by a great amount for 20 seconds. If the effect ends and his brother's current health is lower than his own by more than 3%, he will cast Stone Brother Reborn.
  • Spell holy aspiration.png Stone Brother Reborn  —  Heals the target for 20% of his total health. The giant will cast this on his brother if he loses Brother Berserk and his brother's current health is lower than his own by more than 3%.

Bolgavon's Abilities

  • Spell nature cyclone.png Crypt Air  —  Breathes out a cloud of foul air. Anyone caught in it receives a stacking nature damage debuff every second that stacks up to 5. If the debuff stacks up to 5 they will become stunned. The clouds of Crypt Air persist. Players who become stunned while in the clouds of Crypt Air cannot escape unless the cloud is dispersed by Caggaron's Earthshaking Bellow ability.
  • Spell shaman earthquake.png Earthshattering Footfalls  —  Nearby enemies have their attack and movement speed reduced by the shuddering giant's footfalls. Stone spires that come into range of the Earthshattering Footfalls will be shattered. Used every 5 seconds. 15 yard range.

Caggaron's Abilities

  • Inv misc stonetablet 07.png Stone Spires  —  Raises a wall of stony spires from the ground, restricting movement. Anyone caught underneath the stone spires when they rise is Impaled - they will be unable to act and will take damage over time. Stone Spires will be shattered by Bolgavon's Earthshattering Footfalls ability.
  • Racial orc berserkerstrength.png Earthshaking Bellow  —  Nearby enemies are deafened by Caggaron's voice, increasing their casting time for several seconds. Clouds of Crypt Air will be blown away if they are close by Caggaron when he uses this ability. Used every 5 seconds. 30 yard range.


The most critical aspect of the encounter is the Brother Berserk ability that the brothers share.

Example: Bolgavon's health is 94% and Caggaron's health is at 89%. The difference between their health is greater than 3%. Bolgavon gains Brother Berserk Brother Berserk ends with Bolgavon's health at 93% and Caggaron's health at 85% The difference between their is greater than 3%. Bolgavon casts Stone Brother Reborn on Caggaron, healing him back to 100%


  • Stone Giant Brothers - Defeat the Stone Giant Brothers.
  • He Ain't Heavy - Trigger Brother Berserk within 20 seconds of starting the encounter and defeat the brothers while continously chaining it.