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MobNidhogg the Devourer
Image of Nidhogg the Devourer
Race Protodragon
Level ?? Boss
Location Nidhogg's Lair
Status Killable
Nidhogg's Lair

A colossal mutant proto-dragon, driven to madness by the corruption of the Old Gods.

Dungeon Journal

This great beast has laired in the depths of Vordrassil's roots for centuries, growing largely and more powerful as the corruption of Yogg-Saron seeps into his body. The [{Cataclysm]] stirred him to wakefulness, and the recent rise of the Spider Kingdom and the nerubian Newbreed seem to have roused the beast to make his way to the surface. Nidhogg is steadily burrowing his way to the surface, where the monster will no doubt unleash calamity across all of Northrend.


Phase One - Gnawer in the Depths

  • Ability warrior focusedrage.png Field of Focus  —  Nidhogg is only able to focus on the target immediately in his narrow field of vision, his Field of Focus. Nidhogg will fixate on whoever stands in the 10 yard diameter circle that is 15 yards directly in front of him. Nidhogg will slowly orient himself to keep his primary target in the center of the Field of Focus.
  • Spell shaman earthquake.png Crush  —  Nidhogg crushes his foes, dealing a burst of physical damage to all players. Those within 12 yards of Nidhogg receive lethal physical damage, killing them instantly. Used whenever anyone steps underneath Nidhogg's body.
  • Inv misc monsterscales 08.png Ancient Wing Buffet  —  If there is no one in Nidhogg's Field of Focus, he will repeatedly cast Ancient Wing Buffet, dealing periodic physical damage to all targets.
  • Inv misc monsterscales 06.png Tail Swipe  —  Those standing behind Nidhogg will periodically be struck by his tail, dealing them a burst of physical damage and knocking them away.
  • Inv misc slime 01.png Saronite Slobber  —  Nidhogg's rampage flings gobbets of saronite-infused drool at 8 random targets. The slobber deals a burst of nature damage to anyone caught in the impact. Saronite Slobber pools left behind deal periodic nature damage to anyone standing in them for 3 sec.
  • Inv ingot yoggthorite.png Saronite Prison  —  Nidhogg periodically breathes a cloud of toxic saronite smog over his primary target, encasing them in a massive saronite crystal. The crystal prevents them from moving and reduces the healing they receive by 80%, while also reducing the physical damage they take by 80%. Shortly after forming, the target begins to resonate, dealing nature damage to all players. The prison can only be shattered when struck with Nidhogg's Tail Swipe.

Phase Two - The Earth Groans

Nidhogg's Abilities

  • Spell nature earthquake.png Dive Bomb  —  Nidhogg dive bombs the ground below, dealing a burst of physical damage to all players and dealing lethal damage to anyone within 12 yards of the impact point. Affects adds as well as players.
  • Inv misc slime 01.png Saronite Slobber  —  Nidhogg's rampage flings gobbets of saronite-infused drool at 8 random targets. The slobber deals a burst of nature damage to anyone caught in the impact. Saronite Slobber pools left behind deal periodic nature damage to anyone standing in them for 3 sec.
  • Spell sandelemental.png Wicked Earthmote —  Minute earth elementals that have been driven insane by saronite corruption. Periodically hordes of Wicked Earthmotes will swarm out of the outer chamber. They attack with melee strikes and release a burst of nature damage when slain.

Saronite Wracked Earth Elemental

Nidhogg's digging has unearthed many insane elementals. They will attack the players periodically throughout Phase Two.

  • Ability ghoulfrenzy.png Saronite Talons  —  Deals a burst of physical damage to the target and causes periodic nature damage over time.
  • Inv ingot titansteel dark.png Resonating Remnants  —  When slain, Saronite-Wracked Earth Eidolons form a Resonating Saronite Crystal that deals nature damage to all players. These crystals can only be destroyed if they are struck by Nidhogg's Dive Bomb or Tail Swipe.

Phase Three - The Devourer

Nidhogg enters phase three at 30% health. He retains all of his abilities from Phase One. He will begin to periodically cast Crush.

  • Ability creature disease 02.png Digestive Fog  —  Saronite Slobber now leaves behind clouds of Digestive Fog, which persist for the remainder of the encounter. Digestive Fog deals periodic nature damage to anyone standing in it.


Phase one lasts

Heroic Mode

  • Spell fire felhellfire.png Earthquake  —  Nidhogg's rampage is bringing the entire cavern down. In six minutes the entire cavern will collapse, dealing lethal damage to everyone. Periodically hordes of Wicked Earthmotes will swarm into the lair.


  • Heroic: Nidhogg the Devourer - Defeat Nidhogg the Devourer in Heroic Mode. Awards the title Proto-dragon Slayer.
  • Saronite Song - Defeat Nidhogg the Devourer with four Resonating Saronite Crystals intact.