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MobGholn the Devourer
Image of Gholn the Devourer
Race Elemental
Level 93 elite Boss
Location Core of Conflagration, Halls of Flame
Status Killable

A deadly eidolon from the age before the Titans brought order to Azeroth. Released from his imprisonment by the Twilight Scourge, Gholn is prepared to go on a rampage and destroy the entire Halls of Flame. Shutting down Ulduar would be catastrophic for the people of the Storm Peaks, and he must be stopped.


  • Spell shadow rainoffire.png Burning Meteor  —  A meteor rains down from above, striking with a devastating impact. Anyone caught in the impact is flung back and takes heavy damage. The impact also spawns two rivers of burning flame that travel the length of the chamber at random angles.
  • Spell holy innerfire.png Superheated Ground  —  The ground beneath Gholn glows red hot with his fury. Anyone standing on the superheated area takes periodic fire damage. The longer Gholn remains stationary, the larger the area of Superheated Ground grows. If Gholn moves, the heat will fade in time.
  • Spell fire lavaspawn.png Devouring Flames  —  Conjures a ring of flames around a random target with small gaps. Players must run between the gaps before the ring contracts and immolates them with heavy flame damage.
  • Ability mage firestarter.png Superheated Breath  —  Gholn breathes a column of flame in the direction of a random target. The column will cause all the ground it passes over to become Superheated. Used only in Heroic Mode.


Gholn will use all of his abilities throughout the encounter. His abilities are based around cutting off character movement and limiting safe ground.

Heroic Mode Strategy

  • Burning Meteor releases three rivers of flame instead of two.
  • Devouring Flames has a single gap instead of several.
  • Gholn gains the ability Superheated Breath.


  • Starve the Fire - Defeat Goln without being struck by his Devouring Flames ability.


  • Scorch! Burn! Incinerate! Scorch! Burn! Incinerate!
  • Eradicate! Annihilate! Incinerate!
Casting Burning Meteor
  • Destruction rains from the heavens!
  • This monument to the trespassers will burn!
Killing a Player
  • The world will follow soon!
  • Buuurrnn!
  • The trespassers...