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Gyak itv splash.png
Location Bysmault
End boss Void Primarch Ahriman
Instance info
Type Raid
Level 100+

Darkvault is a raid instance in the Into The Void Expansion Concept. It features 7 bosses and is the second of two raids in the Void-1 raid tier, having greater difficulty than the Dreadlords' Citadel. Darkvault is the great stronghold of the Void located within Bysmault.


The greatest stronghold of the Void located within Bysmault. Within Darkvault, Void Primarch Ahriman directs the armies of the Void, sending them out to conquer the Voidlands and drag all things down into oblivion. To drive the Void's armies from the Voidlands, the Darkvault must be conquered.

Encounters by Area

Bosses Monsters
The Court of Darkness
  • IconSmall Voidcaller.gif Solovun, Noctarch of Legions
  • IconSmall Voidwalker.gif Noxxean Voidwalker
  • IconSmall Voidcaller.gif Noxxean Blackspell
  • IconSmall Voidwalker.gif Noxxean Nightreaver
  • IconSmall Ethereal.gif Voidtouched Blade
  • IconSmall Ethereal.gif Voidtouched Wave-Rider
The Umbral Thundering
  • IconSmall Voidwalker.gif Dormin, Noctarch of Giants
    • IconSmall VoidLord.gif Devoculus
  • IconSmall VoidLord.gif Dorminaen Voidgiant
  • IconSmall VoidLord.gif Dorminaen Colossus
  • IconSmall Ethereal.gif Voidtouched Commander
  • IconSmall Ethereal.gif Voidtouched Vanquisher
  • IconSmall Ethereal.gif Voidtouched Size-Mage
Preying of the Abyss
  • IconSmall VoidLord.gif Hakhan, Noctarch of Beasts
  • IconSmall Felhound.gif Khanaen Voidhound
  • IconSmall Netherray.gif Khanaen Voidray
  • IconSmall Devilsaur.gif Khanaen Voidrender
  • IconSmall VoidTerror.gif Khanaen Terrorfiend
  • IconSmall FelBat.gif Khanaen Nightmare
The Stygian Roost
  • IconSmall Voidwraith.gif Baaz, Noctarch of Dragons
    • IconSmall DragonInfinite.gif Culgax, King of the Brood
  • IconSmall DragonInfinite.gif Baazaen Duskwyrm
  • IconSmall DrakeInfinite.gif Baazaen Duskdrake
  • IconSmall WhelpInfinite.gif Baazaen Duskwhelp
  • IconSmall SpawnInfinite.gif Baazaen Duskspawn
Maelstrom of the Void
  • IconSmall Voidwalker.gif Haddema, Noctarch of Elementals
  • IconSmall Mana.gif Noxxaen Fire Elemental
  • IconSmall Colossus.gif Noxxaen Earth Elemental
  • IconSmall ArcaneWraith.gif Noxxaen Air Elemental
  • IconSmall RevenantIce.gif Noxxaen Water Elemental
The Umbral Machine
  • IconSmall Voidwraith.gif Urameha, Noctarch of Machines
  • IconSmall ArcaneGuardian.gif Noxxaen Construct
  • IconSmall ArcaneGuardian.gif Noxxaen Destroyer
  • IconSmall ArcaneGuardian.gif Void Augerite
Throne of the Night
  • IconSmall VoidGod.gif Void Primarch Ahriman
  • IconSmall Ethereal.gif Aspiring Noctarch
  • IconSmall Ethereal.gif Shadarm Ascendant
  • IconSmall Voidcaller.gif Noxxaen Darkcaller
  • IconSmall Voidwraith.gif Noxxaen Shadowsoul
  • IconSmall VoidLord.gif Hand of Nigh

Boss Encounters

Solovun, Noctarch of Legions

Solovun is master of the innumerable legions of the voidwalkers and other Voidborn entities. Solovun also commands the Voidtouched ethereals full forces. His strategies have made the Void better equipped to devour the worlds of the living universe. Solovun will call forth rank after rank of Void entities to aid him in combat, intending to smother the invading forces under waves of darkness.

Dormin, Noctarch of Giants

Dormin oversees the manifestation of Void Giants from the Deep Void. Of all of Ahriman's Noctarchs, he commands the fewest number of followers, but his giants are among the most formidable soldiers the Void can bring to bear. Dormin stands astride the great Void Giant Devoculus in combat, directing the fiend's actions. Dormin is capable of empowering the Void Giant with his own Void-tainted life-force.

Hakhan, Noctarch of Beasts

The Noctarch of Beasts, Hakhan shapes creatures and monsters from the energies of the Deep Void, molding it into the forms of feral animals. His monstrous creations are intended to replace the ecosystems of all the worlds across the living universe, one unified form of life born of the Void in an infinite variety of shapes.

Baaz, Noctarch of Dragons

Noctarch Baaz rules the Voidflight, her own creation. Entities formed in the manner of dragons, the Voidflight are nothing more than entities of the Void formed in mockery of a true dragonflight. Baaz battles astride the largest and most terrible of her creations, Culgax.

Haddema, Noctarch of Elementals

Shaper of Void elementals, beings created from tainting elemental energies with the Void, Noctarch Hadeema has blended the natural energies of the living universe with the essence of the Void. As the beasts of Hakhan are meant to replace the living creatures of nature, so too will these Void-based elements replace the elementals of living worlds. All things born of Light and Void will be remade with only Void as their underlying essence.

Urahema, Noctarch of Machines

Noctarch Urahema is the lord of machines. She uses re-purposed ethereal technology to draw up the power of the Deep Void and spread it into the material universe. She also wields the Monad of Authority, a Titan relic designed to bring a measure of life to otherwise unliving constructs, instilling them with a spark of soul and sentient awareness. This device, once used to create living machines, has been corrupted to bring life to twisted fabrications of darkness.

Void Primarch Ahriman

The ruler of the Voidtouched ethereals and the mightiest servant of Nigh. Ahriman personally selected the Noctarch Conclave members from the ranks of the Voidtouched to direct the forces of the Void. Ahriman unleashed the Void upon his homeworld of K'aresh, and since that day when he was devoured and beheld the dark majesty of the Void Lords, he has labored to bring the entire universe under their control. Ahriman was touched by the essence of the Void long ago, and now exists as little more than an extension of the Void Lords themselves.


Within Darkvault, Ahriman's chosen servants, the Noctarchs, have gathered. Having suffered numerous defeats at the hands of the adventurers all across the Voidlands, they are eager to exact their revenge on the defenders of Azeroth. The Noctarch are revealed to have once been agents of the Shandarm, the peace-keeping authority of K'aresh who once pursued Ahriman and attempted to prevent him unleashing the Void upon the areshi homeworld. In their failure, they were devoured by the Void and beheld the true powers of the Void Lords. Now, they are empowered to work the will of the Void Lords, and stand ready to wipe out the champions of Azeroth and lead the forces of darkness to victory.

The Court of Darkness

  • Solovun yells: We are the darkness incarnate, chosen to usher in the final nightfall! Our forces are endless, and stand ready to snuff out the failing light!

The mustering ground for the rank and file of the Void's legions, the Court of Darkness throngs with Voidtouched ethereals and manifestations of the Void itself - voidwalkers, voidcallers, and other dark entities. The Noctarch of Legions, Solovun, directs the formations of the Void's armies, preparing to lead them into a new campaign of conquest into the Voidlands. The defenders of Azeroth must weathering an all-out assault and use their newest weapons and strongest allies to win through.

The Umbral Thundering

  • Dormin yells: Before you stands darkness most profound, all encompassing, thunderous and terrible. You are reeds in a gale. Flinders swept on winds, abyssal and merciless.

A plateau of black stone overlooking the rest of the Darkvault, the Umbral Thundering is where the terrifying void giants manifest themselves, congealing into being out of the raw power of darkness. Dormin, Noctarch of Giants, guides the formation of these most terrible Void manifestations.

Preying of the Abyss

  • Hakhan yells: The riot of the natural world will be replaced with fang and claw born of darkness! Go, my beasts! We have light to devour! The stars themselves shall be our feast!

In the depths of the Darkvault, the Noctarch of Beasts, Hakhan, keeps the war-beasts of the Void. Vast kennels, pens, cages, and stables hold the fauna of the Voidlands, beasts and monsters twisted by the powers of darkness into creatures who prey on all things of the Light.

The Stygian Roost

  • Baaz yells: When I looked out of the darkness at your Azeroth, I was captivated by the dragons. Such beautiful beasts... majestic and powerful. They were once creatures of pure elemental energy, did you know? They became flesh long ago in your world's infancy. They... evolved. Now, I have taken the energy of the Void and made it flesh. Behold... the Voidflight.

The towering spires of Darkvault have become the lairs of the creatures of Baaz, Noctarch of Dragons. Having forged creatures of pure darkness in the image of great dragons, Baaz now oversees her children in the Stygian Roost. The Void entities are not true dragons, but mirror the genuine article - whelps, drakes, mature dragons, and even great Void wyrms have all emerged from the Void, a parody of a true dragonflight. Black egg masses sprout from dark corruption as the energy of the Void takes on physical form, birthing a host of abominations to darken the skies of a thousand worlds.

Maelstrom of the Void

  • Haddema yells: Look closely. Do you see it? The elements, like all things, were born from Light and Void. Their collision is the essence of potentiality - a billion new forms of reality manifest under the right conditions! But Light and Void war eternally with one-another, and in the end only one can win. When the Void reigns supreme, a new order will be established - new elements, not of Light and Void, but only Void! See, these new expressions of reality! Earth, fire, air, water... born of Void!

The Maelstrom of the Void is a space within Darkvault created by Haddema, Noctarch of Elements. Here, the elemental powers of fallen worldshards have been stolen and twisted by darkness, taking on strange and terrible new forms. The power of the Void is one that taints and transforms, turning all things into nightmarish new shapes, and even the very essence of the elements is not immune. Earth, fire, air, and water have all mutated into new Void-forms, spawning monstrous elementals unlike anything that has ever been seen before - a taste of what will happen to all worlds if the Void consumes the material universe.

The Umbral Machine

  • Urahema yells: I have it... the Titan artifact yields to my will. This engine of the Makers now serves the designs of the Void. The darkness takes hold in all things - mortal flesh, intagible souls, even abstracts such as innovation and invention. Behold, what dark brilliance manifests. Behold, the industry of the Void.

Within the bowels of Darkvault is the Umbral Machine, a sprawling network of huge mechanical constructs and devices powered by the energy of the Void. Great Void Augers drill through the fabric of reality, spilling the essence of darkness out into the Voidlands. Re-purposed ethereal technology is used to create weapons and warrior-constructs the serve the cause of the Void Lords.

Here, Urahema, Noctarch of Machines, holds sway, using the Monad of Authority stolen from the mekkanoi of Nachitar to create ever more powerful and advanced machines.

Throne of the Night

  • Void Primarch Ahriman yells: When I activated my machine all those ages ago, I tore the veil from reality and glimpsed the truth... The Void is the true essence of all things, the foundation of the cosmos. The Light is an empty power, a guttering aberration, in the face of eternal darkness. This was the knowledge imparted to me by the Lords of the Void. They are the primordial truth. The masters of infinity. And I am their apostle... a harbinger of the final, infinite night.
  • Void Primarch Ahriman yells: Now... see their power, in all its glory. Contemplate their dark splendor. Step forwards... and receive their malediction.

At the pinnacle of Darkvault, the Throne of the Night, the leader of the Void's armies awaits - Void Primarch Ahriman himself. Ahriman's throne is built atop his Void Auger, the original machine that pierced the veil of reality and plunged K'aresh into darkness. Ahriman has been empowered by the Void Lords themselves, and uses the Void Auger to summon powerful entities from the depths of the Void to aid him in combat. Ultimately, the defenders of Azeroth prove more than a match for the Void Primarch, and are able to overwhelm his power and destroy the Void Auger.

Powerless, Ahriman collapses, and the darkness of the Void rises up to engulf him. Ahriman promises the defenders of Azeroth that his defeat means little, and that the Void Lords will be victorious in the end, before the darkness consumes him and he disperses into non-existence. The skies overhead manifest the same dark entity that the adventurers witnessed during the assault on Xoroth - this time the entity takes greater form, revealing itself as Nigh, the avatar of the Void Lords, an entity formed from their collective will to carry out their plans.

Nigh unleashes a colossal blast of darkness in an effort to obliterate the the adventurers, but the attack is turned aside at the last second by the sudden arrival of Nodensius, who unleashes a counter-attack of his own and drives Nigh away. Nodensius and the adventurers look out from atop Darkvault at the worldshard of Bysmault - a nightmarish landscape of horror and darkness where the Void holds sway, further guarded by great Void-forged bastions even more imposing than the Darkvault itself. Nodensius warns that the Void's power is growing in Bysmault and something even more dangerous than Nigh is taking shape there. The defenders of Azeroth must rally their strongest forces to Darkvault for the campaign to forge deep into the very heart of the Void's power in the Voidlands.

  • Nodensius says: The power of the Void is in ascendancy. Throughout the universe, the darkness spills out from between the stars, from black holes and dimensional wounds. It is the Void Lords, the dwellers in darkness, the crawling worms of chaos. Once, long ago, they sought to take the universe for themselves. But the nature of reality was stronger than them... they could not escape the Void. It is not their home - it is their prison.
  • Nodensius says: They sought to take vessels for themselves to walk beyond the Void. They twist and corrupt. They hollow out living creatures and wear their husks. But their power is corrosive - they cannot exist for long beyond the Void. The living universe fights them off, as healthy life resists infection.
  • Nodensius says: The Void Lords watched the Titans with a billion jealous eyes from the darkness. The Titans were the mightiest beings in existence - born of the Light of creation, flesh of the material powers, the elements, blood of the arcane, the essence of order. Light, life, matter, order - they embodied the best in all things, the realized potential of what living beings could become in the universe, transcending even the powers of Light and Void that were their origin.
  • Nodensius says: The Void Lords reached out, seeking to seize a Titan as their instrument. They were as moths, seeking to harness the flame! The Titans in their full glory were beyond the Void Lords. So instead, they sought a Titan at its most vulnerable - a Titan that lay in nascency, within a living world, yet unborn but filled with possibility. When Void Lords reached into the universe to search for one, it was then as it is now - worlds consumed by darkness, ripped apart by manifestations of the Void. The Void Lords seeded the universe with their creations - the beasts of chaos you know as the Old Gods. For millennia, these beasts prowled the stars, preying on worlds, warring with all things, even themselves, their insane minds only dimly aware of their purpose. Seeking to corrupt a nascent Titan.
  • Nodensius says: Now, the Void Lords reach out into the universe again. They are building something here, in the Voidlands. It is a staging ground for them, for a new assault upon reality. On your world, Azeroth, a Titan of monumental power still lies in nascency. The Void Lords must know this. The entity you saw is an avatar of their power, a manifestation of their collective will. Through this being, they prepare the means by which they intend to seize Azeroth for their dark designs.
  • Nodensius says: Champions, we fight now not only to preserve these poor realms that survive in the Void, nor only to preserve your world. We fight to spare all worlds from destruction - from the infinite night which threatens to engulf them. The Titans are no more, but their legacy endures in you. Through you, the dawn will come. Until then, I will fight at your side.