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Image of Conflagra
Title <Princess of the Firelands>
Race Elemental
Level 93 elite Boss
Location The Molten Throne, Halls of Flame
Status Killable

Conflagra is a powerful fire elemental spawned from the flames of Ragnaros the Firelord himself in the ancient days of the Old Gods rule. Conflagra was so powerful and uncontrollable that she threatened her father's domination over the fire elementals, and Ragnaros was forced to shatter her power and seal her within a great stone inscribed with words of power to contain her. This stone, the Cage of Conflagaration, was discovered by the Titans after they had defeated the elementals and the Old Gods, and they recognized the danger of the being within it. Deeming Conflagra too unstable for exile in the Firelands, she and the Cage of Conflagaration was moved to the Ulduar complex and installed in the Halls of Flame, where she would be kept imprisoned.

The Twilight Scourge discovered the Cage of Conflagaration and invaded the Halls of Flame. There, they enacted a ritual to release Conflagra, using a powerful Sulfuron Hammer crafted from elementium to shatter the cage and release the princess of the fire elementals. Taking up the hammer, Conflagra imbues it with her own elemental power, transforming it into a twin to Sulfuras, the Hand of Ragnaros. Conflagra intends to draw on the power of the Halls of Flame to fully restore herself and explode back into the world, causing a volcano to erupt and likely devastating not just Northrend, but all of Azeroth as well.


Phase One Abilities

  • Spell shaman lavasurge.png Flames of Sulfuron  —  Conflagra sends a wave of lava surging across the chamber, burning anyone it touches and leaving behind a trail of damaging flames. Up to three trails can be present at a time.
  • Spell fire selfdestruct.png Magma Geyser  —  Geysers periodically appear underneath random targets. After 3 seconds, the geysers erupt and blast anyone standing on them into the air.
  • Ability mage firestarter.png Column of Flame  —  Conflagra surrounds herself in a pillar of flame and leaps into the air, becoming untargetable.. Used whenever Phase Two begins.
  • Spell fire soulburn.png Hand of Conflagra —  Blasts a random target for a large amount of fire damage and knocks them back 10 yards. Gained at 75% health. Interruptable.
  • Spell fire ragnaros splittingblow.png Ignite Sulfuras  —  Conflagra's hammer ignites, enabling her to deal 25% extra damage as fire damage and causes her attacks to deal splash damage. Gained at 50% health.
  • Achievement boss ragnaros.png Wrath of Conflagra  —  Conflagra's rage superheats her body, causing her to deal periodic fire damage to all enemies. Gained at 25% health.

Phase Two Abilities

  • Spell fire totemofwrath.png Minions of Magma  —  Summons a powerful Magma Eidolon to attack Conflagra's enemies.
  • Spell fire lavaspawn.png Minions of Flame  —  Continually spawns fire elementals to attack Conflagra's enemies.
  • Spell fire fireball.png Flame Bolt  —  Strikes a random target with a blast of fire. Cast every 3 seconds.
  • Spell fire ragnaros lavabolt.png Flame Darts  —  Sprays a barrage of fiery crystal shards that deal damage to anyone standing in it. Conflagra will track her current target while spraying this barrage.
  • Spell fire ragnaros splittingblow.png Conflagration Strike  —  Conflagra strikes one of the four platforms that sit above the magma, setting it ablaze and rendering it totally unsafe. Used at the end of Phase Two.


In phase one, players will engage Conflagra at the bottom of the Forge of Flame. Phase one lasts 45 seconds, at which point she will move into phase two by casting Column of Flame. The room will begin to fill with lava, and players must take refuge by running up onto one of the four platforms high above the room.

In phase two, fire elementals will continually spawn from the magma and pursue players up the stairs to their platforms. Periodically, powerful Magma Eidolons will also spawn and attack. All the while, Conflagra will be bombarding the players with her attacks. When three Magma Eidolons have been slain, phase two ends and Conflagra will destroy the platforms the players are on. Phase one will begin again. At 75%, 50%, and 25% health, Conflagra gains new abilities.


  • Conflagra, Princess of the Firelands - Defeat Conflagra.
  • Quick Burn - Defeat Conflagra before she destroys the second terrace.


  • At last, I am released! I have languished in that prison for eons!
  • You! Filthy mortal flesh! To have been freed by vermin such as you is beyond insolence! You must burn!
  • You must all burn!
Phase Two Transition
  • Insufferable! Intolerable! Inflammable!
  • I am the new mistress of the flame!
  • My reign will be denied no more!
75% Health
  • My fury will not be contained any longer!
50% Health
  • Now! The flames of Sulfuras burn at my whim!
25% Health
  • Mmmrrraaagghh!
Killing a Player
  • Bereft of life!
  • Nothing remains!
  • Your world is next!
  • Faaattherrr!!