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Type World
Races Humans, Dwarves, Orcs, Trolls, Ogres, Elves, Treant, Furbolg, Hozen
Languages All
Location The Great Dark Beyond
Status The second Titan World.

Edenar, also known as the Realm of Wilds and the Green Realm.


Edenar is a world where nature runs riot, unimpeded by the industry and civilization of mortal races. Vast expanses of forest, jungle, and swampland cover the surface completely, engulfing every inch of land. Even its oceans are choked with plant-life, with colossal trunks growing miles from the ocean floor and covering the sky in vast canopies. Edenar boasts the widest variety of life-forms in all the Titan Worlds, with innumerable species populating every inch of its mega-forests. The powers of Life and the Wilds surpasses any other on Edenar, and the bounty and plenty of the natural world is in abundance; on Edenar, it is easy to find food, but if one is not very careful it is also easy to wind up as food. The forests abound with plant and animal life, and often creatures are that are blend of both.

There appears to be no limit on how large living things can grow on Edenar. Travelers may emerge from days of exploring a dense woodland only to find that the entire forest is growing on one branch of an absolutely colossal tree, itself part of a vast forest of such trees. A hunter may bring down a small deer, then look up from their kill and see a deer the size of a large hill moving in the distance. A tiny bird may gulp down a buzzing beetle, only to find itself snatched by the tongue of a huge lizard, which itself is devoured by a giant snake, which is in turn snatched up in the talons of an enormous bird of prey, moments before it is crushed in the mandibles of a colossal, mountain-sized beetle.

Life abounds on Edenar, but life can be violent, full of struggle, and very, very short.


Edenar is the Realm of Wilds, a world where unchecked natural splendor is in ascendancy. Consequently, there is little in the way of civilization to be found, and the past efforts of mortal races to impose their order upon the riot of the nature have ended in disaster and near extinction. The power of nature is not a metaphorical force on Edenar; there is an intelligence in the forests, the air, the primal beasts that stalk the land, a presence that is immeasurable vast, alien, and slow, but nevertheless very awake and aware. Those who fail to heed it's balance will find the vast and terrible fury of an entire world's living ecosystem turned upon them. It is hard to say when this great presence awoke within Edenar's natural world; some believe it has always been this way since the world's birth. But in the most remote of lands can be found ancient cities, nearly completely devoured by the wild, that hold clues that it was not always so, that there was a time when advanced civilization was possible on Edenar. That time has long ago passed, likely to never come again.

Edenar is a heavily forested world, but it boasts a huge variety of forest eco-systems, from tropical jungles to evergreen forests to boggy marshlands. There are no deserts or lifeless wastelands of any kind on Edenar; inevitably, life prevails. Fully half of its surface is covered in deep blue seas, through even these are overgrown with great trees that extend miles above the waves and blot out the sky with immense branches. Edenar's surface is very irregular; there are virtually no plains or flat expanses, the world instead being covered in mountains and valleys. The deepest forested chasms and canyons can extend down for miles, resulting in environments curiously reflective of the abyssal plane of deep oceans - areas where the sunlight cannot penetrate, resulting in regions of pitch darkness inhabited by all manner of unusual species.

As with all worlds, the touch of Azer the Creator, Mother of Worlds, can be found throughout Edenar. While most cities built by other races survived only briefly before being devoured by natural forces, the Titanforged structures of Azer and her servants have remained largely untouched, some even harmoniously woven together with the wilderness, somehow recognized as right and proper elements of the world by the living spirit of Edenar's natural ecosystem. Many of these places are abandoned, like the Cradles of Azer that first birthed life, their function long ago fulfilled and their power expended. But others still thrum with slumbering cosmic power, holding fantastic secrets...


  • The Jade Kingdom
  • Valley of Snakes
  • Ironthorn Snarl
  • The Wormwood
  • Leechwrithe Canyon
  • The Crawling Valley
  • The Vale of Spores
  • The Gnotted Grove
  • Rootwater Vastness
  • The Foulwood
  • Rimewood
  • Valley of Webs
  • Blackwyrm Hollow
  • The Verdanis Sea





The orcs inhabit Edenar in great numbers, where they embrace their shamanic heritage. They heed the voice of the wild, which they call the Worldsong.




Other Races

  • Arakkoa
  • Satyr
  • Gnome
  • Gorloc
  • Naga
  • Magnataur
  • Botani
  • Dryad
  • Treant
  • Tauren
  • Sabreon
  • Furbolg
  • Saurok

Kingdoms of Edenar

No advanced civilization stands on Edenar; none would survive the primeval wilderness. The mortal races of Edenar have not progressed beyond the tribal level, having long ago come to accept that they have no hope of mastering the overwhelming natural forces of their world.


  • Bilgshnide
  • Bladewing
  • Bloodswarm Bat
  • Dragon, Emerald
  • Dragon, Leaf
  • Doomskin Treefrog
  • Gladejaw
  • Goartoise
  • Great Carnosaur
  • Greater Ground-Leech
  • Jackal-Raptor
  • Megastegadon
  • Mother Paduri
  • Piranha-Skink
  • Protoplasmoid
  • Roaring Owl
  • Terrorsaur
  • Shadow Ray
  • Shrieking Khymera
  • Skibbon
  • Snap-Dragon
  • Snapping Parguntle
  • Swampwalker
  • Thundersaur


The Protoplasm

A vast ocean of protean ooze infesting underground regions in Edenar. Born from corrupted life cradles in ancient times, the Protoplasm flowed into the depths of the world, carrying within it the life essence of thousands of species. The Protoplasm absorbs all living beings who fall into its slimy grasp, absorbing their essence into itself and granting the ability to create ooze-formed facsimiles of those who are absorbed.

Normally, the Protoplasm lies docile deep beneath the surface, reaching up small portions of itself to snatch unwary creatures who stray too close to it. Regions where the Protoplasm lies grow fallow and twisted, poisoned by the corrupted life energy bubbling within the colossal ooze.
