User:GhostlandsRock/Legion of Doom (Ghostlands EU)

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This article is a guild information page.

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. Guild pages must comply with the personal article policy.

Page last modified: 2018-04-28

AllianceLegion of Doom
Server Ghostlands Europe
Guild Leader Auric
Levels 80
Type PvE / PvP
Accounts 50 +
Armory Legion of Doom Armory

The Legion of Doom is a casual raiding guild that fits raids in around people's real life commitments. We have just managed to get our first members the title of Kingslayer and are starting to run Icecrown Citadel on heroic as a bit of raid practice for Cataclysm.

The guild was formed on Ghostlands shortly after the realm was created and is the oldest guild on the realm. It's current leader, Auric, took over the guild following the departure of the previous leader a couple of years ago. To apply to join us, follow the link to our website and use the recruit option to fill in a form.

Guild progress


Weekly raid schedule

Our raid schedule varies depending what days people are available. We usually raid between 20:30 and 23:00 (server time). Sometimes raids will be extended depending on commitments of people there and progress made. Equally sometimes they will be cut short for similar reasons.

Guild rules


Auric, Guildmaster
Our fearless guild leader who sometimes even brings his hunter to raids!
Vagueness, Tribune
She lives with our fearless guild leader. Part-time boomkin.