User:Garterbelt/Rise of the Forgotten Expansion concept

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World of Warcraft: Rise of the Forgotten
Taldonis map.jpg
The hidden Continent Taldonis


When the cataclysm tore the World asunder it not only destroyed the cloaking device which hid Uldum, but also something much bigger. Protected by a similir device the hidden continent Taldonis on the backside of Azeroth was revealed. When the warchers, left by the Titans to watch over the land, struggled to repair the cloaking device, like they did 10.000 years ago, when the great sundering had a similar effect, they soon realizied that the device couldn't be repaired.

Now with Deathwing slain the horde and the alliance turn their interest upon this fast new land. A land which was originally constructed by the titans to hold some of their failed creations or beasts which got twisted and corrupted by the Old Gods. But the cataclysm didn't only stir up the two factions. Led by the mysterios creatures only known as dark ones the different inhabitants of the land have rose against the titanic watchers of Uldatar. Creatures which have never been seen on the old continents swarm across the land, which is slowly swallowed by chaos.

World of Warcraft: Rise of the Forgotte will lead adventurers on a forgotten continent. Exploring the new land and his inhabitants. Different creatures and monsters unleashed by the dark ones try to escape their prison and swarm across the rest of Azeroth. Primordial Horrors the Titans tried to seal forever, rise again and hear the call of their dark master. Monsters and failed creations aren't the only things which where imprisoned on this forgotten continent. Deep down lies an ancient evil. Only whispers tell from the God of Nightmares. N'Zoth!

Rise of the Forgotten Expansion Changes and Updates

Work in Progress

  • Player level cap increased to 90
  • Taldonis: The whole new continent Taldonis has been added to the game. Located on the backside of Azeroth this continent contains several new high level zones. Taldonis Highlands, The Black Sea, Akasha Woods, Tartus, Ruins of R'lyeh and the Worlds End.
  • New dungeons and raids
  • New Arenas, battlegrounds and the new PvP Zone "Fallen Ruins"
  • Talent Tree Specialization: This feature will allow players to tie their character deeper into his choosen talent tree and will help players make their characters more unique.
  • Path of the Titans reintroduced: This new feature will allow players to progress on their choosen path. It will provide a differen approach to leveling and more single player content.

New Zones

The new continent of Taldonis will provide players with several unique high level zones. The new continent can be entered on the northern side via zeppelin from Undercity or gyrocopter from ironforge airfield or on the southern side via ship from Ogrimmar or Stormwind.

Regions of the forgotten continent

  • Neutral Taldonis Highlands(lvl85-87): Bold cliffs and a cold northern wind dominate the highlands. Many wild creatures roam the vast planes. Hemmet Nessingwary returned to hunt the rare and dangerous creatures that roam the land. The Horde and Alliance are in constant battle over the few resouces of the land, while cultists and faceless ones hold the southern areas.
  • Neutral Worlds End(lvl85-87): This land consists of Tropical beaches and a merciless desert. Most of the desert is in the firm grip of the so called sand beasts, which started a merciless assault on the alliance and the horde. A river of molten lava, the smoldering Rift, runs through the land. Stormy shores, old temples, living and dead oases and other wonders await adventureres who are brave enough to travel under the hot desert sun.
  • Neutral The Black Sea(lvl86-88): In the middle of this huge inland sea the town of Harton city resides. The bridges, which stretch over the dark waters are the only safe passage way as no one dares to ship over the sea. Storys of strange Monster, which abduct people at night, and a huge leviathan are told. Adventurers traveling through this land, may have to enter the murky depths. If they want or not!
  • Neutral Ruins of R'leyh(lvl86-88):Once a great city devoted to the worshipping of N'Zoth these rotting ruins still hold a great danger. The mysterious dark ones and the twilight hammer have started to perform rituals. Bizarre buildings, engraved with monstrous mosaiks, stretch as far as the eye can see. With the return of the rituals, maybe the faceless inhabitants of the city will also return.
  • Neutral Tartus(lvl87-89):A vast rotting swamp. Huge mushrooms and dead trees dominate the landscape. The land is in a constant battle between the monstrous Harathes Spiders and remnants of the burning legeion from the war of ancients. The Argent Expedition as well as the mysterious black knight have arrived to deal with the problems of this dead land.
  • Neutral Akasha Woods(lvl87-89): The gigantic trees of these woods absorb all sunlight, while the ground is constantly covered in mist. Trolls from the Wrathtusk tribe live in these lands since their arrival 10.000 years ago. Adventureres will have to find a way into the treetops, where the trolls build their cities. Due to the constant attacks from above flying mounts cannot be used till a way into the treetops is secured.
  • Neutral Mount Oro'Ruin:This huge mountain thrones in the middle of the continent. The Titan City of Uldatar is located on it's top. Because of the recent attacks Uldatar cannot be approached from the air. Adventurers who want to enter the last functional titan city of Azeroth have to travel through the hollow mountain, which is filled with titanic machines. But the dark ones and their followers are also on their way to the top.
  • Neutral The fallen Ruins:(wip)

Dungeons and Raids

Below are the new dungeons and raid instances to be found:


  • Ma'Jin Keep(4+1) - When the Wrathtusk tribe first landed on the coast of Akasha Woods 10.000 years ago, they build this mighty stronghold. To this day the fortess is still inhabited and it holds the dark secret to the new dark powers which the trolls unleashed recently.
  • Ruins of Uldatar(4) - After the cataclysm destroyed the cloaking device that hid the continent from the world a force of the twilight hammer attacked Uldatar and tore the City into two pieces. Not knowing of the demise of Deathwing and Cho'Gall these cultists still loayaly hold the destroyed portion of the city.
  • Spiderweb Canyon(3) - These canyon at the feet of Mount Oro'Ruin is center from where the intelligent Harathes spiders gush forth. There their current broodmother watches over hundreds of eggs, which hold the newest generation of these terrifying creatures.
  • Caverns of Time: The Fall of Stormwind(4) - The infinite Dragonflight returned to directly attack the horde. By stopping the Fall of Stormwind the dragonflight tries to turn tides in the first war, which would lead to the destruction of the Orcs...followed by their extinction.
  • Wilston Manor(5) - In the Middle of the Taldonis Highlands thrones this old manor. Why do the faceless work for it's human owner? This remains a mystery.
  • The Fallen Temple of R'lyeh(4) - In the center of the great city lies a temple where unnamed rituals once were performed. Now the mysterios dark ones have once again started to call to their dark master from here.
  • Nightmare Deephts(4) - Deep down in the darkness of the black sea lies a rift in which the last leviathan rests.
  • Pyramid of Nyar (6) - This Titanic structure was corrupted by the mysterios dark ones. Although the inhabitants of the pyramid have passed away long ago, they still wander through the cursed halls.
  • Halls of Darkness (4) - Some of the last forces of the crushed twilight hammer have gathered under the guidance of the dark ones in this forgotten sanctuary of their dark masters.
  • Prison of the Charyn(3+1) - Inside the black sea lies a system of tropic caves. Thousand years ago the celestial watchers imprisoned the queen of the Charyn there, but now the Charyn try the free their beloved queen with the help of the nagas. Although the queen alone is a dangerous foe an even more powerfull presence lingers deep inside the prison.

Future Dungeons

Dungeons which will be added with later patches:

  • Legion Outpost(4)
  • Ny'alotha: City Outskirts(5)
  • Caverns of Time: Raid on Blackrock Spire(3)
  • Attack on Uldatar(4)
  • Lair of the Titan(3)

New Raids

Tier 1 Raids

  • Zul Sharad(7) - The ancient capital of the wrathtusk tribe lies in the hollowed trunk of the great Uked Tree. From here Warlord Tal'Jin and his dark allies prepare a plan which will create an unstoppable army. An Army which will conquer Azeroth and cover all lands in darkness.
  • Vault of the Titans(4) - These anciant titan structure holds four titan artefacts. A malfunction has corrupted the safety device of the Vault and Kronos searches for brave heroes who secure the artefacts in the name of the celestial watchers.
  • Voldaroth's Lair(1) - The lair of the progenitor of all hydras. Remnants of the twilight hammer tries to awaken the fearsome beast, so that it can wreck havoc once more.

Future Raids

  • Legion Cavern(4)
  • Voldaroth's Lair Expansion(2)
  • Ny'alotha: Inner city(5+1)
  • Prison of the Slumberer(4)
  • Sanctum of Time(4+1)
  • Temple of N'Zoth(9)

Factions and organizations

New end-game factions

  • Horde Fist of Durotan - The new Horde offensive consisting of veterans of the horde, which set out to secure the continent for the horde.
  • Alliance Knights of Arator - The new Alliance battleforce that has been gathered to stop the beasts from the forgotten continent and the horde.
  • Horde The Tomb Hunters - A Horde faction seeking to plunder the treasures of the fallen ruins.
  • Alliance The Relic Raiders - An Alliance group of treasure hunters dedicated to secure the treasures of the fallen ruins for themselves.
  • Neutral Morlakem - A tribe of aquatic humaniod beeings enslaved by the Charim in the dark sea. Now they seek revenge against their tormentors.
  • Neutral Reformed Zandalari - The survivors of the zandalari tribe which try to atone for the crimes they committed under the rule of Zul and to stop the Wrathtusk going down the same dark road as they did themself.
  • Neutral Celestial Watchers - The remnants of the once proud titanic watchers inhabit the city of Uldatar. They welcome any heroes which directly oppose N'Zoths servants into their ranks.
  • Neutral The Seekers - A neutral group of archeologists lead by Harrison Jones and Brann Bronzebart trying to uncover the mysteries of R'lyeh and the legendary ritual of Union.
  • Neutral Argent Expedition - An Expedition sent from the Argent Crusade to deal with the corruption in the Swamp of Tartos. The black knight holds little love for their approach of the situation, which he calls too soft.


Work in Progress


Work in Progress

New Battlegrounds

  • Chromit Mines(10vs10)
  • Harton City(15vs15)

New Arenas

Featured Characters

Work in Progress

New Heroes and Foes are on the move to secure their own place in the legends of this forgotten continent.

  • Cathlyn
  • Isarius
  • The Black Knight
  • Samara
  • Cantor
  • Prophet of N'Zoth
  • Tyr
  • Kronos

Talent Tree Specialization

Work in Progress The levels from 85 to 90 won't provide any new talent points, but instead will provide five Specialization points. These Points can be spent on certain abilities or talents to specializie the character even further and create a unique play style for each player. Points can be rearranged by the use of Amnesia powder, which can be produced via inscription. This allows players to alter their playstyle and specialization points arrangment at any time. For more informations click here

Path of the Titans

Work in Progress


Thanks to Golden Yak. His great spider kingdom fan expansion concept inspired me to start this little concept of mine. Thank you.