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This article is a player character biography page

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.
Please make sure player character articles are named properly - see the player character articles policy.

Name Faction Server Race Class Level Guild Rank
Chrysm Horde Darkspear Europe IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Death Knight Death Knight 80 Nulla Pax Nightmare
Name Faction Server Race Class Level Guild Rank

The Beginning

Chrysm was born during the scouring of Quel'Thalas by the Scourge. He was born amongst the flames and crying screams of those who would he would have grown up with, his own people. The scourge, however, had other plans for the child of Silvermoon. Taking him, he was to be molded into a knight of the Lich King.

Rise To Power

Even among the most dedicated of the scourge's officers, Chrysm was an incredibly vicious individual. With little care for life, he wielded power with a sickening laughter, a terrifying grin, and a wish for more, ever more. Arthas himself saw this, and granted him thusly. Without need of comrade or servant, he led the assault upon New Avalon, slaughtering countless humans in the name of death itself.


The battle of Light's Hope was drawing to a close. Tirion Fordring had stepped onto the scene and Darion Mograine, commander of the Acherus Death Knights, was kneeling before him.

In a second however, the whole scene changed entirely. Stepping from the shadows, the Lich King spoke to Darion and the assembled Death Knights, telling them they were nothing more than tools, sent to die. This, along with Tirion's words, drove Mograine to attack his now former master. Darion, however, was thrown aside as easily as a rag doll, and the Lich King proceeded to march menacingly toward Tirion, eventually drawing close enough to trap him within his dark grasp.

With the last hope of humanity dying before his eyes, Darion threw the  [Corrupted Ashbringer] to Tirion, who with the power of light cleansed the mighty blade, transforming it once more into the Ashbringer. Charging forth, Tirion dealt a powerful blow to the Lich King, forcing him to retreat. With nowhere else to turn, Darion vowed he and his knights would help the cause, and to kill the very being who had granted them power.

Chrysm left without another word.

The Present

Chrysm gazing out from Acherus.

Fighting alongside the Horde, Chrysm currently wields more power than he ever thought it possible to obtain. His single objective, for the moment, to kill the being who had tried to use him, the Lich King. After that though, his motives remain a mystery. It's probably safe to assume though, that he will not remain the lap dog of Thrall and his horde forever...

Author's Note: Haha I don't even play on a roleplaying server, but hey I'm a half-decent fiction writer so I thought I'd make my character that little bit more badass.