User:Farseer Lolotea/Bad Dreams

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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.
AllianceBad Dreams
Start (??)
End Shalannius
Level 73 (Requires 73)
Category Exodar
Experience 5150 (or 1g 86s at level 85)
Rewards 54s

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Take the Circle's Reply to Shalannius on Azuremyst Isle.


<Name>, a young draenei priestess has recently been plagued by horrible nightmares. Not only has Prophet Velen taken an interest...but oddly enough, the druid trainer Shalannius also believes there's something significant at work. Would you mind conveying this reply from the Cenarion Circle to the Exodar, <class>?


Do you bring a message from the Circle, <class>?


Well, this is somewhat unusual: Keeper Remulos wants to speak to Anchorite Saamela as soon as possible. He suggests that she make her way to Moonglade posthaste.


Shalannius, the currently implemented Azuremyst druid trainer, has relocated into the Vault of Lights; he's now near Prophet Velen's dais. He's accompanied by Anchorite Saamela—who's seated on the floor—and her colleague Anchorite Khasiim, who's pacing back and forth nearby.

The following conversation occurs:

Anchorite Saamela fidgets nervously
Anchorite Saamela says: I've prayed, and I've meditated. Nothing has changed...except for this overwhelming sense that I should do something.
Anchorite Khasiim says: Do what?
Anchorite Saamela says: I don't know!
Anchorite Saamela says: My faith is being tested. What else would this be?
Shalannius says: Perhaps it is not your faith that is in question, Anchorite.
Shalannius says: You spoke of dragons...and of huge, deformed animals. This sounds all too familiar.
Shalannius says: We should discuss this in greater depth.

Author's Note

This is entirely fan-made...but if Blizzard's got any good sense, there will eventually be a quest along these lines in-game.  In fact, they are heartily encouraged to swipe this (and, of course, embellish upon it). 

And if you can spot the obscure literary shout-out, you get a virtual cookie.