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1000Club seal.png
This user is a respected member of
the 1,000 club!
My Life in WoW
Inv misc bag cenarionherbbag.png This user prefers a casual playing style and is not hardcore.
This user is positive to an Alliance / Horde union!
Achievement level 60.png This user has reached level 60
(Prior to the level squish)
Lil' Deathwing.png This user plays on the Collector's Edition of Cataclysm.
My Wishlist
Ability mount warhippogryph.png This user would like to obtain a Cenarion War Hippogryph someday
Angrida.jpg This user would like Sayaad (Succubus) to be a playable race.
Drakonid.png This user would like Drakonid to be a playable race.

I'm a happily married loner who likes to program PHP and JS in their spare time, bike-ride, hike, and just enjoy nature. A druid at heart, though my main is a pally.

My life in WoW

I really love fishing. I'm trying to get to level 80 so my Death knight can fly around Northrend fishing and mining. I enjoy exploring the less visited areas on Azeroth and love looking up the lore of places.




Convert all instances of cite to ref

This comes in two parts. First, convert all cites to refs, as is. Second, switch the source shortcuts over to the full wording. This step can probably be done by a bot.


  • Template:AbilityFlavor - converted from cite to ref
  • Integrate unneeded Category:NPCs Quests into the main NPC page.
  • Usertable/row = Fix the 404 links to correctly pull from US and EU armories.

Things that are useful to me


Policies and help:


Delete after beta:

  • Drazisil/oasis.css