User:CCRyder95/Calder Silverpike

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MobCalder Silverpike
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Title <Lead Archaeologist>
Race Dwarf (Mechanical)
Level Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Retainers of Order
Location (Chamber); Blightmoor Cairn


Dungeon Journal

The Retainers of Order are incredibly secretive with the work they are doing while "surveying" the Blightmoor Cairne. Some of that work is evident after seeing the Lead Archaeologist himself; Calder has fashioned an enormous mech suit out of salvaged Titan technology dredged up from the lower planes. Calder himself is unable to elaborate further on the goals of his organization, as the macabre plague magics of House Typhus have put him a delirious haze, seeing enemies all around him.


  • Priest icon chakra red.png Mechanized Punch — Calder rears back and punches with his mechsuit's metallic fist, dealing a burst of physical damage to his current target.
  • Priest icon chakra red.png Rocket Barrage — Locks on to every player's current location and fires a missile there, dealing AOE fire damage 2 seconds later in a small area.
  • Priest icon chakra red.png Rocket Blitz — Locks on to 1 random player and repeatedly fires a missile at their current location every second for a period of time; each missile landed 2 seconds later and deals AOE fire damage in a small area.
  • Priest icon chakra red.png Titanic Charge — The stolen titanic energy that powers Calder's suit will overload and jump to a random target, dealing arcane damage over time. It can only be removed by stepping into a Deadzone.
  • Priest icon chakra red.png Depleted Battery — As Calder battles, his energy bar slowly depletes. When it reaches 0, he will put in a fresh battery and eject the old one onto the battleground, where it slowly grows an ever-widening Deadzone of shadow damage.
    • Priest icon chakra red.png Deadzone — The Deadzone deals shadow damage to all who step into it and slowly increases in size. If a player with a Titanic Charge steps into the Deadzone, the battery is briefly recharged, buffs the player with Titanic Boost, and removes the Deadzone.
      • Priest icon chakra red.png Titanic Boost — Increases the player's damage done, healing done and critical strike chance.
  • Priest icon chakra red.png Controlled Dream — At certain points in the fight, Calder will attempt to obliterate his enemies with captured dream power. He will run to the middle and begin channeling, causing the chamber to briefly resemble a hazy, forested glade. Giant trees will sprout randomly, blocking line of sight. At the end of the channel, Calder will deal a burst of lethal nature damage to all targets in line of sight. .

  • Priest icon chakra red.png Feverish — The presence of House Typhus has put Calder in a feverish state of panic, causing him to hallucinate. This increases as the fight goes on.
    • Priest icon chakra red.png Double Vision — As Calder fights, his vision of his enemies blurs and doubles, seeing more targets, making him launch more missiles. During Rocket Barrage, locations near the targeted enemies will also be fired at. During Rocket Blitz, other trails of rocket impacts will randomly move around the battlefield.

Mythic Changes

  • After using Controlled Dream, Calder will have exhausted many batteries and place many Deadzones around the chamber.
  • Feverish also gains the effect of Enemies Everywhere. This causes Calder to fire rockets at random locations around the chamber, increasing as the fight goes on.