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This article is a player character biography page

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Character Description

Emmerick is an undead priest on the Horde faction.

Where blood once flowed through his veins, embalming ichor now resides, causing Emmerick to smell strongly of alcohol and formaldehyde. In defiance of valid attempts to preserve his body, the priest's form is quite damaged by decay, making it very difficult to ascertain even an estimate regarding the date of his death.

Despite his ravaged facial structure, Emmerick is rather easily identified by the metal cilice worn around his features. Adorned with inwardly facing thorns, the device wounds and mutilates his necrotic flesh. Holy symbols and blessed trinkets hang from his attire, strung together by silver chain, and serving as a potent display of his reverent faith in the Light. Occasionally heard preaching the righteousness of his ideals, the undead priest speaks with a deep and hollow tone.