User:Blakenfeder/NSN (Ragnaros US)

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This article is a guild information page.

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. Guild pages must comply with the personal article policy.

Page last modified: 2024-06-05

NSN (Ragnaros US) Crest.png
Server Ragnaros US
Guild Leader Luganis
Levels 1-85
Type Other
Armory NSN Armory

NSN is an experienced PvP and PvE guild that aims playing without disturbing its guildmembers' real life. Its people are kind and there's a group of people in it that are playing since the Burning Crusade Expansion Pack.

Guild Progress

Cata-Logo-Small.png Progress: 7/12 (1-12-2011).


The main Cataclysm events are held Tuesday to Thursday from 7 PM until 10 PM. PvP raids en pre-Cataclysm raids are held too in different moments.


The guild was created on August the 4th of 2010 by Luganis with the name Never Say Never. He wanted to change the way the guilds were held in the realm, giving them a more personal touch to the community. Thereafter a lot of experienced players wanted to join the guild, allowing it to reach a good level of acceptation in the realm.

Some time after Justin Bieber reached some fame, the guild decided to change his same from Naver Say Never to NSN so people would not relate them to the singer.

Currently are more players joining than leaving the guild.

Guild Policies

Going to the guild website is needed in order to ask for membership.

The  [Guild Tabard] is the official.

Being respectful with all the guildmembers is highly valuated.

es:Hermandad:NSN (Ragnaros US)