User:Bichorak1911/Stormchasers (Lothar US)

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This article is a guild information page.

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. Guild pages must comply with the personal article policy.

Page last modified: 2018-04-28

Server Lothar US
Guild Leader Rolltowin
Levels All
Type PvE, but welcomes players of any interest
Armory Stormchasers Armory

Formed in 2012 by dissenters from the Order of Knights Templar guild (now known as OKT), Stormchasers was named after its first leader, Stormchick. After she decided to leave World of Warcraft in 2013, she transferred leadership of the guild to co-founder Bichorak, who ran it until May of 2015, when she made Rolltowin the leader.

Guild procedures

Unlike most guilds, Stormchasers has a strong emphasis on doing older raids and dungeons to allow players of various levels to see as much game content as possible, including those raids that cannot be accessed with the Raid Finder. Members are frequently recruited using the add-on SuperGuildInvite, but are only promoted based on their willingness to take part in guild activities or to assist other members in various ways. Players may be designated a "PvP Specialist" or a "Dungeon healing specialist" to allow them to be called upon specifically for such situations. New players may find the guild especially helpful; there are several alt characters of experienced players that have been frozen at level 21, enabling them to pick up and run newer players though low level dungeons. All new members of the guild are offered a free guild tabard. Stormchasers was made to be a family-friendly guild; if you and your spouse and/or children play WoW together, this is the place for you! Efforts are underway to create a guild economy within Stormchasers itself using players' maxed-out professions to lessen dependence on the Auction Houses for materials and created items.

Guild rules

  • If you are able to access the guild bank, only remove items you intend to use or disenchant. Removing any item from the guild bank and then selling it for personal profit at an Auction House is considered stealing and will get you kicked if you are caught. Items may be put on sale by the guild leadership to raise funds for the guild bank itself, however.
    • Never put ANY gray item in any guild bank tab.
    • One bank tab can only be accessed by members of the highest ranks, and its contents are intended as rewards for players who reach level 80 or higher.
  • Disruptive behavior at guild meetings or in guild chat will not be tolerated for long. That includes using profanity.
  • Abandoning a guild dungeon or raid group without explanation, if not caused by a disconnection from the game, will result in one being severely demoted (see guild ranks below) or even kicked from the guild completely. If you agree to take part in a dungeon or raid, try to stay until the end to ensure the guild gets the guild challenge and the intended guild achievement.
  • Any member caught cheating by using bots or exploits in the game in any way will be kicked from the guild and reported to Blizzard.
  • Guild members who are kicked for violating guild rules will usually never be readmitted. Never invite back to the guild someone who was previously kicked without the permission of the guild leadership.
  • Inactive members may be removed from the guild if they do not log in for at least six months. Exceptions may be made based on certain circumstances. Inactive members who are removed may be readmitted on request.

Guild ranks

Ranking is based on willingness to help others, participation in guild discussions, and obedience to calls from the guild leadership to join dungeon or raid groups.

  • Private - New members, or those who tend to be inactive. Also used as a punishment on members who violate the rules, since Privates cannot access the guild bank at all.
  • Corporal - Usually Privates are promoted to this rank after a time of activity. Lowest rank that can access the guild bank.
  • Sergeant
  • Lieutenant
  • Captain
  • Lt. Colonel - rank held by alts of the Colonels. Lowest rank that can invite others to the guild.
  • Colonel - Junior officers.
  • Lt. General - Alts of Generals. Lowest rank that can remove members from the guild.
  • General - Senior officers, including Bichorak, a co-founder of the guild.
  • President - Rolltowin.