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Race Nether drake
Level 91 elite Boss
Location Hellfire Terrace , Hellfire Containment: Secundus
Status Killable

Zaraxas was just a whelp when Karynaku and her brood were liberated from the Dragonmaw Orcs. However, he and some of his brothers and sisters did not manage to escape the clutches of the Illidari. After spending years growing up under Relchar's care and having resigned himself to spend his life serving the Illidari, Zaraxas serves as Relchar's loyal mount. While Relchar commands the Dawnrage garrison and prevents any army from attacking the citadel by scaling the walls, Zaraxas will ensure that no intruders will approach his master from the skies.


Zaraxas uses the following abilities.

  • Spell arcane blast.png Arcane Blast  —  Zaraxas blasts his target with energy, dealing Arcane damage and giving him an Arcane Charge, increasing Arcane Blast damage by 5% Stacks to 99. 2 second cast.
  • Ability criticalstrike.png Tail Lash — A sweeping tail strike hits all enemies behind the caster, inflicting Physical damage and stunning them for 2 sec.
  • Spell arcane arcane02.png Arcane Breath  —  Zaraxas expels a stream of energy, dealing Arcane damage every second for 5 seconds in a 30 yard cone in front of him. Channeled ability.
  • Spell arcane arcanepotency.png Arcane Attraction  —  Zaraxas increases the Arcane damage taken of a random player by 200% and causes all his minions to attack his target for 10 sec.
  • Spell arcane arcane04.png Create Rift  —  Zaraxas tears a fabric in space, opening 3 Chaotic Rifts near himself. Cast at 50% health

Chaotic Rift

As long as Zaraxas is alive, Chaotic Rifts cannot be destroyed. However, the more the rifts are damaged, the more unstable the rift becomes and the slower the rate of summoning becomes.

  • Inv elemental mote mana.png Summon Zaraxan Wyrm  —  Chaotic Rifts continuously summon Zaraxan Wyrms.
  • Inv elemental primal mana.png Summon Zaraxan Wraith  —  Chaotic Rifts continuously summon Zaraxan Wraiths.

Zaraxan Wyrm

  • Spell nature wispsplode.png Arcane Explosion  —  Causes an explosion of arcane magic around the caster, dealing Arcane damage to all targets within 10 yards.

Zaraxan Wraith

  • Spell nature starfall.png Arcane Missiles  —  Launches magical missiles at an enemy, inflicting Arcane damage each second for 5 seconds. Channeled ability


Aggroing Zaraxas will cause him to land and start the encounter. Zaraxas will cast Arcane Blast on his main target. The tank must face him away from the party to prevent Arcane Breath from hitting too many people. Players need to position themselves at the sides of the drake to avoid Tail Lash and Arcane Breath. Healers must watch out for Arcane Attraction as the player that receives that debuff will take a large amount of damage.

Damage all the Chaotic Rifts to limit the rate of adds spawning during the encounter and kill them as fast as possible lest the party is overrun.

Heroic Mode

  • Zaraxas will now cast Create Rift when he reaches 66% health and another time at 33% health.
  • Zaraxas will gain a new ability:
    • Spell arcane massdispel.png Arcane Winds  —  Zaraxas flies up into the air and commands arcane winds to warp around the room, dealing large amounts of Arcane damage to any player standing in the open every second for 10 seconds. Channeled ability

Heroic Mode Strategy

The major change here is that when Zaraxas moves to the centre of the terrace and channels Arcane Winds, players must hide behind shelter (rocks, pillars, barricades, etc) or they will be killed. Other than that, players will have to deal with a larger number of Zaraxian Wyrms and Wraiths.