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Race(s) Direhorn (Beast)
Level 92 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Athaniar's companion
Location Dawnseeker Promontory, Isle of Thunder
Status Alive

Piatek is Athaniar's companion


  • Ability warrior shieldbreak.png Triple Puncture — A brutal tri-horned strike that inflicts 537,500 Physical damage.
  • Inv misc monsterhorn 07.png Double Swipe Deadly — Piatek swings his massive head and tail to and fro, inflicting 855,000 Physical damage to the enemies in a 35-yard cone in front of and behind himself. This effect happens twice.
  • Ability warrior bullrush.png Charge — Piatek charges at a random enemy, performing a Double Swipe once he reaches their location.
  • Ability physical taunt.png Dire Call —  Piatek emits a powerful roar, inflicting 970,000 Physical damage and increasing the melee attack speed of all allies by 50%.