User:Armen80721/Tol'vir/Kingdom of Uldum

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NeutralKingdom of Uldum
Ramkahen city2.jpg
Main leader IconSmall Ramkahen.gif King Phaoris
Secondary leaders IconSmall Ammunae.gif Ammunae
IconSmall Isiset.gif Isiset
IconSmall Rajh.gif Rajh
IconSmall Setesh.gif Setesh
Race(s) Tol'virTol'vir Tol'vir
IconSmall UldumWatcher.gifIconSmall Anubisath.gifIconSmall Horusath.gif Uldum watcher
IconSmall ObsidianDestroyer.gif Obsidian destroyer
Capital Uldum
Base of operations Uldum
Theater of operations Southern Kalimdor
Affiliation Tol'vir, Titans
Status Active
Tabard Ramkahen Tabard.jpg
The gate to Uldum remained untouched since the beginning of the game's history...
...until the Cataclysm came.
As with Uldaman and Ulduar, Uldum houses one of only a few of the known titan constructions, the existence of which predates that of mortal life on Azeroth. For years historians have explored southern Kalimdor for a means of entry into this ancient titan land, searching for more evidence of Azeroth's origins. But the Cataclysm changed everything, for the façade behind which Uldum has been tucked for millennia had been ruptured, leaving powerful mysteries vulnerable to discovery by the bravest, smartest, or perhaps even most brutal explorers.

Uldum (pronounced: /uːl'duːm/), also known as "the Land of the Titans", is an ancient desert located on the southern coast of Kalimdor, surrounded by the Un'Goro Crater in the north, Tanaris Desert in the east and Silithus in the northwest. It is the homeland of stone-cat people known as Tol'vir and is rich with Titan lore.

A superweapon is rumored to exist in Uldum which the Alliance, Horde and Deathwing's minions sought. However there exist no super weapon - Uldum is the weapon, intended to wipe out all life on Azeroth in case Algalon the Observer's Reply-Code Omega went through to the titans.[1]


The entities known as Obsidian destroyers are actually enslaved titan constructs that were once called the tol'vir. The tol'vir were created to maintain titan lore repositories and titan machinery surrounding the titan cities of Ulduar and Uldum. Not long after the troll empires divided the insectoid kingdom of the aqir, the aqir that traveled north discovered and overthrew the tol'vir society in Northrend. These aqir would eventually become the race we know as the nerubians today, having adapted the tol'vir's architecture for their own purposes. Similarly, the aqir that traveled south ransacked and overthrew a titan research station near Uldum, renaming themselves the qiraji and calling their new home Ahn'Qiraj. Although the Scourge would eventually consume the nerubian empire and throw its few remaining tol'vir slaves into the front lines, it's possible that more tol'vir still exist in the hidden titan city of Uldum or deep within the remnants of Azjol-Nerub.

Civil War

When the tol'vir were afflicted by the Curse of Flesh, they grieved for their weakened bodies, but there seemed to be nothing they could do to reverse it, so they accepted it and went on with their lives. Even so, many never stopped mourning the loss. As during the Cataclysm, Deathwing returned to the world, he aligned himself with the Elemental Lord Al'Akir, the leader of the air elementals, as well as the Old Gods, who were the source of the curse. When Deathwing came to Uldum, he offered the tol'vir a deal: join him, and he would return their original stone forms to them - the curse would be reversed.

The Neferset, led by Dark Pharaoh Tekahn, overwhelmingly agreed to the bargain. Menrim, one of the Neferset, felt differently and tried to convince other Neferset that it was a poor idea they would forever be indebted to Al'Akir and Deathwing. Neferset however were arrogant, believing they could overthrow them and regain their independence once their old forms had been restored. When the people of Orsis refused, Al'Akir buried the city beneath the sands in a great windstorm. The Ramkahen were given the same choice but refused, they however have taken steps to insure their safety after seeing the aftermath of the attack on Orsis.

With the help of from both Horde and the Alliance, the Ramkahen has managed to take Neferset City and push the Neferset tribe back. The Ramkahen now control most of the tol'vir settlements in Uldum, while the Neferset still hold the southern part of the delta and their stronghold in the Lost City.


After the victory of the Ramkahen, the Neferset declared their loyalty to King Phaoris. The Ramkahen, Orsis and Neferset captured the Skywall and enslaved the air elementals. Moreover, the king have sent his agents deep within Uldum to find the other tol'vir tribes hidden deep under the desert.

  1. ^ Uldum Guide - WoW: Cataclysm. (2010-12-08). Retrieved on 2010-12-31.